Tizen Native API
The NNTrainer function provides interfaces to create and train Machine Learning models on the device locally.
Required Header
#include <nntrainer/nntrainer.h>
The NNTrainer API provides interfaces to create and train Machine Learning models on the device locally.
This function allows the following operations with NNTrainer:
- Interfaces to create a machine learning predefined model or from scratch.
- Create/destroy and add new layers to the model.
- Create/destroy and set optimizer to the model.
- Interfaces to set datasets to feed data to the model.
- Summarize the model with the set configuration.
- Interfaces to compile and run the model.
- Utility functions to set properties for the models and its various sub-parts.
Note that this function set is supposed to be thread-safe.
Related Features
This function is related with the following features:
- http://tizen.org/feature/machine_learning
- http://tizen.org/feature/machine_learning.training
It is recommended to probe features in your application for reliability.
You can check if a device supports the related features for this function by using System Information, thereby controlling the procedure of your application.
To ensure your application is only running on the device with specific features, please define the features in your manifest file using the manifest editor in the SDK.
For example, your application accesses to the camera device, then you have to add http://tizen.org/privilege/camera into the manifest of your application.
More details on featuring your application can be found from Feature Element.