Enum Role
- Namespace:
- Tizen.NUI.BaseComponents
- Assembly:
- Tizen.NUI.dll
The accessibility role.
C#Copypublic enum Role : int
For more information about AT-SPI2 role definition, please refer to https://developer.gnome.org/libatspi/stable/libatspi-atspi-constants.html#AtspiRole
Name | Description |
AcceleratorLabel | Accelerator label. |
Alert | Alert. |
Animation | Animation. |
Application | Application. |
Arrow | Arrow. |
Article | Article. |
Audio | Audio. |
Autocomplete | Autocomplete. |
BlockQuote | Block quotation. |
Calendar | Calendar. |
Canvas | Canvas. |
Caption | Caption. |
Chart | Chart. |
CheckBox | Checkbox. |
CheckMenuItem | Check menu item. |
ColorChooser | Color chooser. |
ColumnHeader | Column header. |
ComboBox | Combo box. |
Comment | Comment. |
DateEditor | Date editor. |
Definition | Definition. |
DesktopFrame | Desktop frame. |
DesktopIcon | Desktop icon. |
Dial | Dial. |
Dialog | Dialog. |
DirectoryPane | Directory pane. |
DocumentEmail | Document email. |
DocumentFrame | Document frame. |
DocumentPresentation | Document presentation. |
DocumentSpreadsheet | Document spreadsheet. |
DocumentText | Document text. |
DocumentWeb | Document web. |
DrawingArea | Drawing area. |
Editbar | Editbar. |
Embedded | Embedded. |
Entry | Entry. |
Extended | Extended. |
FileChooser | File chooser. |
Filler | Filler. |
FocusTraversable | Focus traversable. |
FontChooser | Font chooser. |
Footer | Footer. |
Form | Form. |
Frame | Frame. |
GlassPane | Glass pane. |
Grouping | Grouping. |
Header | Header. |
Heading | Heading. |
HtmlContainer | Html container. |
Icon | Icon. |
Image | Image. |
ImageMap | Image map. |
InfoBar | Information bar. |
InputMethodWindow | Input method window. |
InternalFrame | Internal frame. |
Invalid | Invalid. |
Label | Label. |
Landmark | Landmark. |
LayeredPane | Layered pane. |
LevelBar | Level bar. |
Link | Link. |
List | List. |
ListBox | List box. |
ListItem | List item. |
Log | Log. |
Marquee | Marquee. |
Math | Math. |
MathFraction | Math fraction. |
MathRoot | Math root. |
MaxCount | Max count. |
Menu | Menu. |
MenuBar | Menu bar. |
MenuItem | Menu item. |
Notification | Notification. |
OptionPane | Option pane. |
Page | Page. |
PageTab | Page tab. |
PageTabList | Page tab list. |
Panel | Panel. |
Paragraph | Paragraph. |
PasswordText | Password text. |
PopupMenu | Popup menu. |
ProgressBar | Progress bar. |
PushButton | Push button. |
RadioButton | Radio button. |
RadioMenuItem | Radio menu item. |
Rating | Rating. |
RedundantObject | Redundant object. |
RootPane | Root pane. |
RowHeader | Row header. |
Ruler | Ruler. |
ScrollBar | Scrollbar. |
ScrollPane | Scroll pane. |
Section | Section. |
Separator | Separator. |
Slider | Slider. |
SpinButton | Spin button. |
SplitPane | Split pane. |
Static | Static. |
StatusBar | Status bar. |
Subscript | Subscript. |
Superscript | Superscript. |
Table | Table. |
TableCell | Table cell. |
TableColumnHeader | Table coulmn header. |
TableRow | Table row. |
TableRowHeader | Table row header. |
TearoffMenuItem | Tear-off menu item. |
Terminal | Terminal. |
Text | Text. |
Timer | Timer. |
TitleBar | Title bar. |
ToggleButton | Toggle button. |
ToolBar | Toolbar. |
ToolTip | Tooltip. |
Tree | Tree. |
TreeItem | Tree item. |
TreeTable | Tree table. |
Unknown | Unknown. |
Video | Video. |
Viewport | Viewport. |
Window | Window. |