Checkbox Radio

The checkbox radio component changes the default browser checkboxes and radio buttons to a form more adapted to the mobile environment.

This component has been DEPRECATED since Tizen 2.4 and will be deleted in Tizen 3.0.
To support Backward compatibility, please import
Since 2.4, to use checkbox and radio button, see Checkbox and Radio Component.

Table of Contents

  1. Default Selectors
  2. HTML Examples
  3. Methods

Default Selectors

By default, all <input> elements with the type="checkbox" or type="radio" attribute are displayed as checkboxes and radio buttons.

HTML Examples

To create a checkbox radio component:

<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox-yes" id="checkbox-yes" />
<label for="checkbox-yes">Yes</label>



Method Description
disable (  ) 

Disables the component.

enable (  ) 

Enables the component.

getCheckedElement (  ) 

Returns a checked checkbox radio element.


Disables the component.

disable ( ) 

Return value:

Type Description
Checkboxradio Returns this.

Code example:

<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox-1" id="checkbox-1"/><label for="checkbox-1">Normal</label>
   var element = document.getElementById("checkbox-1"),
       checkboxWidget = tau.widget.Checkboxradio(element);

Enables the component.

enable ( ) 

Return value:

Type Description
Checkboxradio Returns this.

Code example:

<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox-1" id="checkbox-1"/><label for="checkbox-1">Normal</label>
   var element = document.getElementById("checkbox-1"),
       checkboxWidget = tau.widget.Checkboxradio(element);

Returns a checked checkbox radio element.

HTMLElement getCheckedElement ( ) 

Return value:

Type Description

Code example:

<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox-1" id="checkbox-1"/><label for="checkbox-1">Normal</label>
   var element = document.getElementById("checkbox-1"),
       checkboxWidget = tau.widget.Checkboxradio(element);
   // Returns checked checkbox element