Tizen Native API  8.0

This page provides information about views with properties.


A view is a structure which describes properties of a record. A record can have basic properties of four types: integer, string, long integer. Each property of basic type has functions to operate on it:

Property Setter Getter
integer calendar_record_set_int() calendar_record_get_int()
long long integer calendar_record_set_lli() calendar_record_get_lli()
double calendar_record_set_double() calendar_record_get_double()
string calendar_record_set_str() calendar_record_get_str()
calendar_time_s calendar_record_set_caltime() calendar_record_get_caltime()

For long long integer functions, "lli" stands for long long int, usually used to hold UTC time. Below you can find tables with view properties. Properties of type 'record' are other records. For example, the _calendar_event view has a 'calendar_alarm' property of type 'record'. This means that records of type calendar_alarm (_calendar_alarm view) can be children of the event record. If a name record holds the identifier of a event record in its 'event_id' property, it is the child record of the corresponding event record. Records can have many children of a given type. Please refer to the main section of Calendar API for a more detailed explanation and examples.

Required Header

#include <calendar.h>

_calendar_book view

Type Property ID Read, Write Description
string _uri read only Identifier of this calendar book view
integer id read only DB record ID of the calendar book
string uid read, write Unique identifier
string name read, write Calendar book name
string description read, write Calendar book description
string color read, write Calendar book color for UX
string location read, write Location of the event
integer visibility read, write Visibility of the calendar book for UX
integer sync_event read, write Currently NOT Used
integer account_id read, write once Account for this calendar
integer store_type read, write Type of calendar contents(refer to the calendar_book_type_e)
string sync_data1 read, write Generic data for use by syncing
string sync_data2 read, write Generic data for use by syncing
string sync_data3 read, write Generic data for use by syncing
string sync_data4 read, write Generic data for use by syncing
integer mode read, write Calendar book mode (refer to the calendar_book_mode_e)

_calendar_event view

Type Property ID Read, Write Description
string _uri read only Identifier of this event view
integer id read only DB record ID of the event
integer calendar_book_id read, write ID of the calendar book to which the event belongs
string summary read, write The short description of the event
string description read, write The description of the event
string location read, write The location of the event
string categories read, write The category of the event. For example APPOINTMENT, BIRTHDAY
string exdate read, write The exception list of the event. If this event has a recurrence rule, the instance of the exdate is removed. Format is "YYYYMMDD"(allday event) or "YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS". Multiple exceptions can be included with a comma
integer event_status read, write Refer to the calendar_event_status_e
integer priority read, write Refer to the calendar_event_priority_e
integer timezone read, write The timezone_id of the event if it exists. Refer to the _calendar_timezone view
integer person_id read, write The person_id of the event if the event is a birthday. Refer to the contacts-service
integer busy_status read, write Refer to the calendar_event_busy_status_e
integer sensitivity read, write Refer to the calendar_sensitivity_e
string uid read, write The unique ID of the event
string organizer_name read, write The name of organizer of the event
string organizer_email read, write The email address of the organizer of the event
integer meeting_status read, write Refer to the calendar_meeting_status_e
integer original_event_id read, write The ID of the original event if the event is an exception.
double latitude read, write The latitude of the location of the event
double longitude read, write The longitude of the location of the event
integer email_id read, write ID of the email_id. Refer to the email-service.
long long int created_time read, write The time when the event is created
long long int last_modified_time read only The time when the event is updated
integer is_deleted read only
integer freq read, write The frequent type of event recurrence. Refer to the calendar_recurrence_frequency_e
integer range_type read, write Refer to the calendar_range_type_e
calendar time until_time read, write The end time of the event recurrence. If the range_type is CALENDAR_RANGE_UNTIL
integer count read, write The count of the event recurrence. If the range_type is CALENDAR_RANGE_COUNT
integer interval read, write The interval of the event recurrence
string bysecond read, write The second list of the event recurrence. The value can be from 0 to 59. The list is seperated by commas
string byminute read, write The minute list of the event recurrence. The value can be from 0 to 59. The list is seperated by commas
string byhour read, write The hour list of the event recurrence. The value can be from 0 to 23. The list is seperated by commas
string byday read, write The day list of the event recurrence. The value can be SU, MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA. The list is seperated by commas
string bymonthday read, write The month day list of the event recurrence. The value can be from 1 to 31 and from -31 to -1. The list is seperated by commas
string byyearday read, write The year day list of the event recurrence. The value can be from 1 to 366 and from -366 to -1. The list is seperated by commas
string byweekno read, write The week number list of the event recurrence. The value can be from 1 to 53 and from -53 to -1. The list is seperated by commas
string bymonth read, write The month list of the event recurrence. The value can be from 1 to 12. The list is seperated by commas
string bysetpos read, write The position list of the event recurrence. The value can be from 1 to 366 and from -366 to -1. The list is seperated by commas
integer wkst read, write The start day of the week. Refer to the calendar_days_of_week_e
string recurrence_id read, write RECURRENCE-ID of RFC #2445
string rdate read, write RDATE of RFC #2445
integer has_attendee read only Whether or not the event has an attendee list
integer has_alarm read only Whether or not the event has an alarm list
integer calendar_system_type read, write Refer to the calendar_system_type_e
string sync_data1 read, write The sync data of the event. If developer need to save some information related to the event, they can use this property
string sync_data2 read, write The sync data of the event. If developer need to save some information related to the event, they can use this property
string sync_data3 read, write The sync data of the event. If developer need to save some information related to the event, they can use this property
string sync_data4 read, write The sync data of the event. If developer need to save some information related to the event, they can use this property
calendar time start_time read, write The start time of the event
string start_tzid read, write The timezone of the start_time
calendar time end_time read, write The end time of the event
string end_tzid read, write The timezone of the end_time
child list calendar_alarm read, write The alarm list of the event. Refer to the _calendar_alarm view
child list calendar_attendee read, write The attendee list of the event. Refer to the _calendar_attendee view
child list exception read, write The exception mod event list of the event
child list extended read, write The extended property list of the event. Refer to the _calendar_extended_property view (read only)
integer is_allday read only The event is an allday event or not
integer link_count read only The event is a linked event (Since 4.0)
integer link_base_id read only The event is a base linked event (Since 4.0)

