Tizen Native API  5.0


A web widget is used for displaying web pages (HTML/CSS/JS) using WebKit-EFL. You must have compiled Elementary with ewebkit support.

Signals that you can add callbacks for are:

  • "download,request": A file download has been requested. Event info is a pointer to a Elm_Web_Download
  • "editorclient,contents,changed": Editor client's contents changed
  • "editorclient,selection,changed": Editor client's selection changed
  • "frame,created": A new frame was created. Event info is an Evas_Object which can be handled with WebKit's ewk_frame API
  • "icon,received": An icon was received by the main frame
  • "inputmethod,changed": Input method changed. Event info is an Eina_Bool indicating whether it's enabled or not
  • "js,windowobject,clear": JS window object has been cleared
  • "link,hover,in": Mouse cursor is hovering over a link. Event info is a char *link[2], where the first string contains the URL the link points to, and the second one the title of the link
  • "link,hover,out": Mouse cursor left the link
  • "load,document,finished": Loading of a document finished. Event info is the frame that finished loading
  • "load,error": Load failed. Event info is a pointer to Elm_Web_Frame_Load_Error
  • "load,finished": Load finished. Event info is NULL on success, on error it's a pointer to Elm_Web_Frame_Load_Error
  • "load,newwindow,show": A new window was created and is ready to be shown
  • "load,progress": Overall load progress. Event info is a pointer to a double containing a value between 0.0 and 1.0
  • "load,provisional": Started provisional load
  • "load,started": Loading of a document started
  • "menubar,visible,get": Queries if the menubar is visible. Event info is a pointer to Eina_Bool where the callback should set EINA_TRUE if the menubar is visible, or EINA_FALSE in case it's not
  • "menubar,visible,set": Informs menubar visibility. Event info is an Eina_Bool indicating the visibility
  • "popup,created": A dropdown widget was activated, requesting its popup menu to be created. Event info is a pointer to Elm_Web_Menu
  • "popup,willdelete": The web object is ready to destroy the popup object created. Event info is a pointer to Elm_Web_Menu
  • "ready": Page is fully loaded
  • "scrollbars,visible,get": Queries visibility of scrollbars. Event info is a pointer to Eina_Bool where the visibility state should be set
  • "scrollbars,visible,set": Informs scrollbars visibility. Event info is an Eina_Bool with the visibility state set
  • "statusbar,text,set": Text of the statusbar changed. Even info is a string with the new text
  • "statusbar,visible,get": Queries visibility of the status bar. Event info is a pointer to Eina_Bool where the visibility state should be set.
  • "statusbar,visible,set": Informs statusbar visibility. Event info is an Eina_Bool with the visibility value
  • "title,changed": Title of the main frame changed. Event info is a string with the new title
  • "toolbars,visible,get": Queries visibility of toolbars. Event info is a pointer to Eina_Bool where the visibility state should be set
  • "toolbars,visible,set": Informs the visibility of toolbars. Event info is an Eina_Bool with the visibility state
  • "tooltip,text,set": Show and set text of a tooltip. Event info is a string with the text to show
  • "uri,changed": URI of the main frame changed. Event info is a string (deprecated. use "url,changed" instead)
  • "url,changed": URL of the main frame changed. Event info is a string with the new URI
  • "view,resized": The web object internal's view changed sized
  • "windows,close,request": A JavaScript request to close the current window was requested
  • "zoom,animated,end": Animated zoom finished
  • "focused" : When the web has received focus. (since 1.8)
  • "unfocused" : When the web has lost focus. (since 1.8)

available styles:

  • default

An example of use of web:


