Tizen Native API
The Ucalendar is used for converting between an udate module and a set of integer fields such as I18N_UCALENDAR_YEAR, I18N_UCALENDAR_MONTH, I18N_UCALENDAR_DATE, I18N_UCALENDAR_HOUR, and so on.
Required Header
#include <utils_i18n.h>
The Ucalendar is used for converting between an udate module and a set of integer fields such as I18N_UCALENDAR_YEAR, I18N_UCALENDAR_MONTH, I18N_UCALENDAR_DATE, I18N_UCALENDAR_HOUR, and so on. (An udate module represents a specific instant in time with millisecond precision. See udate for information about the udate.)
Sample Code 1
Converts the given date and time to the corresponding UTC time(number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970), considering the given time zone
#define ms2sec(ms) (long long int)(ms)/1000.0 // get time in sec from input date and time long long int _time_convert_itol(char *tzid, int y, int mon, int d, int h, int min, int s) { long long int lli; i18n_ucalendar_h ucal; i18n_udate date; int ret = I18N_ERROR_NONE; int year, month, day, hour, minute, second; int len; i18n_uchar *_tzid = NULL; if (tzid == NULL) { tzid = "Etc/GMT"; } _tzid = (i18n_uchar*)calloc(strlen(tzid) + 1, sizeof(i18n_uchar)); if (_tzid == NULL) { return -1; } // converts 'tzid' to unicode string i18n_ustring_copy_ua(_tzid, tzid); // gets length of '_tzid' len = i18n_ustring_get_length(_tzid); // creates i18n_ucalendar_h ret = i18n_ucalendar_create(_tzid, len, "en_US", I18N_UCALENDAR_TRADITIONAL, &ucal); if (ret) { dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "i18n_ucalendar_create failed.\n"); return -1; } // sets i18n_ucalendar_h's date i18n_ucalendar_set_date_time(ucal, y, mon-1, d, h, min, s); // gets the current value of a field from i18n_ucalendar_h i18n_ucalendar_get(ucal, I18N_UCALENDAR_YEAR, &year); i18n_ucalendar_get(ucal, I18N_UCALENDAR_MONTH, &month); i18n_ucalendar_get(ucal, I18N_UCALENDAR_DATE, &day); i18n_ucalendar_get(ucal, I18N_UCALENDAR_HOUR, &hour); i18n_ucalendar_get(ucal, I18N_UCALENDAR_MINUTE, &minute); i18n_ucalendar_get(ucal, I18N_UCALENDAR_SECOND, &second); dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "Date from ucal, year:%d month:%d day:%d hour:%d minute:%d second:%d.\n",year, month, day, hour, minute, second); // gets i18n_ucalendar's current time and converts it from milliseconds to seconds i18n_ucalendar_get_milliseconds(ucal, &date); lli = ms2sec(date); // destroys i18n_ucalendar_h i18n_ucalendar_destroy(ucal); if (_tzid) { free(_tzid); } return lli; }
Sample Code 2
Describes an example that uses _time_convert_itol from 'Sample Code 2'
// converts the given time to UTC time(number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970) long long int time = _time_convert_itol("Etc/GMT", 2014, 5, 28, 15, 14, 0); dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "Time Zone: %s\t, %d/%d/%d/%d/%d/%d\n", "Etc/GMT", 2014, 5, 28, 15, 14, 0); dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "_time_convert_itol test : %lld\n", time);
Functions | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_set_default_timezone (const i18n_uchar *zone_id) |
Sets the default time zone. | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_get_now (i18n_udate *date) |
Gets the current date and time. | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_create (const i18n_uchar *zone_id, int32_t len, const char *locale, i18n_ucalendar_type_e type, i18n_ucalendar_h *calendar) |
Creates an i18n_ucalendar_h. An i18n_ucalendar_h may be used to convert a millisecond value to a year, month, and day. | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_destroy (i18n_ucalendar_h calendar) |
Destroys an i18n_ucalendar_h. | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_clone (const i18n_ucalendar_h cal, i18n_ucalendar_h *identical_to_cal) |
Creates a copy of a i18n_ucalendar_h. This function performs a deep copy. | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_get_timezone_displayname (const i18n_ucalendar_h calendar, i18n_ucalendar_displayname_type_e type, const char *locale, i18n_uchar *result, int32_t result_len, int32_t *buf_size_needed) |
Gets the display name for a calendar's TimeZone. | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_is_in_daylight_time (const i18n_ucalendar_h calendar, i18n_ubool *is_in) |
Determines if an i18n_ucalendar_h is currently in daylight savings time. | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_set (i18n_ucalendar_h cal, i18n_ucalendar_date_fields_e field, int32_t val) |
