ViewSwitcher component controls each view elements which are changing position.This component managed to animation, views position, events and get/set active view index.If you want to change the view as various animating, you should wrap views as the ViewSwitcher element thenViewSwitcher would set views position and start to manage to gesture event.Note |
This component is supported since 2.3. |
Table of Contents
How to Create ViewSwitcher
HTML Examples
<div id="drawerPage" class="ui-page"> <div id="moreoptionsDrawer" class="ui-drawer"> <div id="pageIndicator" class="ui-page-indicator"></div> <div id="viewSwitcher" class="ui-view-switcher"> <div class="ui-view custom-view"> <button class="option-button">1</button> </div> <div class="ui-view custom-view ui-view-active"> <button class="option-button">2</button> </div> <div class="ui-view custom-view"> <button class="option-button">3</button> </div> <div class="ui-view custom-view"> <button class="option-button">4</button> </div> <div class="ui-view custom-view"> <button class="option-button">5</button> </div> </div> </div> </div>
Manual Constructor
(function() { var viewSwitcherElement = page.querySelector("#viewSwitcher"), viewSwitcher = tau.widget.ViewSwitcher(viewSwitcherElement); })();
Name | Description |
viewchange | This event has been triggered when view was located on change location.
This event has detail information. |
viewchangestart | Triggered when view changing started. |
viewchangeend | Triggered when view changing ended. |
Event example
(function() { var viewSwitcherElement = page.querySelector("#viewSwitcher"), views = document.querySelectorAll(".ui-view"), elPageIndicator = document.querySelector("#pageIndicator"); pageIndicator = tau.widget.PageIndicator(elPageIndicator, {numberOfPages: 5}), viewSwitcherElement.addEventListener("viewchange", function(event) { var index = event.detail.index; if (index < 0 || index > views.length - 1) { return; } pageIndicator.setActive(index); }, false); })();
Method | Description |
setActiveIndex(index) |
Set the active view with index value |
getActiveIndex() |
Get the active view index |
Set the active view with index value
Return value:
No Return Value getActiveIndex
Get the active view index
Return value:
Type Description number index of active view