Eina_Bool elm_need_web (void)
Eina_Bool elm_web_text_matches_highlight_set (Elm_Web *obj, Eina_Bool highlight)
 Sets whether to highlight the matched marks.
Eina_Bool elm_web_text_matches_highlight_get (const Elm_Web *obj)
 Get whether highlighting marks is enabled.
void elm_web_useragent_set (Elm_Web *obj, const char *user_agent)
 Change useragent of a elm_web object.
const char * elm_web_useragent_get (const Elm_Web *obj)
 Return current useragent of elm_web object.
Eina_Bool elm_web_url_set (Elm_Web *obj, const char *url)
 Sets the URL for the web object.
const char * elm_web_url_get (const Elm_Web *obj)
 Get the current URL for the object.
void elm_web_bg_color_set (Elm_Web *obj, int r, int g, int b, int a)
 Sets the background color to be used by the web object.
void elm_web_bg_color_get (const Elm_Web *obj, int *r, int *g, int *b, int *a)
 Get the background color to be used by the web object.
void elm_web_inwin_mode_set (Elm_Web *obj, Eina_Bool value)
 Sets the default dialogs to use an Inwin instead of a normal window.
Eina_Bool elm_web_inwin_mode_get (const Elm_Web *obj)
 Get whether Inwin mode is set for the current object.
void elm_web_tab_propagate_set (Elm_Web *obj, Eina_Bool propagate)
 Sets whether to use tab propagation.
Eina_Bool elm_web_tab_propagate_get (const Elm_Web *obj)
 Get the status of the tab propagation.
void elm_web_history_enabled_set (Elm_Web *obj, Eina_Bool enable)
 Enables or disables the browsing history.
Eina_Bool elm_web_history_enabled_get (const Elm_Web *obj)
 Get whether browsing history is enabled for the given object.
void elm_web_console_message_hook_set (Elm_Web *obj, Elm_Web_Console_Message func, void *data)
 Sets the function to call when a console message is emitted from JS.
void elm_web_window_create_hook_set (Elm_Web *obj, Elm_Web_Window_Open func, void *data)
 Sets the function to call when a new window is requested.
void elm_web_dialog_file_selector_hook_set (Elm_Web *obj, Elm_Web_Dialog_File_Selector func, void *data)
 Sets the function to call when an file selector dialog.
void elm_web_dialog_confirm_hook_set (Elm_Web *obj, Elm_Web_Dialog_Confirm func, void *data)
 Sets the function to call when an confirm dialog.
void elm_web_popup_selected_set (Elm_Web *obj, int idx)
 Tells the web object which index in the currently open popup was selected.
void elm_web_dialog_prompt_hook_set (Elm_Web *obj, Elm_Web_Dialog_Prompt func, void *data)
 Sets the function to call when an prompt dialog.
void elm_web_dialog_alert_hook_set (Elm_Web *obj, Elm_Web_Dialog_Alert func, void *data)
 Sets the function to call when an alert dialog.
Eina_Bool elm_web_forward_possible_get (const Elm_Web *obj)
 Queries whether it's possible to go forward in history.
Efl_Canvas_Objectelm_web_webkit_view_get (const Elm_Web *obj)
 Get internal ewk_view object from web object.
Eina_Bool elm_web_back_possible_get (const Elm_Web *obj)
 Queries whether it's possible to go back in history.
double elm_web_load_progress_get (const Elm_Web *obj)
 Get the overall loading progress of the page.
const char * elm_web_selection_get (const Elm_Web *obj)
 Get a copy of the currently selected text.
Eina_Stringshareelm_web_title_get (const Elm_Web *obj)
 Get the current title.
Eina_Bool elm_web_navigate (Elm_Web *obj, int steps)
 Jumps the given number of steps in the browsing history.
Eina_Bool elm_web_back (Elm_Web *obj)
 Goes back one step in the browsing history.
Eina_Bool elm_web_html_string_load (Elm_Web *obj, const char *html, const char *base_url, const char *unreachable_url)
 Loads the specified html string as the content of the web object.
Eina_Bool elm_web_text_search (const Elm_Web *obj, const char *string, Eina_Bool case_sensitive, Eina_Bool forward, Eina_Bool wrap)
 Searches the given string in a document.
Eina_Bool elm_web_popup_destroy (Elm_Web *obj)
 Dismisses an open dropdown popup.
void elm_web_region_show (Elm_Web *obj, int x, int y, int w, int h)
 Shows the given region in the web object.
Eina_Bool elm_web_forward (Elm_Web *obj)
 Goes forward one step in the browsing history.
unsigned int elm_web_text_matches_mark (Elm_Web *obj, const char *string, Eina_Bool case_sensitive, Eina_Bool highlight, unsigned int limit)
 Marks matches of the given string in a document.
void elm_web_region_bring_in (Elm_Web *obj, int x, int y, int w, int h)
 Brings in the region to the visible area.
Eina_Bool elm_web_stop (Elm_Web *obj)
 Stops loading the current page.
Eina_Bool elm_web_navigate_possible_get (Elm_Web *obj, int steps)
 Queries whether it's possible to jump the given number of steps.
Eina_Bool elm_web_reload_full (Elm_Web *obj)
 Requests a reload of the current document, avoiding any existing caches.
Eina_Bool elm_web_text_matches_unmark_all (Elm_Web *obj)
 Clears all marked matches in the document.
Eina_Bool elm_web_reload (Elm_Web *obj)
 Requests a reload of the current document in the object.
Eina_Bool elm_web_window_features_property_get (const Elm_Web_Window_Features *wf, Elm_Web_Window_Feature_Flag flag)
void elm_web_window_features_region_get (const Elm_Web_Window_Features *wf, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y, Evas_Coord *w, Evas_Coord *h)
Evas_Objectelm_web_add (Evas_Object *parent)
EINA_DEPRECATED Eina_Bool elm_web_uri_set (Evas_Object *obj, const char *uri)
EINA_DEPRECATED const char * elm_web_uri_get (const Evas_Object *obj)
void elm_web_zoom_mode_set (Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Web_Zoom_Mode mode)
 Sets the zoom mode to use.
Elm_Web_Zoom_Mode elm_web_zoom_mode_get (const Evas_Object *obj)
 Get the currently set zoom mode.
void elm_web_zoom_set (Evas_Object *obj, double zoom)
 Sets the zoom level of the web object.
double elm_web_zoom_get (const Evas_Object *obj)
 Get the current zoom level set on the web object.