Sets the value of a field in a i18n_ucalendar_h. | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_set_attribute (i18n_ucalendar_h calendar, i18n_ucalendar_attribute_e attr, int32_t val) |
Sets a numeric attribute associated with an i18n_ucalendar_h. | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_get_attribute (i18n_ucalendar_h calendar, i18n_ucalendar_attribute_e attr, int32_t *val) |
Gets a numeric attribute associated with an i18n_ucalendar. | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_get_milliseconds (const i18n_ucalendar_h calendar, i18n_udate *date) |
Gets a calendar's current time in milliseconds. | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_set_milliseconds (i18n_ucalendar_h calendar, i18n_udate milliseconds) |
Sets a calendar's current time in milliseconds. | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_set_date_time (i18n_ucalendar_h calendar, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t date, int32_t hour, int32_t min, int32_t sec) |
Sets a calendar's current date. | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_is_equivalent_to (const i18n_ucalendar_h calendar1, const i18n_ucalendar_h calendar2, i18n_ubool *equiv) |
Returns true if two i18n_ucalendar_h calendars are equivalent. | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_add (i18n_ucalendar_h calendar, i18n_ucalendar_date_fields_e field, int32_t amount) |
Adds a specified signed amount to a particular field in a i18n_ucalendar_h. | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_get (const i18n_ucalendar_h calendar, i18n_ucalendar_date_fields_e field, int32_t *val) |
Gets the current value of a field from an i18n_ucalendar_h. | |
int32_t | i18n_ucalendar_get_field_difference (i18n_ucalendar_h calendar, i18n_udate target, i18n_ucalendar_date_fields_e field, i18n_error_code_e *status) |
Returns the difference between the target time and the time this calendar object is currently set to. | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_timezone_id_enumeration_create (i18n_system_timezone_type_e zone_type, const char *region, const int32_t *raw_offset, i18n_uenumeration_h *enumeration) |
Creates an enumeration over system time zone IDs with the given filter conditions. | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_timezones_create (i18n_uenumeration_h *enumeration) |
Creates an enumeration over all time zones. | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_country_timezones_create (const char *country, i18n_uenumeration_h *enumeration) |
Creates an enumeration over all time zones associated with the given country. | |
int32_t | i18n_ucalendar_get_default_timezone (i18n_uchar *result, int32_t result_capacity) |
Returns the default time zone (i.e., the one returned by the i18n_timezone_create_default() function). | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_set_timezone (i18n_ucalendar_h calendar, const i18n_uchar *zone_id, int32_t length) |
Sets the TimeZone used by a i18n_ucalendar_h. | |
int32_t | i18n_ucalendar_get_timezone_id (const i18n_ucalendar_h calendar, i18n_uchar *result, int32_t result_length) |
Gets the ID of the calendar's time zone. | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_set_gregorian_change (i18n_ucalendar_h calendar, i18n_udate date) |
Sets the Gregorian Calendar change date. | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_get_gregorian_change (const i18n_ucalendar_h calendar, i18n_udate *date) |
Gets the Gregorian Calendar change date. | |
const char * | i18n_ucalendar_get_available (int32_t locale_index) |
Gets a locale for which calendars are available. | |
int32_t | i18n_ucalendar_count_available (void) |
Determines how many locales have calendars available. | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_set_date (i18n_ucalendar_h calendar, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t date) |
Sets a calendar's current date. | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_roll (i18n_ucalendar_h calendar, i18n_ucalendar_date_fields_e field, int32_t amount) |
Adds a specified signed amount to a particular field in a i18n_ucalendar_h. | |
i18n_ubool | i18n_ucalendar_is_set (const i18n_ucalendar_h calendar, i18n_ucalendar_date_fields_e field) |
Determines if a field in a i18n_ucalendar_h is set. | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_clear_field (i18n_ucalendar_h calendar, i18n_ucalendar_date_fields_e field) |