_calendar_todo view

Type Property ID Read, Write Description
string _uri read only Identifier of this todo view
integer id read only DB record ID of the todo
integer calendar_book_id read, write ID of the calendar book to which the todo belongs
string summary read, write The short description of the todo
string description read, write The description of the todo
string location read, write The location of the todo
string categories read, write The category of the todo. For example APPOINTMENT, BIRTHDAY
integer todo_status read, write Refer to the calendar_todo_status_e
integer priority read, write Refer to the calendar_todo_priority_e
integer sensitivity read, write Refer to the calendar_sensitivity_e
string uid read, write The unique ID of the todo
double latitude read, write The latitude of the location of the todo
double longitude read, write The longitude of the location of the todo
long long int created_time read, write The time when the todo is created
long long int last_modified_time read only The time when the todo is updated
long long int completed_time read, write The time when the todo is completed
integer progress read, write The progression of the todo. The value can be from 0 to 100
integer is_deleted read only
integer freq read, write The frequent type of todo recurrence. Refer to the calendar_recurrence_frequency_e
integer range_type read, write Refer to the calendar_range_type_e
calendar time until_time read, write The end time of the todo recurrence. If the range_type is CALENDAR_RANGE_UNTIL
integer count read, write The count of the todo recurrence. If the range_type is CALENDAR_RANGE_COUNT
integer interval read, write The interval of the todo recurrence
string bysecond read, write The second list of the todo recurrence. The value can be from 0 to 59. The list is seperated by commas
string byminute read, write The minute list of the todo recurrence. The value can be from 0 to 59. The list is seperated by commas
string byhour read, write The hour list of the todo recurrence. The value can be from 0 to 23. The list is seperated by commas
string byday read, write The day list of the todo recurrence. The value can be SU, MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA. The list is seperated by commas
string bymonthday read, write The month day list of the todo recurrence. The value can be from 1 to 31 and from -31 to -1. The list is seperated by commas
string byyearday read, write The year day list of the todo recurrence. The value can be from 1 to 366 and from -366 to -1. The list is seperated by commas
string byweekno read, write The week number list of the todo recurrence. The value can be from 1 to 53 and from -53 to -1. The list is seperated by commas
string bymonth read, write The month list of the todo recurrence. The value can be from 1 to 12. The list is seperated by commas
string bysetpos read, write The position list of the todo recurrence. The value can be from 1 to 366 and from -366 to -1. The list is seperated by commas
integer wkst read, write The start day of the week. Refer to the calendar_days_of_week_e
integer has_alarm read only Whether or not the todo has an alarm list
string sync_data1 read, write The sync data of the todo. If developers need to save some information related to the todo, they can use this property
string sync_data2 read, write The sync data of the todo. If developers need to save some information related to the todo, they can use this property
string sync_data3 read, write The sync data of the todo. If developers need to save some information related to the todo, they can use this property
string sync_data4 read, write The sync data of the todo. If developers need to save some information related to the todo, they can use this property
calendar time start_time read, write The start time of the todo
string start_tzid read, write The timezone of the start_time
calendar time due_time read, write The due time of the todo
string due_tzid read, write The timezone of the due_time
child list calendar_alarm read, write The alarm list of the todo. Refer to the _calendar_alarm view
string organizer_name read, write The name of the organizer of the event
string organizer_email read, write The email address of the organizer of the event
integer has_attendee read only Whether or not the todo has an attendee list
child list calendar_attendee read, write The attendee list of the todo. Refer to the _calendar_attendee view
child list extended read, write The extended property list of the todo. Refer to the _calendar_extended_property view (read only)
integer is_allday read only The todo is an allday event or not