typedef struct
typedef struct _Elm_Web_Menu_Item Elm_Web_Menu_Item
typedef struct _Elm_Web_Menu Elm_Web_Menu
typedef struct
typedef Evas_Object *(* Elm_Web_Window_Open )(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool js, const Elm_Web_Window_Features *window_features)
typedef Evas_Object *(* Elm_Web_Dialog_Alert )(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *message)
typedef Evas_Object *(* Elm_Web_Dialog_Confirm )(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *message, Eina_Bool *ret)
typedef Evas_Object *(* Elm_Web_Dialog_Prompt )(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *message, const char *def_value, const char **value, Eina_Bool *ret)
typedef Evas_Object *(* Elm_Web_Dialog_File_Selector )(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool allows_multiple, Eina_List *accept_types, Eina_List **selected, Eina_Bool *ret)
typedef void(* Elm_Web_Console_Message )(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *message, unsigned int line_number, const char *source_id)

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* Elm_Web_Console_Message)(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *message, unsigned int line_number, const char *source_id)

Callback type for the JS console message hook.

When a console message is added from JavaScript, any set function to the console message hook will be called for the user to handle. There is no default implementation of this hook.

dataUser data pointer set when setting the hook function.
objThe elm_web object that originated the message.
messageThe message sent.
line_numberThe line number.
source_idSource id.
See also:
typedef Evas_Object*(* Elm_Web_Dialog_Alert)(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *message)

Callback type for the JS alert hook.

dataUser data pointer set when setting the hook function.
objThe elm_web object requesting the new window.
messageThe message to show in the alert dialog.
The object representing the alert dialog. Elm_Web will run a second main loop to handle the dialog and normal flow of the application will be restored when the object is deleted, so the user should handle the popup properly in order to delete the object when the action is finished. If the function returns NULL the popup will be ignored.
See also:
typedef Evas_Object*(* Elm_Web_Dialog_Confirm)(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *message, Eina_Bool *ret)

