Tizen Native API

The Timezone module represents a time zone offset, and also figures out daylight savings.

Required Header

#include <utils_i18n.h>


The Timezone module represents a time zone offset, and also figures out daylight savings.
Typically, you get an i18n_timezone_h using i18n_timezone_create_default which creates a TimeZone based on the time zone where the program is running. For example, for a program running in Japan, i18n_timezone_create_default creates an i18n_timezone_h based on Japanese Standard Time.
You can also get an i18n_timezone_h using i18n_timezone_create along with a time zone ID. For instance, the time zone ID for the US Pacific Time zone is "America/Los_Angeles". So, you can get a Pacific Time i18n_timezone_h with:
i18n_timezone_h timezone;
i18n_timezone_create(&timezone, "America/Los_Angeles");
To create a new i18n_timezone_h, you call the factory function i18n_timezone_create() and pass it a time zone ID. You can use the int i18n_timezone_foreach_timezone_id() function to obtain a list of all the time zone IDs recognized by i18n_timezone_create().
You can also use i18n_timezone_create_default() to create an i18n_timezone_h. This function uses platform-specific APIs to produce an i18n_timezone_h for the time zone corresponding to the client's computer's physical location. For example, if you're in Japan (assuming your machine is set up correctly), i18n_timezone_create_default() will return an i18n_timezone_h for Japanese Standard Time ("Asia/Tokyo").


int i18n_timezone_create_unknown (i18n_timezone_h *timezone)
 Returns the "unknown" time zone.
int i18n_timezone_create_gmt (i18n_timezone_h *timezone)
 The GMT (=UTC) time zone has a raw offset of zero and does not use daylight savings time.
int i18n_timezone_create (i18n_timezone_h *timezone, const char *timezone_id)
 Creates an i18n_timezone_h for the given timezone_id.
int i18n_timezone_destroy (i18n_timezone_h timezone)
 Destroys an i18n_timezone_h.
int i18n_timezone_foreach_timezone_id_by_region (i18n_system_timezone_type_e timezone_type, const char *region, const int32_t *raw_offset, i18n_timezone_id_cb cb, void *user_data)
 Returns an enumeration over system time zone IDs with the given filter conditions.
int i18n_timezone_foreach_timezone_id (i18n_timezone_id_cb cb, void *user_data)
 Returns an enumeration over all recognized time zone IDs. (i.e., all strings that i18n_timezone_create() accepts)
int i18n_timezone_foreach_timezone_id_with_offset (int32_t raw_offset, i18n_timezone_id_cb cb, void *user_data)
 Returns an enumeration over time zone IDs with a given raw offset from GMT.
int i18n_timezone_foreach_timezone_id_by_country (const char *country, i18n_timezone_id_cb cb, void *user_data)
 Returns an enumeration over time zone IDs associated with the given country.
int i18n_timezone_count_equivalent_ids (const char *timezone_id, int32_t *count)
 Returns the number of IDs in the equivalency group that includes the given ID.
int i18n_timezone_get_equivalent_id (const char *timezone_id, int32_t index, char **equivalent_timezone_id)
 Returns an ID in the equivalency group that includes the given ID.
int i18n_timezone_create_default (i18n_timezone_h *timezone)
 Creates a new copy of the default i18n_timezone_h for this host.
int i18n_timezone_set_default (i18n_timezone_h timezone)
 Sets the default time zone (i.e., what's returned by i18n_timezone_create_default()) to be the specified time zone.
const char * i18n_timezone_get_tzdata_version (void)
 Returns the timezone data version currently used by I18N.
int i18n_timezone_get_region (const char *timezone_id, char *region, int32_t *region_len, int32_t region_capacity)
 Gets the region code associated with the given system time zone ID.
int i18n_timezone_get_offset_with_date (i18n_timezone_h timezone, i18n_udate date, i18n_ubool local, int32_t *raw_offset, int32_t *dst_offset)
 Returns the time zone raw and GMT offset for the given moment in time.
int i18n_timezone_set_raw_offset (i18n_timezone_h timezone, int32_t offset_milliseconds)
 Sets the i18n_timezone_h's raw GMT offset (i.e., the number of milliseconds to add to GMT to get local time, before taking daylight savings time into account).
int i18n_timezone_get_raw_offset (i18n_timezone_h timezone, int32_t *offset_milliseconds)
 Gets the i18n_timezone_h's raw GMT offset (i.e., the number of milliseconds to add to GMT to get local time, before taking daylight savings time into account).
int i18n_timezone_get_id (i18n_timezone_h timezone, char **timezone_id)
 Fills in "timezone_id" with the i18n_timezone_h's ID.
int i18n_timezone_set_id (i18n_timezone_h timezone, const char *timezone_id)
 Sets the i18n_timezone_h's ID to the specified value.
int i18n_timezone_get_display_name (i18n_timezone_h timezone, char **display_name)
 Returns a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user in the default locale.
int i18n_timezone_get_display_name_with_locale (i18n_timezone_h timezone, const char *language, const char *country, char **display_name)
 Returns a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user in the default locale.
int i18n_timezone_get_display_name_with_type (i18n_timezone_h timezone, i18n_ubool daylight, i18n_timezone_display_type_e style, char **display_name)
 Returns a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user in the default locale.
int i18n_timezone_get_display_name_with_type_locale (i18n_timezone_h timezone, i18n_ubool daylight, i18n_timezone_display_type_e style, const char *language, const char *country, char **display_name)
 Returns a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user in the default locale.
int i18n_timezone_use_daylight_time (i18n_timezone_h timezone, i18n_ubool *daylight_time)
 Queries if this time zone uses daylight savings time.
int i18n_timezone_has_same_rule (i18n_timezone_h timezone, i18n_timezone_h other, i18n_ubool *same_rule)
 Returns true if this zone has the same rule and offset as another zone.
int i18n_timezone_clone (i18n_timezone_h timezone, i18n_timezone_h *clone)
 Clones i18n_timezone_h polymorphically.
int i18n_timezone_get_dst_savings (i18n_timezone_h timezone, int32_t *dst_savings)
 Returns the amount of time to be added to local standard time to get local wall clock time.
int i18n_timezone_detect_host_timezone (i18n_timezone_h *timezone)
 Creates an i18n_timezone_h detected from the current host system configuration.


