Tizen Native API  4.0

Visuals can control rendering the contents as using Property.


namespace  Dali::Toolkit::BorderVisual

BorderVisual is to render a solid color as an internal border to the control's quad.

namespace  Dali::Toolkit::ColorVisual

ColorVisual is to render a solid color to the control's quad.

namespace  Dali::Toolkit::GradientVisual

GradientVisual is to render a smooth transition of colors to the control's quad.

namespace  Dali::Toolkit::ImageVisual

ImageVisual is to render an image into the control's quad.

namespace  Dali::Toolkit::MeshVisual

MeshVisual is to render a mesh using a .obj file, optionally with textures provided by a mtl file.

namespace  Dali::Toolkit::PrimitiveVisual

PrimitiveVisual is to render a simple 3D shape, such as a cube or sphere.

namespace  Dali::Toolkit::TextVisual

TextVisual is to render a text.

namespace  Dali::Toolkit::Visual

All the visual types.