Enum Layer.LayerBehavior


API Level:

Enumeration for the behavior of the layer.

public enum LayerBehavior
Name Description

Layer will use depth test. This mode is designed for a 3 dimensional scene where actors in front of other actors will obscure them, i.e. the actors are sorted by the distance from the camera.
When using this mode, a depth test will be used. A depth clear will happen for each layer, which means actors in a layer "above" other layers will be rendered in front of actors in those layers regardless of their Z positions (see Layer::Raise() and Layer::Lower()).
Opaque renderers are drawn first and write to the depth buffer. Then transparent renderers are drawn with depth test enabled but depth write switched off. Transparent renderers are drawn based on their distance from the camera. A renderer's DEPTH_INDEX property is used to offset the distance to the camera when ordering transparent renderers. This is useful if you want to define the draw order of two or more transparent renderers that are equal distance from the camera. Unlike LAYER_UI, parent-child relationship does not affect rendering order at all.


UI control rendering mode (default mode). This mode is designed for UI controls that can overlap. In this mode renderer order will be respective to the tree hierarchy of Actors.
The rendering order is depth first, so for the following actor tree, A will be drawn first, then B, D, E, then C, F. This ensures that overlapping actors are drawn as expected (whereas, with breadth first traversal, the actors would interleave).