_calendar_timezone view

Type Property ID Read, Write Description
string _uri read only Identifier of this timezone view
integer id read only DB record ID of the timezone
integer calendar_book_id read, write DB record ID of a related calendar book
integer tz_offset_from_gmt read, write UTC offset which is in use when the onset of this time zone observance begins. Valid values are -720(-12:00) to 840(+14:00)
string standard_name read, write Name of the Standard Time
integer standard_start_month read, write Starting month of the Standard Time. Month is 0-based. eg, 0 for January
integer standard_start_position_of_week read, write Starting day-of-week-in-month of the Standard Time. Day is 1-based
integer standard_start_day read, write Starting day-of-week of the Standard Time. Valid values are 1(SUNDAY) to 7(SATURDAY)
integer standard_start_hour read, write Starting hour of the Standard Time. Valid values are 0 to 23
integer standard_bias read, write The number of minutes added during the Standard Time
string day_light_name read, write Name of Daylight
integer day_light_start_month read, write Starting month of Daylight. Month is 0-based. eg, 0 for January
integer day_light_start_position_of_week read, write Starting day-of-week-in-month of Daylight. Day is 1-based
integer day_light_start_day read, write Starting day-of-week of Daylight. Valid values are 1(SUNDAY) to 7(SATURDAY)
integer day_light_start_hour read, write Starting hour of Daylight. Valid values are 0 to 23
integer day_light_bias read, write The number of minutes added during Daylight Time

_calendar_attendee view

Type Property ID Read, Write Description
string _uri read only Identifier of this calendar attendee view
integer event_id read only Event/TODO that the attendee belongs to
string number read, write The number of the attendee
integer person_id read, write Person ID that the attendee belongs to
string uid read, write Unique identifier
string email read, write The email address of the attendee
integer rsvp read, write RSVP invitation reply (one of true, false)
string delegatee_uri read, write Delegatee (DELEGATED-TO)
string delegator_uri read, write Delegator (DELEGATED-FROM)
string name read, write Attendee name
string member read, write Group that the attendee belongs to

_calendar_alarm view

Type Property ID Read, Write Description
string _uri read only Identifier of this calendar alarm view
integer parent_id read only Event that the alarm belongs to
integer type read, write Currently NOT used
long long int time read, write The alarm time of the event(This represents the number of seconds elapsed since the Epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000(UTC)). This MUST be used with CALENDAR_ALARM_TIME_UNIT_SPECIFIC
integer tick read, write The number of unit before start time. This MUST be used with one of CALENDAR_ALARM_TIME_UNIT_MINUTE, CALENDAR_ALARM_TIME_UNIT_HOUR, CALENDAR_ALARM_TIME_UNIT_DAY, CALENDAR_ALARM_TIME_UNIT_WEEK.
string attach read, write Alarm tone path
string summary read, write Alarm summary
string description read, write Alarm description
calendar time alarm_time read, write The alarm time

_calendar_updated_info view (read only)

Type Property ID Description
string _uri Identifier of this updated_info view
integer id Modified event(or todo) record ID
integer calendar_book_id Calendar book ID of the modified event(or todo) record
integer modified_status Enumeration value of the modified status (calendar_record_modified_status_e)
integer version Version after change

_calendar_event_calendar_book view (read only)

Type Property ID
string _uri
integer event_id
integer calendar_book_id
string summary
string description
string location
string categories
string exdate
integer event_status
integer priority
integer timezone
integer person_id
integer busy_status
integer sensitivity
string uid
string organizer_name
string organizer_email
integer meeting_status
integer original_event_id
double latitude
double longitude
integer email_id
long long int created_time
long long int last_modified_time
integer freq
integer range_type
calendar time until_time
integer count
integer interval
string bysecond
string byminute
string byhour
string byday
string bymonthday
string byyearday
string byweekno
string bymonth
string bysetpos
integer wkst
string recurrence_id
string rdate
integer has_attendee
integer has_alarm
integer calendar_system_type
string sync_data1
string sync_data2
string sync_data3
string sync_data4
calendar time start_time
string start_tzid
calendar time end_time
string end_tzid
filter integer calendar_book_visibility
filter integer calendar_book_account_id

