Toggle Switch

The toggle switch component shows on the screen a 2-state switch.

Table of Contents

  1. HTML Example

HTML Example

Normal size Toggle Switch

To add a toggle switch, you must add the ui-switch class in the <div> element. Because toggle switch is dependent on the checkbox component, you must implement the ui-switch-input class in a checkbox input element.

To add a toggle switch component to the application, use the following code:

<div class="ui-switch">
   <div class="ui-switch-text">
      Toggle Switch
   <label class="ui-toggleswitch">
      <input type="checkbox" class="ui-switch-input"/>
      <div class="ui-switch-activation">
         <div class="ui-switch-inneroffset">
            <div class="ui-switch-handler"></div>

Toggle Switch in Listview

You can use toggle switch component in list as checkbox/radio. Please refer following code:

<ul class="ui-listview">
   <li class="li-has-toggle">
         Toggle 1
         <div class="ui-toggleswitch">
            <input type="checkbox" class="ui-switch-input"/>
         <div class="ui-switch-button"></div>