typedef void * i18n_timezone_h
 handle for object that represents a time zone offset, and also figures out daylight savings..
typedef bool(* i18n_timezone_id_cb )(const char *timezone_id, void *user_data)
 Callback function for i18n_timezone_foreach_timezone_id(), i18n_timezone_foreach_timezone_id_with_offset(), and i18n_timezone_foreach_timezone_id_by_country() that returns an enumeration over all recognized time zone IDs.

Typedef Documentation

typedef void* i18n_timezone_h

handle for object that represents a time zone offset, and also figures out daylight savings..

Since :
typedef bool(* i18n_timezone_id_cb)(const char *timezone_id, void *user_data)

Callback function for i18n_timezone_foreach_timezone_id(), i18n_timezone_foreach_timezone_id_with_offset(), and i18n_timezone_foreach_timezone_id_by_country() that returns an enumeration over all recognized time zone IDs.

Since :
[in]timezone_idtime zone ID
[in]user_datathe user data passed to the callback function
true to continue with the next iteration of the loop, otherwise false to break out of the loop.
See also:

Enumeration Type Documentation

Enumeration for use with i18n_timezone_get_display_name(), i18n_timezone_get_display_name_with_locale(), and i18n_timezone_get_display_name_with_type().

Since :

Selector for short display name


Selector for long display name


Selector for short generic display name


Selector for long generic display name


Selector for short display name derived


Selector for long display name derived from time zone offset


Selector for short display name derived from the time zone's fallback name


Selector for long display name derived from the time zone's fallback name

Function Documentation

int i18n_timezone_clone ( i18n_timezone_h  timezone,
i18n_timezone_h clone 

Clones i18n_timezone_h polymorphically.

Clients are responsible for deleting the i18n_timezone_h cloned.

Since :
[in]timezoneThe i18n_timezone_h to clone.
[out]cloneA new copy of this i18n_timezone_h.
Return values:
int i18n_timezone_count_equivalent_ids ( const char *  timezone_id,
int32_t *  count 

Returns the number of IDs in the equivalency group that includes the given ID.

An equivalency group contains zones that have the same GMT offset and rules.
The returned count includes the given ID; it is always >= 1. The given ID must be a system time zone. If it is not, returns zero.

Since :
[in]timezone_ida system time zone ID
[out]countthe number of zones in the equivalency group containing 'timezone_id', or zero if 'timezone_id' is not a valid system ID
Return values:
See also:
int i18n_timezone_create ( i18n_timezone_h timezone,
const char *  timezone_id 

Creates an i18n_timezone_h for the given timezone_id.

Since :
[out]timezonethe GMT/UTC time zone.
[in]timezone_idthe ID for an i18n_timezone_h, such as "America/Los_Angeles", or a custom ID such as "GMT-8:00".
Return values:

Creates a new copy of the default i18n_timezone_h for this host.