_calendar_todo_calendar_book view (read only)

Type Property ID
string _uri
integer todo_id
integer calendar_book_id
string summary
string description
string location
string categories
integer todo_status
integer priority
integer sensitivity
string uid
double latitude
double longitude
long long int created_time
long long int last_modified_time
long long int completed_time
integer progress
integer freq
integer range_type
calendar time until_time
integer count
integer interval
string bysecond
string byminute
string byhour
string byday
string bymonthday
string byyearday
string byweekno
string bymonth
string bysetpos
integer wkst
integer has_alarm
string sync_data1
string sync_data2
string sync_data3
string sync_data4
calendar time start_time
string start_tzid
calendar time due_time
string due_tzid
filter integer calendar_book_visibility
filter integer calendar_book_account_id

_calendar_event_calendar_book_attendee view (read only)

Type Property ID
string _uri
integer event_id
integer calendar_book_id
string summary
string description
string location
string categories
string exdate
integer event_status
integer priority
integer timezone
integer person_id
integer busy_status
integer sensitivity
string uid
string organizer_name
string organizer_email
integer meeting_status
integer original_event_id
double latitude
double longitude
integer email_id
long long int created_time
long long int last_modified_time
integer freq
integer range_type
calendar time until_time
integer count
integer interval
string bysecond
string byminute
string byhour
string byday
string bymonthday
string byyearday
string byweekno
string bymonth
string bysetpos
integer wkst
string recurrence_id
string rdate
integer has_attendee
integer has_alarm
integer calendar_system_type
string sync_data1
string sync_data2
string sync_data3
string sync_data4
calendar time start_time
string start_tzid
calendar time end_time
string end_tzid
filter integer calendar_book_visibility
filter integer calendar_book_account_id
filter string attendee_email
filter string attendee_name
filter string attendee_member

_calendar_instance_utime_calendar_book view

Type Property ID
string _uri
integer event_id
calendar time start_time
calendar time end_time
string summary
string location
integer calendar_book_id
string description
integer busy_status
integer event_status
integer priority
integer sensitivity
integer has_rrule
double latitude
double longitude
integer has_alarm
integer original_event_id
filter integer calendar_book_visibility
filter integer calendar_book_account_id
long long int last_modified_time
string sync_data1

_calendar_instance_localtime_calendar_book view

Type Property ID
string _uri
integer event_id
calendar time start_time
calendar time end_time
string summary
string location
integer calendar_book_id
string description
integer busy_status
integer event_status
integer priority
integer sensitivity
integer has_rrule
double latitude
double longitude
integer has_alarm
integer original_event_id
filter integer calendar_book_visibility
filter integer calendar_book_account_id
long long int last_modified_time
string sync_data1
int is_allday

_calendar_instance_utime_calendar_book_extended view

Type Property ID
string _uri
integer event_id
calendar time start_time
calendar time end_time
string summary
string location
integer calendar_book_id
string description
integer busy_status
integer event_status
integer priority
integer sensitivity
integer has_rrule
double latitude
double longitude
integer has_alarm
integer original_event_id
filter integer calendar_book_visibility
filter integer calendar_book_account_id
string organizer_name
string categories
integer has_attendee
string sync_data1
string sync_data2
string sync_data3
string sync_data4

_calendar_instance_localtime_calendar_book_extended view

Type Property ID
string _uri
integer event_id
calendar time start_time
calendar time end_time
string summary
string location
integer calendar_book_id
string description
integer busy_status
integer event_status
integer priority
integer sensitivity
integer has_rrule
double latitude
double longitude
integer has_alarm
integer original_event_id
filter integer calendar_book_visibility
filter integer calendar_book_account_id
string organizer_name
string categories
integer has_attendee
string sync_data1
string sync_data2
string sync_data3
string sync_data4

_calendar_extended_property view (read only)

Type Property ID Read, Write Description
string _uri read only Identifier of this extended_property view
integer id read only DB record ID of the extended_property
integer record_id read,write Related record ID
integer record_type read, write Enumeration value of the record type (calendar_record_type_e)
string key read, write The key of the property
string value read, write The value of the property