Enum ErrorCode
- Namespace:
- Tizen.Internals.Errors
- Assembly:
- Tizen.dll
- API Level:
- 3
Error codes used inside Tizen .NET API implementation.
C#Copypublic enum ErrorCode
Name | Description |
AddresInUse | Address already in use. |
AddressFamilyNotSupported | Address family not supported by protocol. |
AlreadyInProgress | Operation already in progress. |
ArgumentListTooLong | Argument list too long. |
ArgumentOutOfDomain | Math argument out of domain of the function. |
BadAddress | Bad address. |
BadFileNumber | Bad file number. |
BlockDeviceRequired | Block device required. |
BrokenPipe | Broken pipe. |
BufferSpace | No buffer space available. |
Canceled | Operation Canceled. |
CannotAssignAddress | Cannot assign requested address. |
ConnectionAborted | Software caused the connection to abort. |
ConnectionRefused | Connection refused. |
ConnectionResetByPeer | Connection reset by the peer. |
ConnectionTimeout | Connection timed out. |
CorruptedSharedLib | Accessing a corrupted shared library. |
CrossDeviceLink | Cross-device link. |
DirNotEmpty | Directory not empty. |
EndofCollection | The end of collection. |
EndpointConnected | Transport endpoint already connected. |
EndpointNotConnected | Transport endpoint not connected. |
EndpointOperatinNotSupported | Operation not supported on the transport endpoint. |
EndpointShutdown | Cannot send after the transport endpoint shutdown. |
ExecFormatError | Executable format error. |
FileExists | File exists. |
FileNameTooLong | File name too long. |
FileNoLocksAvailable | No record locks available. |
FileNoSpaceOnDevice | No space left on device. |
FileTableOverflow | File table overflow. |
FileTooLarge | File too large. |
Hostdown | Host down. |
IllegalByteSeq | Illegal byte sequence. |
IllegalSeek | Illegal seek. |
InterruptedSysCall | Interrupted system call. |
InvalidOperation | Function not implemented. |
InvalidParameter | Invalid function parameter. |
IoError | I/O error. |
IsADirectory | Is a directory. |
IsNamedTypeFile | Is a named type file. |
KeyExpired | Key has expired. |
KeyNotAvailable | Required key not available. |
KeyRejected | Key was rejected by the service. |
KeyRevoked | Key has been revoked. |
LibSectionCorrupted | .lib section in a.out corrupted. |
LinkTooManySharedLib | Attempting to link in too many shared libraries. |
MsgTooLong | Message too long. |
Networkdown | Network down. |
NetworkReset | Network dropped the connection because of the reset. |
NetworkUnreachable | Network unreachable. |
NoData | No data available. |
NoDestAddress | Destination address required. |
NoMedium | No medium found. |
None | Successful. |
NonSocket | Socket operation on non-socket. |
NoRouteToHost | No route to host. |
NoSuchDevice | No such device or address. |
NoSuchFile | No such file or directory. |
NoSuchProcess | No such process. |
NotaDirectory | Not a directory. |
NotPermitted | Operation not permitted. |
NotSupported | Not supported. |
NotXenixNamedTypeFile | Not a XENIX named type file. |
NowInProgress | Operation now in progress. |
NoXenixSemaphoresAvailable | No XENIX semaphores available. |
OutOfMemory | Out of memory. |
OwnerDead | Owner died (for robust mutexes). |
PermissionDenied | Permission denied. |
ProtocolFamilyNotSupported | Protocol family not supported. |
ProtocolNotAvaliable | Protocol not available. |
ProtocolNotSupported | Protocol not supported. |
ProtocolWrongType | Protocol wrong type for socket. |
QuotaExceeded | Quota exceeded. |
ReadOnlyFilesystem | Read-only file system. |
RemoteIo | Remote I/O error. |
ResourceBusy | Device or resource busy. |
ResultOutOfRange | Math result not representable. |
SharedLibExec | Cannot execute a shared library directly. |
SocketTypeNotSupported | Socket type not supported. |
StaleNfsFileHandle | Stale NFS file handle. |
StreamsPipe | Streams pipe error. |
StructureUnclean | Structure needs cleaning. |
SystemCallRestart | Interrupted system call should be restarted. |
TimedOut | Timed out. |
TooManyLinks | Too many links. |
TooManyOpenFiles | Too many open files. |
TooManyReferences | Too many references: cannot splice. |
TooManySymbolicLinks | Too many symbolic links encountered. |
TooManyUsers | Too many users. |
TooNotaTerminal | Not a terminal. |
TooTextFileBusy | Too text file busy. |
TryAgain | Try again. |
Unknown | Unknown error. |
UserNotConsented | Not consented. |
WouldBlock | Operation would block. |
WouldCauseDeadlock | Resource deadlock would occur. |
WrongMediumType | Wrong medium type. |