Clears a field in a i18n_ucalendar_h. | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_clear (i18n_ucalendar_h calendar) |
Clears all fields in a i18n_ucalendar_h. | |
int32_t | i18n_ucalendar_get_limit (const i18n_ucalendar_h calendar, i18n_ucalendar_date_fields_e field, i18n_ucalendar_limit_type_e type) |
Determines a limit for a field in an i18n_ucalendar_h. | |
const char * | i18n_ucalendar_get_locale_by_type (const i18n_ucalendar_h calendar, i18n_ulocale_data_locale_type_e type) |
Gets the locale for this calendar object. | |
const char * | i18n_ucalendar_get_tz_data_version (void) |
Returns the timezone data version currently used by ICU. | |
int32_t | i18n_ucalendar_get_canonical_timezone_id (const i18n_uchar *id, int32_t length, i18n_uchar *result, int32_t result_capacity, i18n_ubool *is_system_id) |
Returns the canonical system timezone ID or the normalized custom time zone ID for the given time zone ID. | |
const char * | i18n_ucalendar_get_type (const i18n_ucalendar_h calendar) |
Gets the resource keyword value string designating the calendar type for the i18n_ucalendar_h. | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_get_keyword_values_for_locale (const char *key, const char *locale, i18n_ubool commonly_used, i18n_uenumeration_h *enumeration) |
Given a key and a locale, returns an array of string values in a preferred order that would make a difference. | |
int | i18n_ucalendar_get_day_of_week_type (const i18n_ucalendar_h calendar, i18n_ucalendar_days_of_week_e day_of_week, i18n_ucalendar_weekday_type_e *weekday) |
Returns whether the given day of the week is a weekday, a weekend day, or a day that transitions from one to the other, for the locale and calendar system associated with this i18n_ucalendar_h (the locale's region is often the most determinant factor). | |
int32_t | i18n_ucalendar_get_weekend_transition (const i18n_ucalendar_h calendar, i18n_ucalendar_days_of_week_e day_of_week) |
Returns the time during the day at which the weekend begins or ends in this calendar system. | |
i18n_ubool | i18n_ucalendar_is_weekend (i18n_ucalendar_h calendar, i18n_udate date) |
Returns true if the given i18n_udate is in the weekend in this calendar system. | |
i18n_ubool | i18n_ucalendar_get_timezone_transition_date (const i18n_ucalendar_h calendar, i18n_utimezone_transition_type_e type, i18n_udate *transition) |
Get the i18n_udate for the next/previous time zone transition relative to the calendar's current date, in the time zone to which the calendar is currently set. | |
Typedefs | |
typedef void * | i18n_ucalendar_h |
i18n_ucalendar_h. | |
Defines | |
#define | I18N_UCALENDAR_UNKNOWN_ZONE_ID "Etc/Unknown" |
The time zone ID reserved for unknown time zone. |
Define Documentation
#define I18N_UCALENDAR_UNKNOWN_ZONE_ID "Etc/Unknown" |
The time zone ID reserved for unknown time zone.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
Typedef Documentation
typedef void* i18n_ucalendar_h |
- Since :
- 2.3.1
Enumeration Type Documentation
Enumeration for types of i18n_ucalendar_h attributes.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
Enumeration for possible fields in an i18n_ucalendar_h.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Enumerator:
I18N_UCALENDAR_ERA Field number indicating the era, e.g., AD or BC in the Gregorian (Julian) calendar
I18N_UCALENDAR_YEAR Field number indicating the year
I18N_UCALENDAR_MONTH Field number indicating the month. This is a calendar-specific value.
The first month of the year is JANUARY; the last depends on the number of months in a yearI18N_UCALENDAR_WEEK_OF_YEAR Field number indicating the week number within the current year.
The first week of the year, as defined by the I18N_UCALENDAR_FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK and I18N_UCALENDAR_MINIMAL_DAYS_IN_FIRST_WEEK attributes, has value 1. Subclasses define the value of I18N_UCALENDAR_WEEK_OF_YEAR for days before the first week of the yearI18N_UCALENDAR_WEEK_OF_MONTH Field number indicating the week number within the current month.
The first week of the month, as defined by the I18N_UCALENDAR_FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK and I18N_UCALENDAR_MINIMAL_DAYS_IN_FIRST_WEEK attributes, has value 1. Subclasses define the value of WEEK_OF_MONTH for days before the first week of the monthI18N_UCALENDAR_DATE Field number indicating the day of the month.
