Tizen RT Libs&Environment  v1.0 D5
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 Cchild_status_sThis structure is used to maintin information about child tasks. pthreads work differently, they have join information. This is only for child tasks
 Cdq_entry_sStructure for double-linked queue
 Cdq_queue_sStructure for header queue
 Cdspace_sThis structure describes a reference counted D-Space region. This must be a separately allocated "break-away" structure that can be owned by a task and any pthreads created by the task
 Centry_uThis is the entry point into the main thread of the task or into a created pthread within the task
 Chttp_client_request_tHTTP request structure
 Chttp_client_response_tHTTP response structure
 Chttp_client_ssl_config_tSSL configure structure
 Chttp_client_tls_tHTTP client TLS structure
 Chttp_keyvalue_list_tHTTP keyvalue linked list structure
 Chttp_keyvalue_tHTTP keyvalue structure
 Chttp_req_messageHttp request message
 Chttp_server_tHttp server structure
 CitimerspecStruct itimerspec is used to define settings for an interval timer
 CmallinfoStructure of memory information
 Cmq_attrSturcutre of mqueue attritube
 Cntpc_server_conn_sStructure of NTP server's connection information
 Cntpc_server_sStructure of NTP server information
 Cposix_spawnattr_sStructure of posix_spawn attributes
 Cpthread_attr_sStructure of pthread attr configuration
 Cpthread_barrier_sStructure of pthread barrier configuration
 Cpthread_barrierattr_sStructure of pthread barrier attr configuration
 Cpthread_cond_sStructure of pthread condition configuration
 Cpthread_mutex_sStructure of pthread mutex configuration
 Cpthread_mutexattr_sStructure of pthread mutex attr configuration
 Cpthread_region_sStructure of pthread region configuration
 Cpthread_tcb_sThis is the particular form of the task control block (TCB) structure used by pthreads. There are two TCB forms: one for pthreads and one for tasks. Both share the common TCB fields (which must appear at the top of the structure) plus additional fields unique to tasks and threads. Having separate structures for tasks and pthreads adds some complexity, but saves memory in that it prevents pthreads from being burdened with the overhead required for tasks (and vice versa)
 Csched_paramPOSIX-like scheduling parameter structure
 Csem_sStructure of generic semaphore
 Csemholder_sStructure of semholder
 CsigactionStructure for defining the action to take for given signal
 CsigeventStructure for elements that define a queue signal. The following is used to attach a signal to a message queue to notify a task when a message is available on a queue
 CsiginfoStructure for using to pass parameters to/from signal handlers
 CsigvalUnion for defining the types of the siginfo si_value field
 Cspawn_close_file_action_sStructure for spawn close file action
 Cspawn_dup2_file_action_sStructure for spawn dup2 file action
 Cspawn_general_file_action_sStructure for general file action
 Cspawn_open_file_action_sStructure for spawn open file action
 Csq_entry_sStructure for singly-linked queue
 Csq_queue_sStructure for header queue
 Cssl_config_tHttp server ssl config structure
 Ctask_group_sStructure for Task Group Information
 Ctask_tcb_sThis is the particular form of the task control block (TCB) structure used by tasks (and kernel threads). There are two TCB forms: one for pthreads and one for tasks. Both share the common TCB fields (which must appear at the top of the structure) plus additional fields unique to tasks and threads. Having separate structures for tasks and pthreads adds some complexity, but saves memory in that it prevents pthreads from being burdened with the overhead required for tasks (and vice versa)
 Ctcb_sThis is the common part of the task control block (TCB). The TCB is the heart of the TinyAra task-control logic. Each task or thread is represented by a TCB that includes these common definitions
 CtermiosStructure of termios
 CtimespecStructure represents an elapsed time
 CtimevalStructure represents an elapsed time
 CtmStructure containing a calendar date and time
 Cwebsocket_info_tData structure to use in callbacks
 Cwebsocket_tStructure to manage websocket client/server