Tizen Native API
The Basics of Tizen Native API Reference
Native API Reference
Ecore Examples
Here is a page with some Ecore examples explained:
ecore_time - Differences between time functions
ecore timers - Scheduled events
ecore idle state - Idlers, enterers and exiters
ecore_job - Queuing tasks
Handling events example
ecore events and handlers - Setup and use
ecore fd handlers - Monitoring file descriptors
ecore poller - Repetitive polling tasks
Ecore_Con - DNS lookup
Ecore_Con_Url - downloading a file
Ecore_Con - Creating a server
Ecore_Con - Creating a client
Ecore Evas Callbacks
Ecore Evas Object example
Ecore Evas basics example
Ecore_Evas window size hints
Ecore_Evas buffer example
Ecore_Evas (image) buffer example
ecore_imf - How to handle preedit and commit string from Input Method Framework
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