
The slider component shows on the screen a control that you can use to change values by dragging a handle on a circular scale.

Table of Contents

  1. Manual Constructor
  2. HTML Examples
  3. Options
  4. Methods

Default Selectors

By default, all <input> elements with the type="range" attribute and data-type="range" and data-role="slider" are displayed as Tizen Web UI sliders.

Manual Constructor

To manually create a slider component, use the component constructor from the tau namespace

HTML code:

<input id="slider"/>

JS code:

var sliderElement = document.getElementById("slider"),
    slider = tau.widget.Slider(sliderElement);

The constructor requires an HTMLElement parameter to create the component, and you can get it with the document.getElementById() method. The constructor can also take a second parameter, which is an object defining the configuration options for the component.

HTML Examples

To create slider input:

<input type="range" name="slider-1" id="slider" value="60" min="0" max="100"/>


The following table lists the options for the slider component.

Option Input type Default value Description
bgcolor string "rgba(61, 185, 204, 0.4)" Background color for inactive slider line.
buttons boolean false Enable additional + / - buttons
containerClassName string null Sets the class name of CircleProgressBar container.
endPoint boolean true Indicator of current slider position.
margin number 7 In circle slider define size of margin.
size number | "full" | "large" | "medium" | "small" | null "full" Sets the size of CircleProgressBar.
thickness number 8 Sets the border width of CircleProgressBar.
touchableWidth number 50 In circle slider define size of touchable area on border.
type "circle" | "normal" "circle" Sets type of slider.


To call a method on the component, use one of the existing APIs:

HTML code:

<input id="slider" type="range" name="slider-1" value="60" min="0" max="100"/>

JS code:

var slider = document.getElementById("slider"),
    slider = tau.widget.Slider(slider);

   slider.methodName(methodArgument1, methodArgument2, ...);
   For example:
var value = slider.value();


Method Description
Slider disable() 

Disables the slider.

Slider enable() 

Enables the slider.

Slider refresh() 

Refreshes a slider markup.

number value() 

Gets or sets a value.


Disables the slider.

Slider disable() 

The method sets the disabled attribute for the slider and changes the look of the slider to the disabled state.

Return value:

Type Description
Slider Returns this.

Code example:

HTML code:

<input id="Slider" name="slider-1" type="range" value="5" min="0" max="10"/>

JS code:

var slider = document.getElementById("Slider"),
    sliderWidget = tau.widget.Slider(slider);

Enables the slider.

Slider enable() 

The method removes the disabled attribute from the slider and changes the look of the slider to the enabled state.

Return value:

Type Description
Slider Returns this.

Code example :

HTML code:

<input id="Slider" name="slider-1" type="range" value="5" min="0" max="10"/>

JS code:

var slider = document.getElementById("Slider"),
    sliderWidget = tau.widget.Slider(slider);

Refreshes a slider markup.

Slider refresh() 

The method rebuilds the DOM structure of the slider component. It must be called after you manually change the HTML attributes of the component's DOM structure.

The method is called automatically after any component option is changed.

Return value:

Type Description
Slider Returns this.

Code example :

HTML code:

<input id="Slider" name="slider-1" type="range" value="5" min="0" max="10"/>

JS code:

var slider = document.getElementById("Slider"),
    sliderWidget = tau.widget.Slider(slider);

Gets or sets a value.

number value() 

Since: 2.3

The method returns the element value or sets the element value.

Return value:

Type Description
number In the get mode, returns the element value.

Code example :

HTML code:

<input id="Slider" name="slider-1" type="range" value="5" min="0" max="10"/>

JS code:

var slider = document.getElementById("Slider"),
    sliderWidget = tau.widget.Slider(slider);
/* Get the slider value */
value = sliderWidget.value();
/* Set the value for the slider */