This is a synonym for DAY_OF_MONTH. The first day of the month has value 1I18N_UCALENDAR_DAY_OF_YEAR Field number indicating the day number within the current year.
The first day of the year has value 1.I18N_UCALENDAR_DAY_OF_WEEK Field number indicating the day of the week.
This field takes values "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", and "Saturday"I18N_UCALENDAR_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH Field number indicating the ordinal number of the day of the week within the current month.
Together with the "day of week" field, this uniquely specifies a day within a month. "day of month" 1 through 7 always correspond to "day of week in month" 1; 8 through 15 correspond to "day of week in month" 2, and so on. "day of week in month" 0 indicates the week before "day of week in month" 1. Negative values count back from the end of the month, so the last Sunday of a month is specified as "day of week" = "Sunday", "day of week in month" = -1. Because negative values count backward they will usually be aligned differently within the month than positive values. For example, if a month has 31 days, "day of week in month" -1 will overlap "day of week in month" 5 and the end of 4I18N_UCALENDAR_AM_PM Field number indicating whether the "hour" is before or after noon.
E.g., at 10:04:15.250 PM the AM_PM is PMI18N_UCALENDAR_HOUR Field number indicating the hour of the morning or afternoon.
"hour" is used for the 12-hour clock. E.g., at 10:04:15.250 PM the "Hour" is 10I18N_UCALENDAR_HOUR_OF_DAY Field number indicating the hour of the day.
"Hour of day" is used for the 24-hour clock. E.g., at 10:04:15.250 PM the "Hour of day" is 22I18N_UCALENDAR_MINUTE Field number indicating the minute within the hour.
E.g., at 10:04:15.250 PM the I18N_UCALENDAR_MINUTE is 4I18N_UCALENDAR_SECOND Field number indicating the second within the minute.
E.g., at 10:04:15.250 PM the I18N_UCALENDAR_SECOND is 15I18N_UCALENDAR_MILLISECOND Field number indicating the millisecond within the second.
E.g., at 10:04:15.250 PM the I18N_UCALENDAR_MILLISECOND is 250I18N_UCALENDAR_ZONE_OFFSET Field number indicating the raw offset from GMT in milliseconds
I18N_UCALENDAR_DST_OFFSET Field number indicating the daylight savings offset in milliseconds
I18N_UCALENDAR_YEAR_WOY Field number indicating the extended year corresponding to the I18N_UCALENDAR_WEEK_OF_YEAR field.
This may be one greater or less than the value of I18N_UCALENDAR_EXTENDED_YEARI18N_UCALENDAR_DOW_LOCAL Field number indicating the localized day of the week.
This will be a value from 1 to 7 inclusive, with 1 being the localized first day of the weekI18N_UCALENDAR_EXTENDED_YEAR Year of this calendar system, encompassing all supra-year fields.
For example, in Gregorian/Julian calendars, positive Extended Year values indicate years AD, 1 BC = 0 extended, 2 BC = -1 extended, and so onI18N_UCALENDAR_JULIAN_DAY Field number indicating the modified Julian day number.
This is different from the conventional Julian day number in two regards. First, it demarcates days at local zone midnight, rather than noon GMT. Second, it is a local number; that is, it depends on the local time zone. It can be thought of as a single number that encompasses all the date-related fieldsI18N_UCALENDAR_MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY Ranges from 0 to 23:59:59.999 (regardless of DST).
This field behaves exactly like a composite of all time-related fields, not including the zone fields. As such, it also reflects discontinuities in those fields on DST transition days. On a day of DST onset, it will jump forward. On a day of DST cessation, it will jump backward. This reflects the fact that it must be combined with the DST offset field to obtain a unique local time valueI18N_UCALENDAR_IS_LEAP_MONTH Whether or not the current month is a leap month (0 or 1)
I18N_UCALENDAR_FIELD_COUNT Number of enumerators
I18N_UCALENDAR_DAY_OF_MONTH Field number indicating the day of the month.
This is a synonym for I18N_UCALENDAR_DATE. The first day of the month has value 1
Useful constants for days of week.