Unless the default time zone has already been set using i18n_timezone_set_default(), the default is determined by querying the system using methods in TPlatformUtilities. If the system routines fail, or if they specify an i18n_timezone_h or i18n_timezone_h offset which is not recognized, the i18n_timezone_h indicated by the ID kLastResortID is instantiated and made the default.

This function determines the default timezone by querying the system once and storing the obtained timezone as default until the application terminates.

To query the system for the current timezone, use i18n_timezone_detect_host_timezone().

Since :
[out]timezoneA default i18n_timezone_h. Clients are responsible for deleting the time zone object returned.
Return values:

The GMT (=UTC) time zone has a raw offset of zero and does not use daylight savings time.

This is a commonly used time zone.
Note: For backward compatibility reason, the ID used by the time zone returned by this method is "GMT", although the I18N's canonical ID for the GMT time zone is "Etc/GMT".

Since :
[out]timezonethe GMT/UTC time zone.
Return values:
See also:

Returns the "unknown" time zone.

i18n_timezone_create() returns a mutable clone of this time zone if the input ID is not recognized.

Since :
[out]timezonethe "unknown" time zone.
Return values:
See also:

Destroys an i18n_timezone_h.

Once destroyed, an i18n_timezone_h may no longer be used.

Since :
[in]timezoneThe i18n_timezone_h to destroy.
Return values:

Creates an i18n_timezone_h detected from the current host system configuration.

This function does not change the default time zone and does not update the current ICU's default. It may return a different i18n_timezone_h from the one returned by i18n_timezone_create_default().

Since :
[out]timezoneA new instance of i18n_timezone_h detected from the current host system configuration. Users are responsible for deleting the returned time zone object with i18n_timezone_destroy().
Return values:
I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERInvalid function parameter
int i18n_timezone_foreach_timezone_id ( i18n_timezone_id_cb  cb,
void *  user_data 

Returns an enumeration over all recognized time zone IDs. (i.e., all strings that i18n_timezone_create() accepts)

Since :
[in]cbThe callback function to get an enumeration object, owned by the caller.
[in]user_dataThe user data to be passed to the callback function.
Return values:
int i18n_timezone_foreach_timezone_id_by_country ( const char *  country,
i18n_timezone_id_cb  cb,
void *  user_data 

Returns an enumeration over time zone IDs associated with the given country.

Some zones are affiliated with no country (e.g., "UTC"); these may also be retrieved, as a group.

Since :
[in]countryThe ISO 3166 two-letter country code, or NULL to retrieve zones not affiliated with any country.
[in]cbThe callback function to get an enumeration object, owned by the caller.
[in]user_dataThe user data to be passed to the callback function.
Return values:
int i18n_timezone_foreach_timezone_id_by_region ( i18n_system_timezone_type_e  timezone_type,
const char *  region,
const int32_t *  raw_offset,
i18n_timezone_id_cb  cb,
void *  user_data 

Returns an enumeration over system time zone IDs with the given filter conditions.

Since :
[in]timezone_typeThe system time zone type.
[in]regionThe ISO 3166 two-letter country code or UN M.49 three-digit area code. When NULL, no filtering done by region.
[in]raw_offsetAn offset from GMT in milliseconds, ignoring the effect of daylight savings time, if any. When NULL, no filtering done by zone offset.
[in]cbThe callback function to get an enumeration object, owned by the caller.
[in]user_dataThe user data to be passed to the callback function.
Return values:
int i18n_timezone_foreach_timezone_id_with_offset ( int32_t  raw_offset,
i18n_timezone_id_cb  cb,
void *  user_data 

Returns an enumeration over time zone IDs with a given raw offset from GMT.

There may be several times zones with the same GMT offset that differ in the way they handle daylight savings time. For example, the state of Arizona doesn't observe daylight savings time. If you ask for the time zone IDs corresponding to GMT-7:00, you'll get back an enumeration over two time zone IDs: "America/Denver," which corresponds to Mountain Standard Time in the winter and Mountain Daylight Time in the summer, and "America/Phoenix", which corresponds to Mountain Standard Time year-round, even in the summer.

Since :
[in]raw_offsetan offset from GMT in milliseconds, ignoring the effect of daylight savings time, if any
[in]cbThe callback function to get an enumeration object, owned by the caller.
[in]user_dataThe user data to be passed to the callback function.
Return values:
int i18n_timezone_get_display_name ( i18n_timezone_h  timezone,
char **  display_name 

Returns a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user in the default locale.

