
The PageIndicator component displays as a dot-typed indicator.
The highlighted dots represent the corresponding active pages.

According to option, the maximum number of dots and the number of pages to be linked can be set.
If the number of linked pages is more than dots which can be displayed, a central dot is assigned to multiple pages.

This component is supported since Tizen 2.4.

Table of Contents

  1. Default Selectors
  2. Manual Constructor
  3. HTML Examples
  4. Options
  5. Methods

Default Selectors

By default, all elements with the class="ui-pageindicator" or data-role="page-indicator" attribute are displayed as page indicator components.

Manual Constructor

For manual creation of PageIndicator, you can use constructor from tau namespace:

var elPageIndicator = document.getElementById("pageIndicator"),
    pageIndicator = tau.widget.PageIndicator(elPageIndicator, {numberOfPages: 5});

Constructor has two required parameter element - base HTMLElement and options to create the component. We recommend that you get the base HTMLElement using the method document.getElementById().

The second parameter, options, is an object with options for the component. The numberOfPages option means the number of pages to be linked and it is mandatory.

HTML Examples

  • To create page indicator:

    <div id="pageIndicator" class="ui-page-indicator" data-number-of-pages="5"></div>

    The data-number-of-page attribute is same as the numberOfPages option in manual constructor description.

  • To use page indicator with section changer component:

    <div class="ui-content">
       <div class="ui-page-indicator" id="pageIndicator" data-number-of-pages="4" style="bottom: 0;"></div>
       <div id="hsectionchanger" class="ui-section-changer">
          <!-- section changer has only one child. -->
             <section class="ui-section-active">
                <ul class="ui-listview">
                   <li class="ui-li-static">List</li>
                <ul class="ui-listview">
                   <li class="ui-li-static">List</li>
                <ul class="ui-listview">
                   <li class="ui-li-static">List</li>
                <ul class="ui-listview">
                   <li class="ui-li-static">List</li>
       var sectionChanger = document.getElementById("hsectionchanger"),
            elPageIndicator = document.getElementById("pageIndicator"),
       pageIndicator = tau.widget.PageIndicator(elPageIndicator);
       sectionChanger.addEventListener("sectionchange", function(e) { pageIndicator.setActive(; }, false);


Option Input type Default value Description
maxPage number 5

The maximum number of pages (dots) which can be displayed on screen.

numberOfPages number null The number of pages to be linked (mandatory).

Take an example: The situation that the value of data-number-of-pages is "5" (5 pages in all), and the value of data-max-page is "3" (3 dots).

<div id="pageIndicator" class="ui-page-indicator" data-number-of-pages="5" data-max-page="3"></div>

When you scroll the page (or section) horizontally, the number of exceeding pages (in this case, it is 2 pages, which is the result of 5 - 3 ) would be indicated by the central dot, from middle of the pages.

So, the first dot is for the first page, and the last dot is for the fifth (the last) page.
And the middle dot is shared by 2nd, 3rd and 4th page while scrolling pages.

In the case of even value of data-max-page (the number of dots on the screen), the next order of half of the data-max-page value would work as middle dot.
For example, in the situation that the value of data-number-of-pages is "6", and the value of data-max-page is "4", the 3rd dot (the result of 4 / 2 + 1) would indicate 3rd, 4th and 5th pages as middle dot.

Of course, the value of data-number-of-pages should meet the number of the pages you have added to HTML.

And if the the value of data-max-page (dots) exceeds the value of data-number-of-pages, indicator dots will be displayed as the value of data-number-of-pages.
For example, in the situation that the value of numberOfPages is "6", and the value of maxPage is "100", there would be still 6 dots on the screen.



Method Description
setActive ( number index ) 

Sets a dot to active state.


Sets a dot to active state.

setActive ( number index) 


Parameter Type Required / optional Default value Description
index number required Index of the dot which is set to active state.

Return value:

No return value