Note: Calendar day-of-week is 1-based. Clients who create locale resources for the field of first-day-of-week should be aware of this. For instance, in US locale, first-day-of-week is set to 1, i.e., I18N_UCALENDAR_SUNDAY. Possible days of the week in an i18n_ucalendar_h.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
Enumeration for possible formats of an i18n_ucalendar_h's display name.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
Possible limit values for an i18n_ucalendar_h.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
Enumeration for possible months in an i18n_ucalendar_h.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Enumerator:
Enumeration for possible months in an i18n_ucalendar_h.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Enumerator:
I18N_UCALENDAR_TRADITIONAL Despite the name, I18N_UCALENDAR_TRADITIONAL designates the locale's default calendar, which may be the Gregorian calendar or some other calendar
I18N_UCALENDAR_GREGORIAN Unambiguously designates the Gregorian calendar for the locale
Weekday types, as returned by i18n_ucalendar_get_day_of_week_type().
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Enumerator:
I18N_UCALENDAR_WEEKDAY Designates a full weekday (no part of the day is included in the weekend).
I18N_UCALENDAR_WEEKEND Designates a full weekend day (the entire day is included in the weekend).
I18N_UCALENDAR_WEEKEND_ONSET Designates a day that starts as a weekday and transitions to the weekend. Call i18n_ucalendar_get_weekend_transition() to get the time of transition.
I18N_UCALENDAR_WEEKEND_CEASE Designates a day that starts as the weekend and transitions to a weekday. Call i18n_ucalendar_get_weekend_transition() to get the time of transition.
Time zone transition types for i18n_ucalendar_get_timezone_transition_date().
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Enumerator:
Function Documentation
int i18n_ucalendar_add | ( | i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar, |
i18n_ucalendar_date_fields_e | field, | ||
int32_t | amount | ||
) |
Adds a specified signed amount to a particular field in a i18n_ucalendar_h.
This can modify more significant fields in the calendar.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] calendar The i18n_ucalendar_h to which to add [in] field The field to which to add the signed value
If the amount causes the value to exceed to maximum or minimum values for that field, other fields are modified to preserve the magnitude of the change.
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
int i18n_ucalendar_clear | ( | i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar | ) |
Clears all fields in a i18n_ucalendar_h.
All fields are represented as 32-bit integers.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] calendar i18n_ucalendar_h to clear.
- Returns:
- Error code
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
int i18n_ucalendar_clear_field | ( | i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar, |
i18n_ucalendar_date_fields_e | field | ||
) |
Clears a field in a i18n_ucalendar_h.
All fields are represented as 32-bit integers.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] calendar The i18n_ucalendar_h containing the field to clear. [in] field The field to clear.
- Returns:
- Error code
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
int i18n_ucalendar_clone | ( | const i18n_ucalendar_h | cal, |
i18n_ucalendar_h * | identical_to_cal | ||
) |
Creates a copy of a i18n_ucalendar_h. This function performs a deep copy.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] cal The i18n_ucalendar_h to copy [out] identical_to_cal A pointer to a i18n_ucalendar_h identical to cal.
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
int32_t i18n_ucalendar_count_available | ( | void | ) |
Determines how many locales have calendars available.
This function is most useful as determining the loop ending condition for calls to i18n_ucalendar_get_available().
- Remarks:
- The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method. Error codes are described in Exceptions section.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Returns:
- The number of locales for which calendars are available.
- Exceptions:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful
- See also:
- i18n_ucalendar_get_available()
int i18n_ucalendar_country_timezones_create | ( | const char * | country, |
i18n_uenumeration_h * | enumeration | ||
) |
Creates an enumeration over all time zones associated with the given country.
Some zones are affiliated with no country (e.g., "UTC"); these may also be retrieved, as a group.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] country The ISO 3166 two-letter country code, or NULL
to retrieve zones not affiliated with any country[out] enumeration A pointer to the enumeration object that the caller must dispose of using i18n_uenumeration_destroy(), or NULL
upon failure.
- Returns:
- Error code. Error codes not listed below are described in i18n_error_code_e
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
int i18n_ucalendar_create | ( | const i18n_uchar * | zone_id, |
int32_t | len, | ||
const char * | locale, | ||
i18n_ucalendar_type_e | type, | ||
i18n_ucalendar_h * | calendar | ||
) |
Creates an i18n_ucalendar_h. An i18n_ucalendar_h may be used to convert a millisecond value to a year, month, and day.
Note: When an unknown TimeZone ID is specified, the i18n_ucalendar_h returned by the function is initialized with GMT ("Etc/GMT") without any errors/warnings.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- Must release calendar using i18n_ucalendar_destroy().