Callback type for the JS confirm hook.

dataUser data pointer set when setting the hook function.
objThe elm_web object requesting the new window.
messageThe message to show in the confirm dialog.
retPointer to store the user selection. EINA_TRUE if the user selected Ok, EINA_FALSE otherwise.
The object representing the confirm dialog. Elm_Web will run a second main loop to handle the dialog and normal flow of the application will be restored when the object is deleted, so the user should handle the popup properly in order to delete the object when the action is finished. If the function returns NULL the popup will be ignored.
See also:
typedef Evas_Object*(* Elm_Web_Dialog_File_Selector)(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool allows_multiple, Eina_List *accept_types, Eina_List **selected, Eina_Bool *ret)

Callback type for the JS file selector hook.

dataUser data pointer set when setting the hook function.
objThe elm_web object requesting the new window.
allows_multipleEINA_TRUE if multiple files can be selected.
accept_typesMime types accepted.
selectedPointer to store the list of malloc'ed strings containing the path to each file selected. Must be NULL if the file dialog is canceled.
retPointer to store the user selection. EINA_TRUE if the user selected Ok, EINA_FALSE otherwise.
The object representing the file selector dialog. Elm_Web will run a second main loop to handle the dialog and normal flow of the application will be restored when the object is deleted, so the user should handle the popup properly in order to delete the object when the action is finished. If the function returns NULL the popup will be ignored.
See also:
elm_web_dialog_file selector_hook_set()
typedef Evas_Object*(* Elm_Web_Dialog_Prompt)(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *message, const char *def_value, const char **value, Eina_Bool *ret)

Callback type for the JS prompt hook.

dataUser data pointer set when setting the hook function.
objThe elm_web object requesting the new window.
messageThe message to show in the prompt dialog.
def_valueThe default value to present the user in the entry
valuePointer to store the value given by the user. Must be a malloc'ed string or NULL if the user canceled the popup.
retPointer to store the user selection. EINA_TRUE if the user selected Ok, EINA_FALSE otherwise.
The object representing the prompt dialog. Elm_Web will run a second main loop to handle the dialog and normal flow of the application will be restored when the object is deleted, so the user should handle the popup properly in order to delete the object when the action is finished. If the function returns NULL the popup will be ignored.
See also:

Structure used to report load errors.

Load errors are reported as signal by elm_web. All the strings are temporary references and should not be used after the signal callback returns. If it's required, make copies with strdup() or eina_stringshare_add() (they are not even guaranteed to be stringshared, so must use eina_stringshare_add() and not eina_stringshare_ref()).

typedef struct _Elm_Web_Menu Elm_Web_Menu

Structure describing the menu of a popup

This structure will be passed as the event_info for the "popup,create" signal, which is emitted when a dropdown menu is opened. Users wanting to handle these popups by themselves should listen to this signal and set the handled property of the struct to EINA_TRUE. Leaving this property as EINA_FALSE means that the user will not handle the popup and the default implementation will be used.

When the popup is ready to be dismissed, a "popup,willdelete" signal will be emitted to notify the user that it can destroy any objects and free all data related to it.

See also:

Structure describing the items in a menu

typedef struct _Elm_Web_Window_Features Elm_Web_Window_Features

Opaque handler containing the features (such as statusbar, menubar, etc) that are to be set on a newly requested window.

typedef Evas_Object*(* Elm_Web_Window_Open)(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool js, const Elm_Web_Window_Features *window_features)

Callback type for the create_window hook.

dataUser data pointer set when setting the hook function.
objThe elm_web object requesting the new window.
jsSet to EINA_TRUE if the request was originated from JavaScript. EINA_FALSE otherwise.
window_featuresA pointer of Elm_Web_Window_Features indicating the features requested for the new window.
The elm_web widget where the request will be loaded. That is, if a new window or tab is created, the elm_web widget in it should be returned, and NOT the window object. Returning NULL should cancel the request.
See also:

Enumeration Type Documentation

The possibles types that the items in a menu can be

Definitions of web window features.

