Enum BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType
- Namespace:
- Tizen.Network.Bluetooth
- Assembly:
- Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.dll
- API Level:
- 3
Enumeration for the Bluetooth minor device class types.
C#Copypublic enum BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType
Name | Description |
AudioVideoCamcorder | Camcorder audio/video minor class type. |
AudioVideoCarAudio | The car audio audio/video minor class type. |
AudioVideoGamingToy | The gaming/toy audio/video minor class type. |
AudioVideoHandsFree | The hands free audio/video minor class type. |
AudioVideoHeadphones | The headphones audio/video minor class type. |
AudioVideoHifiAudioDevice | The Hi-Fi audio/video minor class type. |
AudioVideoLoudspeaker | The loudspeaker audio/video minor class type. |
AudioVideoMicrophone | The microphone audio/video minor class type. |
AudioVideoPortableAudio | The portable audio audio/video minor class type. |
AudioVideoSetTopBox | The SetTopbox audio/video minor class type. |
AudioVideoUncategorized | The uncategorized audio/video minor class type. |
AudioVideoVcr | The VCR audio/video minor class type. |
AudioVideoVideoCamera | The video camera audio/video minor class type. |
AudioVideoVideoConferencing | The video conferencing audio/video minor class type. |
AudioVideoVideoDisplayLoudspeaker | The video display and loudspeaker audio/video minor class type. |
AudioVideoVideoMonitor | The video monitor audio/video minor class type. |
AudioVideoWearableHeadset | The wearable headset audio/video minor class type. |
ComputerDesktopWorkstation | The desktop workstation computer minor class type. |
ComputerHandheldPcOrPda | The handheld PC/PDA computer minor class type. |
ComputerLaptop | The laptop computer minor class type. |
ComputerPalmSizedPcOrPda | The palm sized PC/PDA computer minor class type. |
ComputerServer | The server computer minor class type. |
ComputerUncategorized | The uncategorized computer minor class type. |
ComputerWearableComputer | The wearable computer minor class type. |
HealthAnkleProsthesis | The ankle prosthesis health minor class type. |
HealthBloodPressureMonitor | The BP monitor health minor class type. |
HealthBodyCompositionAnalyzer | The body composition analyzer health minor class type. |
HealthDataDisplay | The display health minor class type. |
HealthGlucoseMeter | The glucose meter health minor class type. |
HealthHeartPulseRateMonitor | The heart/pulse rate monitor health minor class type. |
HealthKneeProsthesis | The knee prosthesis health minor class type. |
HealthMedicationMonitor | The medication monitor health minor class type. |
HealthPeakFlowMonitor | The peak flow monitor health minor class type. |
HealthPulseOximeter | The pulse oximeter health minor class type. |
HealthStepCounter | The step counter health minor class type. |
HealthThermometer | The thermometer health minor class type. |
HealthUncategorized | The uncategorized health minor class type. |
HealthWeighingScale | The scale health minor class type. |
ImagingCamera | The camera imaging minor class type. |
ImagingDisplay | The display imaging minor class type. |
ImagingPrinter | The printer imaging minor class type. |
ImagingScanner | The scanner imaging minor class type. |
LanNetworkAccessPoint17To33PercentUtilized | 17-33% utilized LAN/Network access point minor class type. |
LanNetworkAccessPoint1To17PercentUtilized | 1-17% utilized LAN/Network access point minor class type. |
LanNetworkAccessPoint33To50PercentUtilized | 33-50% utilized LAN/Network access point minor class type. |
LanNetworkAccessPoint50To67PercentUtilized | 50-67% utilized LAN/Network access point minor class type. |
LanNetworkAccessPoint67To83PercentUtilized | 67-83% utilized LAN/Network access point minor class type. |
LanNetworkAccessPoint83To99PercentUtilized | 83-99% utilized LAN/Network access point minor class type. |
LanNetworkAccessPointFullyAvailable | Fully available LAN/Network access point minor class type. |
LanNetworkAccessPointNoServiceAvailable | No service available LAN/Network access point minor class type. |
PeripheralCardReader | The card reader peripheral minor class type. |
PeripheralComboKeyboardPointingDevice | The combo keyboard peripheral minor class type. |
PeripheralDigitalPen | The digital pen peripheral minor class type. |
PeripheralDigitizerTablet | The digitizer peripheral minor class type. |
PeripheralGamePad | The game pad peripheral minor class type. |
PeripheralHandheldGesturalInputDevice | The handheld gestural input computer minor class type. |
PeripheralHandheldScanner | The handheld scanner peripheral minor class type. |
PeripheralJoystick | The joystick peripheral minor class type. |
PeripheralKeyBoard | The keyboard peripheral minor class type. |
PeripheralPointingDevice | The pointing device peripheral minor class type. |
PeripheralRemoteControl | The remote control peripheral minor class type. |
PeripheralSensingDevice | The sensing device peripheral minor class type. |
PeripheralUncategorized | The uncategorized peripheral minor class type. |
PhoneCellular | The cellular phone minor class type. |
PhoneCommonIsdnAccess | The ISDN phone minor class type. |
PhoneCordless | The cordless phone minor class type. |
PhoneSmartPhone | The smartphone phone minor class type. |
PhoneUncategorized | The unclassified phone minor class type. |
PhoneWiredModemOrVoiceGateway | The wired modem or voice gateway phone minor class type. |
ToyController | The controller toy minor class type. |
ToyDollAction | The doll toy minor class type. |
ToyGame | The game toy minor class type. |
ToyRobot | The robot toy minor class type. |
ToyVehicle | The vehicle toy minor class type. |
WearableGlasses | The glasses wearable minor class type. |
WearableHelmet | The helmet wearable minor class type. |
WearableJacket | The jacket wearable minor class type. |
WearablePager | The pager wearable minor class type. |
WearableWristWatch | The wrist watch wearable minor class type. |