- Parameters:
[in] zone_id The desired TimeZone ID
, use the default time zone.[in] len The length of the zone ID, otherwise -1
if null-terminated[in] locale The desired locale If NULL
, the default locale will be used.[in] type The type of I18N_UCALENDAR_DEFAULT to create
This can be I18N_UCALENDAR_GREGORIAN to create the Gregorian calendar for the locale, or I18N_UCALENDAR_DEFAULT to create the default calendar for the locale (the default calendar may also be Gregorian).[out] calendar A pointer to an i18n_ucalendar_h, otherwise 0
if an error occurs
- Returns:
- An i18n_error_code_e error code
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter I18N_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory
int i18n_ucalendar_destroy | ( | i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar | ) |
Destroys an i18n_ucalendar_h.
Once destroyed, an i18n_ucalendar_h may no longer be used.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] calendar The i18n_ucalendar_h to destroy
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
int i18n_ucalendar_get | ( | const i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar, |
i18n_ucalendar_date_fields_e | field, | ||
int32_t * | val | ||
) |
Gets the current value of a field from an i18n_ucalendar_h.
All fields are represented as 32-bit integers.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] calendar The i18n_ucalendar_h to query [in] field The desired field
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
int i18n_ucalendar_get_attribute | ( | i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar, |
i18n_ucalendar_attribute_e | attr, | ||
int32_t * | val | ||
) |
Gets a numeric attribute associated with an i18n_ucalendar.
Numeric attributes include the first day of the week, or the minimal numbers of days in the first week of the month.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] calendar The i18n_ucalendar to query [in] attr The desired attribute
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
const char* i18n_ucalendar_get_available | ( | int32_t | locale_index | ) |
Gets a locale for which calendars are available.
A i18n_ucalendar_h in a locale returned by this function will contain the correct day and month names for the locale.
- Remarks:
- The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method. Error codes are described in Exceptions section.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] locale_index The index of the desired locale.
- Returns:
- A locale for which calendars are available, or 0 if none.
- Exceptions:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameter
- See also:
- i18n_ucalendar_count_available()
int32_t i18n_ucalendar_get_canonical_timezone_id | ( | const i18n_uchar * | id, |
int32_t | length, | ||
i18n_uchar * | result, | ||
int32_t | result_capacity, | ||
i18n_ubool * | is_system_id | ||
) |
Returns the canonical system timezone ID or the normalized custom time zone ID for the given time zone ID.
- Remarks:
- The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method. Error codes are described in Exceptions section and i18n_error_code_e description.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] id The input timezone ID to be canonicalized. [in] length The length of the id
, or-1
if NULL-terminated.[out] result The buffer receives the canonical system timezone ID or the custom timezone ID in normalized format. [in] result_capacity The capacity of the result
buffer.[out] is_system_id Receives if the given id
is a known system timezone ID.
- Returns:
- The result string length, not including the terminating NULL.
- Exceptions:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
int i18n_ucalendar_get_day_of_week_type | ( | const i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar, |
i18n_ucalendar_days_of_week_e | day_of_week, | ||
i18n_ucalendar_weekday_type_e * | weekday | ||
) |
Returns whether the given day of the week is a weekday, a weekend day, or a day that transitions from one to the other, for the locale and calendar system associated with this i18n_ucalendar_h
(the locale's region is often the most determinant factor).
If a transition occurs at midnight, then the days before and after the transition will have the type I18N_UCALENDAR_WEEKDAY or I18N_UCALENDAR_WEEKEND. If a transition occurs at a time other than midnight, then the day of the transition will have the type I18N_UCALENDAR_WEEKEND_ONSET or I18N_UCALENDAR_WEEKEND_CEASE. In this case, the function i18n_ucalendar_get_weekend_transition() will return the point of transition.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] calendar The i18n_ucalendar_h to query. [in] day_of_week The day of the week whose type is desired (I18N_UCALENDAR_SUNDAY..I18N_UCALENDAR_SATURDAY). [out] weekday A pointer to the i18n_ucalendar_weekday_type_e for the day of the week.
- Returns:
- Error code. Error codes not listed below are described in i18n_error_code_e
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
int32_t i18n_ucalendar_get_default_timezone | ( | i18n_uchar * | result, |
int32_t | result_capacity | ||
) |
Returns the default time zone (i.e., the one returned by the i18n_timezone_create_default() function).