Types of zoom available.


Zoom controlled normally by elm_web_zoom_set


Zoom until content fits in web object


Zoom until content fills web object


Sentinel value to indicate last enum field during iteration

Function Documentation

Eina_Bool elm_need_web ( void  )

Request that your elementary application needs web support

This initializes the Ewebkit library when called and if support exists it returns EINA_TRUE, otherwise returns EINA_FALSE. This must be called before any other function that deals with elm_web objects or ewk_view instances.


Add a new web object to the parent.

parentThe parent object.
The new object or NULL if it cannot be created.
See also:
Eina_Bool elm_web_back ( Elm_Web *  obj)

Goes back one step in the browsing history.

This is equivalent to calling elm_web_object_navigate(obj, -1);

[in]objThe object.
true on success, false otherwise
Eina_Bool elm_web_back_possible_get ( const Elm_Web *  obj)

Queries whether it's possible to go back in history.

[in]objThe object.
true if it is possible to go back, false otherwise
void elm_web_bg_color_get ( const Elm_Web *  obj,
int *  r,
int *  g,
int *  b,
int *  a 

Get the background color to be used by the web object.

This is the color that will be used by default when the loaded page does not set it's own. Color values are pre-multiplied.

[in]objThe object.
[out]rRed component.
[out]gGreen component.
[out]bBlue component.
[out]aAlpha component.
void elm_web_bg_color_set ( Elm_Web *  obj,
int  r,
int  g,
int  b,
int  a 

Sets the background color to be used by the web object.

This is the color that will be used by default when the loaded page does not set it's own. Color values are pre-multiplied.

[in]objThe object.
[in]rRed component.
[in]gGreen component.
[in]bBlue component.
[in]aAlpha component.
void elm_web_console_message_hook_set ( Elm_Web *  obj,
Elm_Web_Console_Message  func,
void *  data 

Sets the function to call when a console message is emitted from JS.

This hook will be called when a console message is emitted from JavaScript. There is no default implementation for this feature.

[in]objThe object.
[in]funcThe callback function to be used.
[in]dataUser data.
void elm_web_dialog_alert_hook_set ( Elm_Web *  obj,
Elm_Web_Dialog_Alert  func,
void *  data 

Sets the function to call when an alert dialog.

This hook will be called when a JavaScript alert dialog is requested. If no function is set or null is passed in func, the default implementation will take place.

[in]objThe object.
[in]funcCallback function to be used.
[in]dataUser data.
void elm_web_dialog_confirm_hook_set ( Elm_Web *  obj,
Elm_Web_Dialog_Confirm  func,
void *  data 

Sets the function to call when an confirm dialog.

This hook will be called when a JavaScript confirm dialog is requested. If no function is set or null is passed in func, the default implementation will take place.

[in]objThe object.
[in]funcThe callback function to be used.
[in]dataUser data.
void elm_web_dialog_file_selector_hook_set ( Elm_Web *  obj,
Elm_Web_Dialog_File_Selector  func,
void *  data 

Sets the function to call when an file selector dialog.

This hook will be called when a JavaScript file selector dialog is requested. If no function is set or null is passed in func, the default implementation will take place.

[in]objThe object.
[in]funcThe callback function to be used.
[in]dataUser data.
void elm_web_dialog_prompt_hook_set ( Elm_Web *  obj,
Elm_Web_Dialog_Prompt  func,
void *  data 

Sets the function to call when an prompt dialog.

This hook will be called when a JavaScript prompt dialog is requested. If no function is set or null is passed in func, the default implementation will take place.

[in]objThe object.
[in]funcThe callback function to be used.
[in]dataUser data.
Eina_Bool elm_web_forward ( Elm_Web *  obj)

Goes forward one step in the browsing history.

This is equivalent to calling elm_web_object_navigate(obj, 1);

See also elm_web_history_enabled_set, elm_web_forward_possible_get, elm_web_back, elm_web_navigate.

