Tizen Native API
The Udate module consists of functions that convert dates and time from their internal representations to textual form and back again in a language-independent manner.
#include <utils_i18n.h>
The Udate module consists of functions that convert dates and time from their internal representations to textual form and back again in a language-independent manner. Converting from the internal representation (milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970) to text is known as "formatting," and converting from text to milliseconds is known as "parsing". We currently define only one concrete handle i18n_udate_format_h, which can handle pretty much all normal date formatting and parsing actions.
The Udate module helps you format and parse dates for any locale. Your code can be completely independent of the locale conventions for months, days of the week, or even the calendar format: lunar vs. solar.
Gets the best pattern according to a given locale and formats a current date and time using a locale_udate_format_h
i18n_udatepg_h pattern_generator = NULL; char *locale = I18N_ULOCALE_US; dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "pattern_generator\n"); if(!pattern_generator) { // create a pattern generator according to a given locale i18n_udatepg_create(locale, &pattern_generator); } if(!pattern_generator) { dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "i18n_udatepg_create fail"); return ; } i18n_uchar bestPattern[64] = {0,}; char bestPatternString[64] = {0,}; int bestPatternLength, len; const char *custom_format = "yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss zzz"; i18n_uchar uch_custom_format[64]; int ret = I18N_ERROR_NONE; dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "getBestPattern\n"); i18n_ustring_copy_ua(uch_custom_format, custom_format); len = i18n_ustring_get_length(uch_custom_format); // gets the best pattern that matches the given custom_format i18n_udatepg_get_best_pattern(pattern_generator, uch_custom_format, len, bestPattern, 64, &bestPatternLength); i18n_ustring_copy_au_n(bestPatternString, bestPattern, 64); // gets "MM/dd/yyyy G h:mm:ss a zzz" as the best pattern dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "getBestPattern(char[]) : %s \n", bestPatternString); // closes a generator i18n_udatepg_destroy(pattern_generator); i18n_udate_format_h formatter_KR = NULL; i18n_udate_format_h formatter_LA = NULL; i18n_udate_format_h formatter_SaoPaulo = NULL; i18n_uchar formatted[64] = {0,}; char result[64] = {0,}; int formattedLength; i18n_udate date; const char *timezone_KR = "GMT+9:00"; // TimeZone for Korea/Seoul const char *timezone_LA = "America/Los_Angeles"; const char *timezone_SaoPaulo = "America/Sao_Paulo"; // Brazil/East i18n_uchar utf16_timezone_KR[64] = {0,}; i18n_uchar utf16_timezone_LA[64] = {0,}; i18n_uchar utf16_timezone_SaoPaulo[64] = {0,}; i18n_ustring_copy_ua_n(utf16_timezone_KR, timezone_KR, strlen(timezone_KR)); i18n_ustring_copy_ua_n(utf16_timezone_LA, timezone_LA, strlen(timezone_LA)); i18n_ustring_copy_ua_n(utf16_timezone_SaoPaulo, timezone_SaoPaulo, strlen(timezone_SaoPaulo)); // creates new i18n_udate_format_h to format dates and times ret = i18n_udate_create(I18N_UDATE_FULL , I18N_UDATE_FULL , locale, utf16_timezone_KR, -1, bestPattern, -1, &formatter_KR); if (ret != I18N_ERROR_NONE) { dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "i18n_udate_create failed !!! \n"); } if (!formatter_KR) { dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "formatter is NULL\n"); } ret = i18n_udate_create(I18N_UDATE_FULL , I18N_UDATE_FULL , locale, utf16_timezone_LA, -1, bestPattern, -1, &formatter_LA); if (ret != I18N_ERROR_NONE) { dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "i18n_udate_create failed !!! \n"); } if (!formatter_LA) { dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "formatter is NULL\n"); } ret = i18n_udate_create(I18N_UDATE_PATTERN , I18N_UDATE_PATTERN , locale, utf16_timezone_SaoPaulo, -1, bestPattern, -1, &formatter_SaoPaulo); if (ret != I18N_ERROR_NONE) { dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "i18n_udate_create failed !!! \n"); } if (!formatter_SaoPaulo) { dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "formatter is NULL\n"); } dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "i18n_udate_format_date\n"); // gets the current date and time i18n_ucalendar_get_now(&date); // formats a date using i18n_udate_format_h i18n_udate_format_date(formatter_KR, date, formatted, 64, NULL, &formattedLength); i18n_ustring_copy_au_n(result, formatted, 64); //ex) KOREA/Seoul - Current date : Wednesday, June 18, 2014 1:34:54 PM GMT+09:00 dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "KOREA/Seoul - Current date : %s\n",result); // formats a date using i18n_udate_format i18n_udate_format_date(formatter_LA, date, formatted, 64, NULL, &formattedLength); i18n_ustring_copy_au_n(result, formatted, 64); //ex) America/LOS Angeles - Current date : Tuesday, June 17, 2014 9:34:54 PM Pacific Daylight Time dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "America/LOS Angeles - Current date : %s\n",result); // formats a date using i18n_udate_format_h i18n_udate_format_date(formatter_SaoPaulo, date, formatted, 64, NULL, &formattedLength); i18n_ustring_copy_au_n(result, formatted, 64); //ex) Brazil/Sao Paulo - Current date : 6 18, 2014 AD, 1:34:54 PM GMT-2 dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "Brazil/Sao Paulo - Current date : %s\n",result); dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "i18n_udate_destroy\n"); // destroy an i18n_udate_format_h i18n_udate_destroy(formatter_KR); i18n_udate_destroy(formatter_LA); i18n_udate_destroy(formatter_SaoPaulo);
Functions | |
int | i18n_udate_create (i18n_udate_format_style_e time_style, i18n_udate_format_style_e date_style, const char *locale, const i18n_uchar *tz_id, int32_t tz_id_len, const i18n_uchar *pattern, int pattern_len, i18n_udate_format_h *format) |
Creates a new i18n_udate_format_h for formatting and parsing dates and times. | |
int | i18n_udate_destroy (i18n_udate_format_h format) |
Destroys an i18n_udate_format_h. | |
int | i18n_udate_format_date (const i18n_udate_format_h format, i18n_udate date_to_format, i18n_uchar *result, int32_t result_len, i18n_ufield_position_h pos, int32_t *buf_size_needed) |
Formats a date using an i18n_udate_format_h. | |
int | i18n_udate_to_calendar_date_field (i18n_udate_format_field_e field, i18n_ucalendar_date_fields_e *date_field_type) |
Maps from an i18n_udate_format_h to the corresponding i18n_ucalendar_date_fields_e. | |
int | i18n_udate_clone (const i18n_udate_format_h format, i18n_udate_format_h *format_clone) |
Creates a copy of an i18n_udate_format_h. | |
int | i18n_udate_parse (const i18n_udate_format_h format, const i18n_uchar *text, int32_t text_length, int32_t *parse_pos, i18n_udate *parsed_date) |
Parses a string into an date/time using an i18n_udate_format_h. | |
int | i18n_udate_parse_calendar (const i18n_udate_format_h format, i18n_ucalendar_h *calendar, const i18n_uchar *text, int32_t text_length, int32_t *parse_pos) |
Parses a string into an date/time using an i18n_udate_format_h. | |
i18n_ubool | i18n_udate_is_lenient (const i18n_udate_format_h format) |
Determines if an i18n_udate_format_h will perform lenient parsing. | |
int | i18n_udate_set_lenient (i18n_udate_format_h format, i18n_ubool is_lenient) |
Specifies whether an i18n_udate_format_h will perform lenient parsing. | |
int | i18n_udate_get_calendar (const i18n_udate_format_h format, i18n_ucalendar_h *calendar) |
Gets the i18n_ucalendar_h associated with an i18n_udate_format_h. | |
int | i18n_udate_set_calendar (i18n_udate_format_h format, const i18n_ucalendar_h calendar_to_set) |
Sets the i18n_ucalendar_h associated with an i18n_udate_format_h. | |
int | i18n_udate_get_number_format (const i18n_udate_format_h format, i18n_unumber_format_h *number_format) |
Gets the i18n_unumber_format_h associated with an i18n_udate_format_h. | |
int | i18n_udate_set_number_format (i18n_udate_format_h format, const i18n_unumber_format_h number_format_to_set) |