This method returns the long name, not including daylight savings. If the display name is not available for the locale, then this method returns a string in the localized GMT offset format such as GMT[+-]HH:mm.

Since :
[in]timezoneThe i18n_timezone_h to get a display name.
[out]display_nameThe human-readable name of this time zone in the default locale.
Return values:
int i18n_timezone_get_display_name_with_locale ( i18n_timezone_h  timezone,
const char *  language,
const char *  country,
char **  display_name 

Returns a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user in the default locale.

This method returns the long name, not including daylight savings. If the display name is not available for the locale, then this method returns a string in the localized GMT offset format such as GMT[+-]HH:mm.

Since :
[in]timezoneThe i18n_timezone_h to get a display name.
[in]languageThe language in which to supply the display name. This parameter can be NULL; if so, the locale is initialized to match the current default locale.
[in]countryThe country in which to supply the display name. This parameter can be NULL.
[out]display_nameThe human-readable name of this time zone in the default locale.
Return values:
int i18n_timezone_get_display_name_with_type ( i18n_timezone_h  timezone,
i18n_ubool  daylight,
i18n_timezone_display_type_e  style,
char **  display_name 

Returns a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user in the default locale.

If the display name is not available for the locale, then this method returns a string in the localized GMT offset format such as GMT[+-]HH:mm.

Since :
[in]timezoneThe i18n_timezone_h to get a display name.
[in]daylightIf true, display_name is filled with the daylight savings name.
[in]styleThe style displayed on.
[out]display_nameThe human-readable name of this time zone in the default locale.
Return values:
int i18n_timezone_get_display_name_with_type_locale ( i18n_timezone_h  timezone,
i18n_ubool  daylight,
i18n_timezone_display_type_e  style,
const char *  language,
const char *  country,
char **  display_name 

Returns a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user in the default locale.

If the display name is not available for the locale, then this method returns a string in the localized GMT offset format such as GMT[+-]HH:mm.

Since :
[in]timezoneThe i18n_timezone_h to get a display name.
[in]daylightIf true, display_name is filled with the daylight savings name.
[in]styleThe style displayed on.
[in]languageThe language in which to supply the display name. This parameter can be NULL; if so, the locale is initialized to match the current default locale.
[in]countryThe country in which to supply the display name. This parameter can be NULL.
[out]display_nameThe human-readable name of this time zone in the default locale.
Return values:
int i18n_timezone_get_dst_savings ( i18n_timezone_h  timezone,
int32_t *  dst_savings 

Returns the amount of time to be added to local standard time to get local wall clock time.

The default implementation always returns 3600000 milliseconds (i.e., one hour) if this time zone observes Daylight Saving Time. Otherwise, 0 (zero) is returned.
If an underlying TimeZone implementation subclass supports historical Daylight Saving Time changes, this method returns the known latest daylight saving value.

Since :
[in]timezoneThe i18n_timezone_h to get DST savings.
[out]dst_savingsThe amount of saving time in milliseconds.
Return values:
int i18n_timezone_get_equivalent_id ( const char *  timezone_id,
int32_t  index,
char **  equivalent_timezone_id 

Returns an ID in the equivalency group that includes the given ID.

An equivalency group contains zones that have the same GMT offset and rules.
The given index must be in the range 0..n-1, where n is the out parameter value from i18n_timezone_count_equivalent_ids(timezone_id, &n). For some value of 'index', the returned value will be equal to the given id. If the given id is not a valid system time zone, or if 'index' is out of range, then returns an empty string.

Since :
[in]timezone_ida system time zone ID
[in]indexa value from 0 to n-1, where n is the out parameter value from i18n_timezone_count_equivalent_ids(timezone_id, &n)
[out]equivalent_timezone_idthe ID of the index-th zone in the equivalency group containing 'timezone_id', or an empty string if 'timezone_id' is not a valid system ID or 'index' is out of range
Return values:
See also:
int i18n_timezone_get_id ( i18n_timezone_h  timezone,
char **  timezone_id 

Fills in "timezone_id" with the i18n_timezone_h's ID.

Since :
[in]timezoneThe i18n_timezone_h to get a timezone ID.
[out]timezone_idReceives this i18n_timezone_h's ID.
Return values:
int i18n_timezone_get_offset_with_date ( i18n_timezone_h  timezone,
i18n_udate  date,
i18n_ubool  local,
int32_t *  raw_offset,
int32_t *  dst_offset 

Returns the time zone raw and GMT offset for the given moment in time.