[in]objThe object.
true on success, false otherwise.
Eina_Bool elm_web_forward_possible_get ( const Elm_Web *  obj)

Queries whether it's possible to go forward in history.

[in]objThe object.
true if it is possible to go forward, false otherwise
Eina_Bool elm_web_history_enabled_get ( const Elm_Web *  obj)

Get whether browsing history is enabled for the given object.

[in]objThe object.
Whether to enable or disable the browsing history.
void elm_web_history_enabled_set ( Elm_Web *  obj,
Eina_Bool  enable 

Enables or disables the browsing history.

[in]objThe object.
[in]enableWhether to enable or disable the browsing history.
Eina_Bool elm_web_html_string_load ( Elm_Web *  obj,
const char *  html,
const char *  base_url,
const char *  unreachable_url 

Loads the specified html string as the content of the web object.

External objects such as stylesheets or images referenced in the HTML document are located relative to base_url.

If an unreachable_url is passed it is used as the url for the loaded content. This is typically used to display error pages for a failed load.

[in]objThe object.
[in]htmlHTML data to load.
[in]base_urlBase URL used for relative paths to external objects (optional).
[in]unreachable_urlURL that could not be reached (optional).
true on success, false otherwise
Since (EFL) :
Eina_Bool elm_web_inwin_mode_get ( const Elm_Web *  obj)

Get whether Inwin mode is set for the current object.

[in]objThe object.
true if dialog will be opened as Inwin, false otherwise
void elm_web_inwin_mode_set ( Elm_Web *  obj,
Eina_Bool  value 

Sets the default dialogs to use an Inwin instead of a normal window.

If set, then the default implementation for the JavaScript dialogs and file selector will be opened in an Inwin. Otherwise they will use a normal separated window.

[in]objThe object.
[in]valuetrue if dialog will be opened as Inwin, false otherwise
double elm_web_load_progress_get ( const Elm_Web *  obj)

Get the overall loading progress of the page.

Returns the estimated loading progress of the page, with a value between 0.0 and 1.0. This is an estimated progress accounting for all the frames included in the page.

[in]objThe object.
A value between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating the progress, or -1.0 on failure.
Eina_Bool elm_web_navigate ( Elm_Web *  obj,
int  steps 

Jumps the given number of steps in the browsing history.

The steps value can be a negative integer to back in history, or a positive to move forward.

[in]objThe object.
[in]stepsThe number of steps to jump.
true on success, false on error or if not enough history exists to jump the given number of steps
Eina_Bool elm_web_navigate_possible_get ( Elm_Web *  obj,
int  steps 

Queries whether it's possible to jump the given number of steps.

The steps value can be a negative integer to back in history, or positive to move forward.

[in]objThe object.
[in]stepsThe number of steps to check for.
true if enough history exists to perform the given jump, false otherwise.
Eina_Bool elm_web_popup_destroy ( Elm_Web *  obj)

Dismisses an open dropdown popup.

When the popup from a dropdown widget is to be dismissed, either after selecting an option or to cancel it, this function must be called, which will later emit an "popup,willdelete" signal to notify the user that any memory and objects related to this popup can be freed.

[in]objThe object.
true if the menu was successfully destroyed, or false if there was no menu to destroy.
void elm_web_popup_selected_set ( Elm_Web *  obj,
int  idx 

Tells the web object which index in the currently open popup was selected.

When the user handles the popup creation from the "popup,created" signal, it needs to tell the web object which item was selected by calling this function with the index corresponding to the item.

[in]objThe object.
[in]idxThe index selected.
void elm_web_region_bring_in ( Elm_Web *  obj,
int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h 

Brings in the region to the visible area.

Like elm_web_region_show, but it animates the scrolling of the object to show the area.

[in]objThe object.
[in]xThe x coordinate of the region to show.
[in]yThe y coordinate of the region to show.
[in]wThe width of the region to show.
[in]hThe height of the region to show.
void elm_web_region_show ( Elm_Web *  obj,
int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h 

Shows the given region in the web object.