Sets the i18n_unumber_format_h associated with an i18n_udate_format_h. | |
const char * | i18n_udate_get_available (int32_t locale_index) |
Gets a locale for which date/time formatting patterns are available. | |
int32_t | i18n_udate_count_available (void) |
Determines how many locales have date/time formatting patterns available. | |
int | i18n_udate_get_2digit_year_start (const i18n_udate_format_h format, i18n_udate *year) |
Gets the year relative to which all 2-digit years are interpreted. | |
int | i18n_udate_set_2digit_year_start (i18n_udate_format_h format, i18n_udate date) |
Sets the year relative to which all 2-digit years will be interpreted. | |
int32_t | i18n_udate_to_pattern (const i18n_udate_format_h format, i18n_ubool localized, i18n_uchar *result, int32_t result_length) |
Extracts the pattern from an i18n_udate_format_h. | |
int | i18n_udate_apply_pattern (i18n_udate_format_h format, i18n_ubool localized, const i18n_uchar *pattern, int32_t pattern_length) |
Sets the pattern used by an i18n_udate_format_h. | |
int32_t | i18n_udate_get_symbols (const i18n_udate_format_h format, i18n_udate_format_symbol_type_e type, int32_t symbol_index, i18n_uchar *result, int32_t result_length) |
Gets the symbols associated with an i18n_udate_format_h. | |
int32_t | i18n_udate_count_symbols (const i18n_udate_format_h format, i18n_udate_format_symbol_type_e type) |
Counts the number of particular symbols for an i18n_udate_format_h. | |
int | i18n_udate_set_symbols (i18n_udate_format_h format, i18n_udate_format_symbol_type_e type, int32_t symbol_index, i18n_uchar *value, int32_t value_length) |
Sets the symbols associated with an i18n_udate_format_h. | |
const char * | i18n_udate_get_locale_by_type (const i18n_udate_format_h format, i18n_ulocale_data_locale_type_e type) |
Gets the locale for this date format object. | |
int | i18n_udate_set_context (i18n_udate_format_h format, i18n_udisplay_context_e value) |
Sets a particular i18n_udisplay_context_e value in the formatter, such as I18N_UDISPLAY_CONTEXT_CAPITALIZATION_FOR_STANDALONE. | |
Typedefs | |
typedef double | i18n_udate |
Date and Time data type. This is a primitive data type that holds the date and time as the number of milliseconds since 1970-jan-01, 00:00 UTC. UTC leap seconds are ignored. | |
typedef void * | i18n_udate_format_h |
A date formatter. | |
typedef i18n_ufield_position_s * | i18n_ufield_position_h |
Handle to struct representing a range of text containing a specific field. | |
Defines | |
#define | I18N_UDATE_YEAR "y" |
Constant for date skeleton with year. | |
#define | I18N_UDATE_QUARTER "QQQQ" |
Constant for date skeleton with quarter. | |
Constant for date skeleton with abbreviated quarter. | |
Constant for date skeleton with year and quarter. | |
Constant for date skeleton with year and abbreviated quarter. | |
#define | I18N_UDATE_MONTH "MMMM" |
Constant for date skeleton with month. | |
#define | I18N_UDATE_ABBR_MONTH "MMM" |
Constant for date skeleton with abbreviated month. | |
#define | I18N_UDATE_NUM_MONTH "M" |
Constant for date skeleton with numeric month. | |
#define | I18N_UDATE_YEAR_MONTH "yMMMM" |
Constant for date skeleton with year and month. | |
Constant for date skeleton with year and abbreviated month. | |
#define | I18N_UDATE_YEAR_NUM_MONTH "yM" |
Constant for date skeleton with year and numeric month. | |
#define | I18N_UDATE_DAY "d" |
Constant for date skeleton with day. | |
#define | I18N_UDATE_YEAR_MONTH_DAY "yMMMMd" |
Constant for date skeleton with year, month, and day. | |
Constant for date skeleton with year, abbreviated month, and day. | |
#define | I18N_UDATE_YEAR_NUM_MONTH_DAY "yMd" |
Constant for date skeleton with year, numeric month, and day. | |
#define | I18N_UDATE_WEEKDAY "EEEE" |
Constant for date skeleton with weekday. | |
#define | I18N_UDATE_ABBR_WEEKDAY "E" |
Constant for date skeleton with abbreviated weekday. | |
Constant for date skeleton with year, month, weekday, and day. | |
Constant for date skeleton with year, abbreviated month, weekday, and day. | |
