Section Changer

The section changer component provides an application architecture, which has multiple sections on one page.
With section changer on one page, you can scroll the <section> elements horizontally or vertically without changing current page to another.

This component is supported since Tizen 2.4.

Table of Contents

  1. Default Selectors
  2. Manual Constructor
  3. Options
  4. Events
  5. Methods

Default Selectors

By default, all HTML elements with the class="ui-section-changer" or data-role="section-changer" attribute are displayed as SectionChanger.

HTML Example

To create a simple SectionChanger with Header.

<div id="hasSectionchangerPage" class="ui-page">
   <header class="ui-header">
      <h2 class="ui-title">SectionChanger</h2>
   <div class="ui-section-changer" id="sectionchanger">
            <h3>LEFT1 PAGE</h3>
         <section class="ui-section-active">
            <h3>MAIN PAGE</h3>
            <h3>RIGHT1 PAGE</h3>

Manual Constructor

To manually create a SectionChanger component, use the component constructor from the tau namespace.

var sectionChangerEl = document.getElementById("sectionchanger"),
    sectionChangerWidget = tau.widget.SectionChanger(sectionChangerEl);


Option Input type Default value Description
data-orientation "horizontal"|"vertical" "horizontal"

Sets the section changer orientation.

data-circular Boolean false Presents the sections in a circular scroll fashion.
data-use-bouncing-effect Boolean false Shows a scroll end effect on the scroll edge.
data-items String "section" Defines the section element selector.
data-active-class String "ui-section-active" Specifies the CSS classes which define the active section element.
Add the specified class (section-active) to a <section> element to indicate which section must be shown first.
By default, the first section is shown first.
data-fill-content Boolean true Declares width of section tag to fill content or not. If this is set to false, you must set the width of each section tag.
data-use-tab Boolean false Defines use tab indicator on top of section changer.


Name Description

Triggered when the section is changed.

To use the sectionchange event, use the following code:

   var changer = document.getElementById("sectionchanger");
   changer.addEventListener("sectionchange", function(evt) 
      console.debug( + " section is active.");



Method Description
setActiveSection ( number index ) 

Changes the currently active section element (index).
For smooth scrolling, the duration parameter must be in milliseconds.

getActiveSectionIndex () 

Gets the currently active section element's index.
The return value is a number (activeIndex).

refresh () 

Updates the section changer form.
When you add new section dynamically through JavaScript, you must call the refresh() method to update section information.


Changes the currently active section element (index).
For smooth scrolling, the duration parameter must be in milliseconds.

setActiveSection (number index) 


Parameter Type Required / optional Default value Description
index number Required Index of the section which is set to active state.

Return value:

No return value

Code example:

<div id="sectionChanger"></div>
   var element = document.getElementById("sectionChanger"),
       sectionChangerWidget = tau.widget.SectionChanger(element);


Gets the currently active section element's index.
The return value is a number (activeIndex).

getActiveSectionIndex () 

Return value:

Type Description
number Index of active section

Code example:

<div id="sectionChanger"></div>
   var element = document.getElementById("sectionChanger"),
       sectionChangerWidget = tau.widget.SectionChanger(element),

   activeSectionIndex = sectionChangerWidget.getActiveSectionIndex();

Updates the section changer form.
When you add new section dynamically through JavaScript, you must call the refresh() method to update section information.

refresh () 

Return value:

No return value

Code example:

<div id="sectionChanger"></div>
   var element = document.getElementById("sectionChanger"),
       sectionChangerWidget = tau.widget.SectionChanger(element);

   /* Do some DOM changes dynamically */