[in]objThe object.
[in]xThe x coordinate of the region to show.
[in]yThe y coordinate of the region to show.
[in]wThe width of the region to show.
[in]hThe height of the region to show.
Eina_Bool elm_web_reload ( Elm_Web *  obj)

Requests a reload of the current document in the object.

[in]objThe object.
true on success, false otherwise.
Eina_Bool elm_web_reload_full ( Elm_Web *  obj)

Requests a reload of the current document, avoiding any existing caches.

[in]objThe object.
true on success, false otherwise.
const char* elm_web_selection_get ( const Elm_Web *  obj)

Get a copy of the currently selected text.

The string returned must be freed by the user when it's done with it.

[in]objThe object.
A newly allocated string, or null if nothing is selected or an error occurred.
Eina_Bool elm_web_stop ( Elm_Web *  obj)

Stops loading the current page.

Cancels the loading of the current page in the web object. This will cause a "load,error" signal to be emitted, with the is_cancellation flag set to true.

[in]objThe object.
true if the cancel was successful, false otherwise.
Eina_Bool elm_web_tab_propagate_get ( const Elm_Web *  obj)

Get the status of the tab propagation.

[in]objThe object.
Whether to propagate Tab keys to Elementary or not.
void elm_web_tab_propagate_set ( Elm_Web *  obj,
Eina_Bool  propagate 

Sets whether to use tab propagation.

If tab propagation is enabled, whenever the user presses the Tab key, Elementary will handle it and switch focus to the next widget. The default value is disabled, where WebKit will handle the Tab key to cycle focus though its internal objects, jumping to the next widget only when that cycle ends.

[in]objThe object.
[in]propagateWhether to propagate Tab keys to Elementary or not.

Get whether highlighting marks is enabled.

[in]objThe object.
Whether to highlight the marks or not.
Eina_Bool elm_web_text_matches_highlight_set ( Elm_Web *  obj,
Eina_Bool  highlight 

Sets whether to highlight the matched marks.

If enabled, marks set with elm_web_text_matches_mark will be highlighted.

[in]objThe object.
[in]highlightWhether to highlight the marks or not.
true on success, false otherwise
unsigned int elm_web_text_matches_mark ( Elm_Web *  obj,
const char *  string,
Eina_Bool  case_sensitive,
Eina_Bool  highlight,
unsigned int  limit 

Marks matches of the given string in a document.

[in]objThe object.
[in]stringString to match.
[in]case_sensitiveIf match should be case sensitive or not.
[in]highlightIf matches should be highlighted.
[in]limitMaximum amount of matches, or zero to unlimited.
Number of matched string.

Clears all marked matches in the document.

[in]objThe object.
true on success, false otherwise.
Eina_Bool elm_web_text_search ( const Elm_Web *  obj,
const char *  string,
Eina_Bool  case_sensitive,
Eina_Bool  forward,
Eina_Bool  wrap 

Searches the given string in a document.

[in]objThe object.
[in]stringString to search.
[in]case_sensitiveIf search should be case sensitive or not.
[in]forwardIf search is from cursor and on or backwards.
[in]wrapIf search should wrap at the end.
true if the given string was found, false if not or failure.
Eina_Stringshare* elm_web_title_get ( const Elm_Web *  obj)

Get the current title.

The returned string must not be freed and is guaranteed to be stringshared.

[in]objThe object.
A stringshared internal string with the current title, or null on failure.
EINA_DEPRECATED const char* elm_web_uri_get ( const Evas_Object obj)

Get the current URI for the object

The returned string must not be freed and is guaranteed to be stringshared.

objThe web object
A stringshared internal string with the current URI, or NULL on failure
Use elm_web_url_get() instead
See also:
EINA_DEPRECATED Eina_Bool elm_web_uri_set ( Evas_Object obj,
const char *  uri 

Sets the URI for the web object

It must be a full URI, with resource included, in the form http://www.enlightenment.org or file:///tmp/something.html

objThe web object
uriThe URI to set
EINA_TRUE if the URI could be set, EINA_FALSE if an error occurred.
Use elm_web_url_set() instead
See also:
const char* elm_web_url_get ( const Elm_Web *  obj)

Get the current URL for the object.