Constant for date skeleton with year, numeric month, weekday, and day. | |
#define | I18N_UDATE_MONTH_DAY "MMMMd" |
Constant for date skeleton with long month and day. | |
#define | I18N_UDATE_ABBR_MONTH_DAY "MMMd" |
Constant for date skeleton with abbreviated month and day. | |
#define | I18N_UDATE_NUM_MONTH_DAY "Md" |
Constant for date skeleton with numeric month and day. | |
Constant for date skeleton with month, weekday, and day. | |
Constant for date skeleton with abbreviated month, weekday, and day. | |
Constant for date skeleton with numeric month, weekday, and day. | |
#define | I18N_UDATE_HOUR "j" |
Constant for date skeleton with hour, with the locale's preferred hour format (12 or 24). | |
#define | I18N_UDATE_HOUR24 "H" |
Constant for date skeleton with hour in 24-hour presentation. | |
#define | I18N_UDATE_MINUTE "m" |
Constant for date skeleton with minute. | |
#define | I18N_UDATE_HOUR_MINUTE "jm" |
Constant for date skeleton with hour and minute, with the locale's preferred hour format (12 or 24). | |
#define | I18N_UDATE_HOUR24_MINUTE "Hm" |
Constant for date skeleton with hour and minute in 24-hour presentation. | |
#define | I18N_UDATE_SECOND "s" |
Constant for date skeleton with second. | |
#define | I18N_UDATE_HOUR_MINUTE_SECOND "jms" |
Constant for date skeleton with hour, minute, and second, with the locale's preferred hour format (12 or 24). | |
#define | I18N_UDATE_HOUR24_MINUTE_SECOND "Hms" |
Constant for date skeleton with hour, minute, and second in 24-hour presentation. | |
#define | I18N_UDATE_MINUTE_SECOND "ms" |
Constant for date skeleton with minute and second. |
Constant for date skeleton with abbreviated month.
Constant for date skeleton with abbreviated month and day.
Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
Constant for date skeleton with abbreviated month, weekday, and day.
Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
Constant for date skeleton with abbreviated quarter.
Constant for date skeleton with abbreviated weekday.
#define I18N_UDATE_DAY "d" |
#define I18N_UDATE_HOUR "j" |
Constant for date skeleton with hour, with the locale's preferred hour format (12 or 24).
#define I18N_UDATE_HOUR24 "H" |
Constant for date skeleton with hour in 24-hour presentation.
#define I18N_UDATE_HOUR24_MINUTE "Hm" |
Constant for date skeleton with hour and minute in 24-hour presentation.
Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
Constant for date skeleton with hour, minute, and second in 24-hour presentation.
Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
#define I18N_UDATE_HOUR_MINUTE "jm" |
Constant for date skeleton with hour and minute, with the locale's preferred hour format (12 or 24).
Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
Constant for date skeleton with hour, minute, and second, with the locale's preferred hour format (12 or 24).
Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
#define I18N_UDATE_MINUTE "m" |
#define I18N_UDATE_MINUTE_SECOND "ms" |
Constant for date skeleton with minute and second.
Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
#define I18N_UDATE_MONTH "MMMM" |
#define I18N_UDATE_MONTH_DAY "MMMMd" |
Constant for date skeleton with long month and day.
Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
Constant for date skeleton with month, weekday, and day.
Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
#define I18N_UDATE_NUM_MONTH "M" |
#define I18N_UDATE_NUM_MONTH_DAY "Md" |
Constant for date skeleton with numeric month and day.
Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
Constant for date skeleton with numeric month, weekday, and day.
Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
#define I18N_UDATE_SECOND "s" |
#define I18N_UDATE_YEAR "y" |
Constant for date skeleton with year and abbreviated month.
Constant for date skeleton with year, abbreviated month, and day.
Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
Constant for date skeleton with year, abbreviated month, weekday, and day.
Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
Constant for date skeleton with year and abbreviated quarter.
Constant for date skeleton with year, month, and day.
Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
Constant for date skeleton with year, month, weekday, and day.
Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
#define I18N_UDATE_YEAR_NUM_MONTH "yM" |
Constant for date skeleton with year and numeric month.
Constant for date skeleton with year, numeric month, and day.
Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
Constant for date skeleton with year, numeric month, weekday, and day.
Used in combinations date + time, date + time + zone, or time + zone.
Constant for date skeleton with year and quarter.
typedef double i18n_udate |
Date and Time data type.
This is a primitive data type that holds the date and time as the number of milliseconds since 1970-jan-01, 00:00 UTC. UTC leap seconds are ignored.
Date and Time data type.
This is a primitive data type that holds the date and time as the number of milliseconds since 1970-jan-01, 00:00 UTC. UTC leap seconds are ignored.
typedef void* i18n_udate_format_h |
A date formatter.
Handle to struct representing a range of text containing a specific field.
Enumeration for format fields.
Enumeration for the possible date/time format styles.
Full style |
Long style |
Medium style |
Short style |
Default style |
Bitfield for relative date |
No style |
Use the pattern given in the parameter to i18n_udate_create(). |
Enumeration for symbol types.
Enumeration for display context.
Display context types, for getting values of a particular setting.
Note, the specific numeric values are internal and may change.
int i18n_udate_apply_pattern | ( | i18n_udate_format_h | format, |
i18n_ubool | localized, | ||
const i18n_uchar * | pattern, | ||
int32_t | pattern_length | ||
) |
Sets the pattern used by an i18n_udate_format_h.
The pattern should follow the pattern syntax rules.
[in] | format | The i18n_udate_format_h to set. |
[in] | localized | true if the pattern is localized, false otherwise. |
[in] | pattern | The new pattern. |
[in] | pattern_length | The length of pattern, or -1 if NULL-terminated. |
I18N_ERROR_NONE | Successful |
I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid function parameter |
int i18n_udate_clone | ( | const i18n_udate_format_h | format, |
i18n_udate_format_h * | format_clone | ||
) |
Creates a copy of an i18n_udate_format_h.
This function performs a deep copy.
[in] | format | The format to copy. |
[out] | format_clone | A pointer to clone of format . |
I18N_ERROR_NONE | Successful |
I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid function parameter |
int32_t i18n_udate_count_available | ( | void | ) |
Determines how many locales have date/time formatting patterns available.
This function is the most useful for determining the loop ending condition for calls to i18n_udate_get_available().
I18N_ERROR_NONE | Successful |
int32_t i18n_udate_count_symbols | ( | const i18n_udate_format_h | format, |
i18n_udate_format_symbol_type_e | type | ||
) |
Counts the number of particular symbols for an i18n_udate_format_h.
This function is most useful for determining the loop termination condition for calls to i18n_udate_get_symbols().
[in] | format | The i18n_udate_format_h to query. |
[in] | type | The type of symbols to count. If wrong type is passed, 0 will be returned. |
I18N_ERROR_NONE | Successful |
I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid function parameter |
int i18n_udate_create | ( | i18n_udate_format_style_e | time_style, |
i18n_udate_format_style_e | date_style, | ||
const char * | locale, | ||
const i18n_uchar * | tz_id, | ||
int32_t | tz_id_len, | ||
const i18n_uchar * | pattern, | ||
int | pattern_len, | ||
i18n_udate_format_h * | format | ||
) |
Creates a new i18n_udate_format_h for formatting and parsing dates and times.
A i18n_udate_format_h may be used to format dates in calls to i18n_udate_create().
[in] | time_style | The style used to format times One of I18N_UDATE_FULL, I18N_UDATE_LONG, I18N_UDATE_MEDIUM, I18N_UDATE_SHORT, I18N_UDATE_DEFAULT, I18N_UDATE_PATTERN (see remarks) or I18N_UDATE_NONE (relative time styles are not currently supported). |
[in] | locale | The locale specifying the formatting conventions. |
[in] | tz_id | A timezone ID specifying the timezone to use If 0 , use the default timezone. |
[in] | tz_id_len | The length of tz_id, otherwise -1 if NULL-terminated. |
[in] | pattern | A pattern specifying the format to use. The pattern is generated by Udatepg module. When the pattern parameter is used, pass in I18N_UDATE_PATTERN for both time_style and date_style. See remarks for additional conditions. |
[in] | pattern_len | The number of characters in the pattern, or otherwise -1 if NULL-terminated. |
[out] | format | A pointer to an i18n_udate_format_h to use for formatting dates and times, otherwise 0 if an error occurs. |
I18N_ERROR_NONE | Successful |
I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid function parameter |
int i18n_udate_destroy | ( | i18n_udate_format_h | format | ) |
Destroys an i18n_udate_format_h.
Once destroyed, an i18n_udate_format_h may no longer be used.
[in] | format | The formatter to destroy. |
I18N_ERROR_NONE | Successful |
I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid function parameter |
int i18n_udate_format_date | ( | const i18n_udate_format_h | format, |
i18n_udate | date_to_format, | ||
i18n_uchar * | result, | ||
int32_t | result_len, | ||
i18n_ufield_position_h | pos, | ||
int32_t * | buf_size_needed | ||
) |
Formats a date using an i18n_udate_format_h.
The date will be formatted using the conventions specified in i18n_udate_create()
[in] | format | The formatter to use. |
[in] | date_to_format | The date to format. |
[out] | result | A pointer to a buffer to receive the formatted number. |
[in] | result_len | The maximum size of the result. |
[in] | pos | A pointer to an i18n_ufield_position On input, position->field is read On output, position->beginIndex and position->endIndex indicate the beginning and ending indices of field number position->field, if such a field exists This parameter may be NULL , in which case no field position data is returned. |
[out] | buf_size_needed | The total buffer size needed If greater than result_len, the output was truncated. |
I18N_ERROR_NONE | Successful |
I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid function parameter |
int i18n_udate_get_2digit_year_start | ( | const i18n_udate_format_h | format, |
i18n_udate * | year | ||
) |
Gets the year relative to which all 2-digit years are interpreted.
For example, if the 2-digit start year is 2100, the year 99 will be interpreted as 2199.
[in] | format | The i18n_udate_format_h to get. |
[out] | year | A pointer to the year relative to which all 2-digit years are interpreted. |
I18N_ERROR_NONE | Successful |
I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid function parameter |
const char* i18n_udate_get_available | ( | int32_t | locale_index | ) |
Gets a locale for which date/time formatting patterns are available.
An i18n_udate_format_h in a locale returned by this function will perform the correct formatting and parsing for the locale.
[in] | locale_index | The index of the desired locale. |
I18N_ERROR_NONE | Successful |
I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid function parameter |
int i18n_udate_get_calendar | ( | const i18n_udate_format_h | format, |
i18n_ucalendar_h * | calendar | ||
) |
Gets the i18n_ucalendar_h associated with an i18n_udate_format_h.
An i18n_udate_format_h uses an i18n_ucalendar_h to convert a raw value to, for example, the day of the week.
[in] | format | The i18n_udate_format_h to query. |
[out] | calendar | A pointer to the i18n_ucalendar_h used by format. |
I18N_ERROR_NONE | Successful |
I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid function parameter |
const char* i18n_udate_get_locale_by_type | ( | const i18n_udate_format_h | format, |
i18n_ulocale_data_locale_type_e | type | ||
) |
Gets the locale for this date format object.
You can choose between valid and actual locale.
[in] | format | The i18n_udate_format_h to get the locale from. |
[in] | type | The type of the locale we're looking for (valid or actual). |
I18N_ERROR_NONE | Successful |
I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid function parameter |
int i18n_udate_get_number_format | ( | const i18n_udate_format_h | format, |
i18n_unumber_format_h * | number_format | ||
) |
Gets the i18n_unumber_format_h associated with an i18n_udate_format_h.
An i18n_udate_format_h uses an i18n_unumber_format_h to format numbers within a date, for example the day number.
[in] | format | The formatter to query. |
[out] | number_format | A pointer to the i18n_unumber_format_h used by format to format numbers. |
I18N_ERROR_NONE | Successful |
I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid function parameter |
int32_t i18n_udate_get_symbols | ( | const i18n_udate_format_h | format, |
i18n_udate_format_symbol_type_e | type, | ||
int32_t | symbol_index, | ||
i18n_uchar * | result, | ||
int32_t | result_length | ||
) |
Gets the symbols associated with an i18n_udate_format_h.
The symbols are what an i18n_udate_format_h uses to represent locale-specific data, for example month or day names.
[in] | format | The i18n_udate_format_h to query. |
[in] | type | The type of symbols to get. All the types defined in the i18n_udate_format_symbol_type_e enumeration are supported. |
[in] | symbol_index | The desired symbol of type type. |
[out] | result | A pointer to a buffer to receive the pattern. |
[in] | result_length | The maximum size of the result buffer. |
I18N_ERROR_NONE | Successful |
I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid function parameter |
i18n_ubool i18n_udate_is_lenient | ( | const i18n_udate_format_h | format | ) |
Determines if an i18n_udate_format_h will perform lenient parsing.
With lenient parsing, the parser may use heuristics to interpret inputs that do not precisely match the pattern. With strict parsing, inputs must match the pattern.
[in] | format | The i18n_udate_format_h to query. |
I18N_ERROR_NONE | Successful |
I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid function parameter |
int i18n_udate_parse | ( | const i18n_udate_format_h | format, |
const i18n_uchar * | text, | ||
int32_t | text_length, | ||
int32_t * | parse_pos, | ||
i18n_udate * | parsed_date | ||
) |
Parses a string into an date/time using an i18n_udate_format_h.
The date will be parsed using the conventions specified in i18n_udate_create().
Note that the normal date formats associated with some calendars - such as the Chinese lunar calendar - do not specify enough fields to enable dates to be parsed unambiguously. In the case of the Chinese lunar calendar, while the year within the current 60-year cycle is specified, the number of such cycles since the start date of the calendar (in the I18N_UCALENDAR_ERA field of the i18n_ucalendar_h) is not normally part of the format, and parsing may assume the wrong era. For such cases it is recommended that clients parse using i18n_udate_parse_calendar() with the calendar passed in set to the current date, or to a date within the era/cycle that should be assumed if absent in the format.
[in] | format | The formatter to use. |
[in] | text | The text to parse. |
[in] | text_length | The length of text, or -1 if NULL-terminated. |
[in] | parse_pos | If not 0, on input a pointer to an integer specifying the offset at which to begin parsing. If not 0, on output the offset at which parsing ended. |
[out] | parsed_date | A pointer to the value of the parsed date/time. |
I18N_ERROR_NONE | Successful |
I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid function parameter |
int i18n_udate_parse_calendar | ( | const i18n_udate_format_h | format, |
i18n_ucalendar_h * | calendar, | ||
const i18n_uchar * | text, | ||
int32_t | text_length, | ||
int32_t * | parse_pos | ||
) |
Parses a string into an date/time using an i18n_udate_format_h.
The date will be parsed using the conventions specified in i18n_udate_create().
[in] | format | The formatter to use. |
[in,out] | calendar | A pointer to calendar set on input to the date and time to be used for missing values in the date/time string being parsed, and set on output to the parsed date/time. When the calendar type is different from the internal calendar held by the i18n_udate_format_h instance, the internal calendar will be cloned to a work calendar set to the same milliseconds and time zone as this calendar parameter, field values will be parsed based on the work calendar, then the result (milliseconds and time zone) will be set in this calendar. |
[in] | text | The text to parse. |
[in] | text_length | The length of text, or -1 if NULL-terminated. |
[in] | parse_pos | If not 0, on input a pointer to an integer specifying the offset at which to begin parsing. If not 0, on output the offset at which parsing ended. |
I18N_ERROR_NONE | Successful |
I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid function parameter |
int i18n_udate_set_2digit_year_start | ( | i18n_udate_format_h | format, |
i18n_udate | date | ||
) |
Sets the year relative to which all 2-digit years will be interpreted.
For example, if the 2-digit start year is 2100, the year 99 will be interpreted as 2199.
