Machine Learning

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(M) TextClassification

This sample application demonstrates how to use the NNStreamer single-shot API using Tizen.MachineLearning.Inference.SingleShot.

Based on the given sentences, the text is classified into predefined groups. These predefined groups serve as an input to the pre-trained models to predict whether a paragraph is positive or negative.

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(W) OrientationDetection

This sample application demonstrates how to use machine learning and sensor data using Tizen.MachineLearning.Inference.Pipeline.

It passes accelerometer sensor data stream to a neural network (tensorflow-lite model) and predicts one of four orientations of the device:

  • 12 o'clock is upward.
  • 3 o'clock is upward.
  • 6 o'clock is upward.
  • 9 o'clock is upward.

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