The returned string must not be freed and is guaranteed to be stringshared.

[in]objThe object.
The URL to set.
Eina_Bool elm_web_url_set ( Elm_Web *  obj,
const char *  url 

Sets the URL for the web object.

It must be a full URL, with resource included, in the form http://www.enlightenment.org or file:///tmp/something.html

[in]objThe object.
[in]urlThe URL to set.
true on success, false otherwise
const char* elm_web_useragent_get ( const Elm_Web *  obj)

Return current useragent of elm_web object.

[in]objThe object.
String for useragent.
void elm_web_useragent_set ( Elm_Web *  obj,
const char *  user_agent 

Change useragent of a elm_web object.

[in]objThe object.
[in]user_agentString for useragent.
Efl_Canvas_Object* elm_web_webkit_view_get ( const Elm_Web *  obj)

Get internal ewk_view object from web object.

Elementary may not provide some low level features of EWebKit, instead of cluttering the API with proxy methods we opted to return the internal reference. Be careful using it as it may interfere with elm_web behavior.

[in]objThe object.
The internal ewk_view object or null if it does not exist. (Failure to create or Elementary compiled without ewebkit)
void elm_web_window_create_hook_set ( Elm_Web *  obj,
Elm_Web_Window_Open  func,
void *  data 

Sets the function to call when a new window is requested.

This hook will be called when a request to create a new window is issued from the web page loaded. There is no default implementation for this feature, so leaving this unset or passing null in func will prevent new windows from opening.

[in]objThe object.
[in]funcThe hook function to be called when a window is requested.
[in]dataUser data.

Get boolean properties from Elm_Web_Window_Features (such as statusbar, menubar, etc) that are on a window.

wfThe web window features object
flagThe web window feature flag whose value is required.
EINA_TRUE if the flag is set, EINA_FALSE otherwise
void elm_web_window_features_region_get ( const Elm_Web_Window_Features wf,
Evas_Coord *  x,
Evas_Coord *  y,
Evas_Coord *  w,
Evas_Coord *  h 

TODO : Add documentation.

wfThe web window features object
x,y,w,h- the co-ordinates of the web view window.
double elm_web_zoom_get ( const Evas_Object obj)

Get the current zoom level set on the web object.

Note that this is the zoom level set on the web object and not that of the underlying Webkit one. In the .ELM_WEB_ZOOM_MODE_MANUAL mode, the two zoom levels should match, but for the other two modes the Webkit zoom is calculated internally to match the chosen mode without changing the zoom level set for the web object.

[in]objThe object.
The zoom level to set.

Get the currently set zoom mode.

[in]objThe object.
The mode to set.

Sets the zoom mode to use.

The modes can be any of those defined in .Elm_Web_Zoom_Mode, except .ELM_WEB_ZOOM_MODE_LAST. The default is .ELM_WEB_ZOOM_MODE_MANUAL.

.ELM_WEB_ZOOM_MODE_MANUAL means the zoom level will be controlled with the elm_web_zoom_set function.

.ELM_WEB_ZOOM_MODE_AUTO_FIT will calculate the needed zoom level to make sure the entirety of the web object's contents are shown.

.ELM_WEB_ZOOM_MODE_AUTO_FILL will calculate the needed zoom level to fit the contents in the web object's size, without leaving any space unused.

[in]objThe object.
[in]modeThe mode to set.
void elm_web_zoom_set ( Evas_Object obj,
double  zoom 

Sets the zoom level of the web object.

Zoom level matches the Webkit API, so 1.0 means normal zoom, with higher values meaning zoom in and lower meaning zoom out. This function will only affect the zoom level if the mode set with elm_web_zoom_mode_set is .ELM_WEB_ZOOM_MODE_MANUAL.

[in]objThe object.
[in]zoomThe zoom level to set.