Upon return, local-millis = GMT-millis + rawOffset + dstOffset. All computations are performed in the proleptic Gregorian calendar.

Since :
[in]timezoneThe i18n_timezone_h to get an offset.
[in]datemoment in time for which to return offsets, in units of milliseconds from January 1, 1970 0:00 GMT, either GMT time or local wall time, depending on `local'.
[in]localoutput if true, `date' is local wall time; otherwise it is in GMT time.
[out]raw_offsetparameter to receive the raw offset, that is, the offset not including DST adjustments
[out]dst_offsetoutput parameter to receive the DST offset, that is, the offset to be added to `raw_offset' to obtain the total offset between local and GMT time. If DST is not in effect, this value is zero; otherwise it is a positive value, typically one hour.
Return values:
int i18n_timezone_get_raw_offset ( i18n_timezone_h  timezone,
int32_t *  offset_milliseconds 

Gets the i18n_timezone_h's raw GMT offset (i.e., the number of milliseconds to add to GMT to get local time, before taking daylight savings time into account).

Since :
[in]timezoneThe i18n_timezone_h to get a raw offset.
[out]offset_millisecondsThe i18n_timezone_h's raw GMT offset.
Return values:
int i18n_timezone_get_region ( const char *  timezone_id,
char *  region,
int32_t *  region_len,
int32_t  region_capacity 

Gets the region code associated with the given system time zone ID.

The region code is either ISO 3166 2-letter country code or UN M.49 3-digit area code. When the time zone is not associated with a specific location, for example - "Etc/UTC", "EST5EDT", then this method returns "001" (UN M.49 area code for World).

Since :
[in]timezone_idThe system time zone ID.
[out]regionOutput buffer for receiving the region code.
[out]region_lenThe length of the region code.
[in]region_capacityThe size of the output buffer. If it is lower than required region buffer size, then I18N_ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW error is returned.
the version string, such as "2007f"
const char* i18n_timezone_get_tzdata_version ( void  )

Returns the timezone data version currently used by I18N.

The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method. Error codes are described in i18n_error_code_e description.
Since :
the version string, such as "2007f"
int i18n_timezone_has_same_rule ( i18n_timezone_h  timezone,
i18n_timezone_h  other,
i18n_ubool same_rule 

Returns true if this zone has the same rule and offset as another zone.

That is, if this zone differs only in ID, if at all.

Since :
[in]timezoneThe i18n_timezone_h to know whether has the same rule or not.
[in]otherThe i18n_timezone_h to be compared with.
[out]same_ruleTrue if the given zone is the same as this one, with the possible exception of the ID.
Return values:

Sets the default time zone (i.e., what's returned by i18n_timezone_create_default()) to be the specified time zone.

If NULL is specified for the time zone, the default time zone is set to the default host time zone. The caller remains responsible for deleting it.
This function is not thread safe. It is an error for multiple threads to concurrently attempt to set the default time zone, or for any thread to attempt to reference the default zone while another thread is setting it.

Since :
Do not use unless you know what you are doing.
[in]timezoneThe given timezone.
Return values:
int i18n_timezone_set_id ( i18n_timezone_h  timezone,
const char *  timezone_id 

Sets the i18n_timezone_h's ID to the specified value.

This doesn't affect any other fields. for example,

i18n_timezone_h timezone = NULL;
i18n_timezone_create ( &timezone, "America/New_York" );
i18n_timezone_set_id ( "America/Los_Angeles" );

the timezone's GMT offset and daylight-savings rules don't change to those for Los Angeles. They're still those for New York. Only the ID has changed.

Since :
[in]timezoneThe i18n_timezone_h to set a timezone ID.
[in]timezone_idThe new time zone ID.
Return values:
int i18n_timezone_set_raw_offset ( i18n_timezone_h  timezone,
int32_t  offset_milliseconds 

Sets the i18n_timezone_h's raw GMT offset (i.e., the number of milliseconds to add to GMT to get local time, before taking daylight savings time into account).

Since :
[in]timezoneThe i18n_timezone_h to set a raw offset.
[in]offset_millisecondsThe new raw GMT offset for this time zone.
Return values:
int i18n_timezone_use_daylight_time ( i18n_timezone_h  timezone,
i18n_ubool daylight_time 

Queries if this time zone uses daylight savings time.

Since :
[in]timezoneThe i18n_timezone_h to know whether uses daylight savings time or not.
[out]daylight_timeTrue if this time zone uses daylight savings time, False, otherwise.
Return values: