Tizen Native API
A structure for the TTS engine functions.
This structure contains essential callback functions for operating TTS engine.
Called when the engine service user cancels to synthesize a voice
Called when the engine service user requests for TTS engine to check whether the application agreed the usage of TTS engine
Called when the engine service user deinitializes TTS engine
Called when the engine service user gets the whole supported voice list
Called when the engine service user requests the basic information of TTS engine
Called when the engine service user initializes TTS engine
Called when the engine service user checks whether the voice is valid or not in TTS engine
Called when the engine service user requests to load the corresponding voice type for the first time
Called when the engine service user checks whether TTS engine needs the application's credential
Called when the engine service user sets the default pitch of TTS engine
Called when the engine service user starts to synthesize a voice, asynchronously
Called when the engine service user requests to unload the corresponding voice type or to stop using voice
The version of the structure 'ttse_request_callback_s'