Enum WebPageLoadError.ErrorCode
- Assembly:
- Tizen.NUI.dll
Enumeration for the load error code
C#Copypublic enum WebPageLoadError.ErrorCode
Name | Description |
Authentication | User authentication failed on the server. |
BadUrl | Malformed URL. |
Canceled | User canceled. |
CannotConnect | Cannot connect to the network. |
CannotLookupHost | Fail to look up host from the DNS. |
CantSupportMimetype | Can't show the page for this MIME type. |
FailedFileIo | File IO error. |
FailedTlsHandshake | Fail to SSL/TLS handshake. |
InternalServer | Web server has an internal server error. |
InvalidCertificate | Received certificate is invalid. |
Other | Other error. |
RequestTimeout | Connection timeout. |
TooManyRedirects | Too many redirects. |
TooManyRequests | Too many requests during this load. |
Unknown | Unknown. |
UnsupportedScheme | Unsupported scheme. |