[in] | format | The i18n_udate_format_h to map. |
[in] | date | The year relative to which all 2-digit years will be interpreted. |
I18N_ERROR_NONE | Successful |
I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid function parameter |
int i18n_udate_set_calendar | ( | i18n_udate_format_h | format, |
const i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar_to_set | ||
) |
Sets the i18n_ucalendar_h associated with an i18n_udate_format_h.
An i18n_udate_format_h uses an i18n_ucalendar_h to convert a raw value to, for example, the day of the week.
[in] | format | The i18n_udate_format_h. |
[in] | calendar_to_set | An i18n_ucalendar_h to be used by the format. |
I18N_ERROR_NONE | Successful |
I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid function parameter |
int i18n_udate_set_context | ( | i18n_udate_format_h | format, |
i18n_udisplay_context_e | value | ||
) |
Sets a particular i18n_udisplay_context_e value in the formatter, such as I18N_UDISPLAY_CONTEXT_CAPITALIZATION_FOR_STANDALONE.
[in] | format | The i18n_udate_format_h to set a i18n_udisplay_context_e value. |
[in] | value | The i18n_udisplay_context_e value to set. |
I18N_ERROR_NONE | Successful |
I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid function parameter |
int i18n_udate_set_lenient | ( | i18n_udate_format_h | format, |
i18n_ubool | is_lenient | ||
) |
Specifies whether an i18n_udate_format_h will perform lenient parsing.
With lenient parsing, the parser may use heuristics to interpret inputs that do not precisely match the pattern. With strict parsing, inputs must match the pattern.
[in] | format | The i18n_udate_format_h to set. |
[in] | is_lenient | true if fmt should perform lenient parsing, false otherwise. |
I18N_ERROR_NONE | Successful |
I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid function parameter |
int i18n_udate_set_number_format | ( | i18n_udate_format_h | format, |
const i18n_unumber_format_h | number_format_to_set | ||
) |
Sets the i18n_unumber_format_h associated with an i18n_udate_format_h.
An i18n_udate_format_h uses an i18n_unumber_format_h to format numbers within a date, for example the day number.
[in] | format | The i18n_udate_format_h to set. |
[in] | number_format_to_set | An i18n_unumber_format_h to be used by format to format numbers. |
I18N_ERROR_NONE | Successful |
I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid function parameter |
int i18n_udate_set_symbols | ( | i18n_udate_format_h | format, |
i18n_udate_format_symbol_type_e | type, | ||
int32_t | symbol_index, | ||
i18n_uchar * | value, | ||
int32_t | value_length | ||
) |
Sets the symbols associated with an i18n_udate_format_h.
The symbols are what an i18n_udate_format_h uses to represent locale-specific data, for example month or day names.
[in] | format | The i18n_udate_format_h to set. |
[in] | type | The type of symbols to set. All the types defined in the i18n_udate_format_symbol_type_e enumeration are supported. If a type not defined in the enumeration is passed, then the I18N_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED error is returned. |
[in] | symbol_index | The index of the symbol to set of type type. |
[in] | value | The new value. |
[in] | value_length | The length of value, or -1 if NULL-terminated. |
I18N_ERROR_NONE | Successful |
I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid function parameter |
int i18n_udate_to_calendar_date_field | ( | i18n_udate_format_field_e | field, |
i18n_ucalendar_date_fields_e * | date_field_type | ||
) |
Maps from an i18n_udate_format_h to the corresponding i18n_ucalendar_date_fields_e.
Note: since the mapping is many-to-one, there is no inverse mapping.
[out] | date_field_type | A pointer to the i18n_ucalendar_date_fields_e. |
I18N_ERROR_NONE | Successful |
I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid function parameter |
int32_t i18n_udate_to_pattern | ( | const i18n_udate_format_h | format, |
i18n_ubool | localized, | ||
i18n_uchar * | result, | ||
int32_t | result_length | ||
) |
Extracts the pattern from an i18n_udate_format_h.
The pattern will follow the pattern syntax rules.
[in] | format | The i18n_udate_format_h to query. |
[in] | localized | true if the pattern should be localized, false otherwise. |
[out] | result | A pointer to a buffer to receive the pattern. |
[in] | result_length | The maximum size of result. |
I18N_ERROR_NONE | Successful |
I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid function parameter |