The default time zone is determined initially by querying the host operating system and storing the obtained time zone as default until the application terminates. Therefore, if the time zone is changed after the first call, subsequent calls will not reflect the change, i.e. the returned time zone will be the same as for the first function call.
To query the system for the current timezone, use i18n_timezone_detect_host_timezone() from the Timezone module.
The default time zone may be changed with i18n_ucalendar_set_default_timezone() or with the i18n Timezone API.
- Remarks:
- The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method. Error codes are described in i18n_error_code_e description.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[out] result A buffer to receive the result, or NULL
[in] result_capacity The capacity of the result
- Returns:
- The
string length, not including the terminatingNULL
- Exceptions:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameter
int32_t i18n_ucalendar_get_field_difference | ( | i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar, |
i18n_udate | target, | ||
i18n_ucalendar_date_fields_e | field, | ||
i18n_error_code_e * | status | ||
) |
Returns the difference between the target time and the time this calendar object is currently set to.
If the target time is after the current calendar setting, the the returned value will be positive. The field parameter specifies the units of the return value. For example, if field is I18N_UCALENDAR_MONTH and i18n_ucalendar_get_field_difference returns 3, then the target time is 3 to less than 4 months after the current calendar setting.
As a side effect of this call, this calendar is advanced toward target by the given amount. That is, calling this function has the side effect of calling i18n_ucalendar_add on this calendar with the specified field and an amount equal to the return value from this function.
A typical way of using this function is to call it first with the largest field of interest, then with progressively smaller fields.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] calendar The i18n_ucalendar_h to compare and update. [in] target The target date to compare to the current calendar setting. [in] field One of I18N_UCALENDAR_ERA, I18N_UCALENDAR_YEAR, I18N_UCALENDAR_MONTH, I18N_UCALENDAR_WEEK_OF_YEAR, I18N_UCALENDAR_WEEK_OF_MONTH, I18N_UCALENDAR_DATE, I18N_UCALENDAR_DAY_OF_YEAR, I18N_UCALENDAR_DAY_OF_WEEK, I18N_UCALENDAR_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH, I18N_UCALENDAR_AM_PM, I18N_UCALENDAR_HOUR, I18N_UCALENDAR_HOUR_OF_DAY, I18N_UCALENDAR_MINUTE, I18N_UCALENDAR_SECOND, I18N_UCALENDAR_MILLISECOND. Please note that the returned value type is int32_t. In case of I18N_UCALENDAR_MILLISECOND, maximal difference between dates may be equal to the maximal value of the int32_t, which is 2147483647 (about one month difference). If the difference is bigger, then the I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER error will be returned. [out] status A pointer to an i18n_error_code_e to receive any errors
- Returns:
- The date difference for the specified field.
int i18n_ucalendar_get_gregorian_change | ( | const i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar, |
i18n_udate * | date | ||
) |
Gets the Gregorian Calendar change date.
This is the point when the switch from Julian dates to Gregorian dates occurred. Default is 00:00:00 local time, October 15, 1582. Previous to this time and date will be Julian dates. This function works only for Gregorian calendars. If the i18n_ucalendar_h is not an instance of a Gregorian calendar, then a I18N_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED error code is set.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] calendar The calendar object. [out] date A pointer to the Gregorian cutover time for this calendar.
- Returns:
- Error code. Error codes not listed below are described in i18n_error_code_e
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
int i18n_ucalendar_get_keyword_values_for_locale | ( | const char * | key, |
const char * | locale, | ||
i18n_ubool | commonly_used, | ||
i18n_uenumeration_h * | enumeration | ||
) |
Given a key and a locale, returns an array of string values in a preferred order that would make a difference.
These are all and only those values where the open (creation) of the service with the locale formed from the input locale plus input keyword and that value has different behavior than creation with the input locale alone.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] key One of the keys supported by this service. For now, only "calendar" is supported. [in] locale The locale [in] commonly_used If set to true
it will return only commonly used values with the given locale in preferred order. Otherwise, it will return all the available values for the locale.[out] enumeration A pointer to the string enumeration over keyword values for the given key and the locale.
- Returns:
- Error code. Error codes not listed below are described in i18n_error_code_e
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
int32_t i18n_ucalendar_get_limit | ( | const i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar, |
i18n_ucalendar_date_fields_e | field, | ||
i18n_ucalendar_limit_type_e | type | ||
) |
Determines a limit for a field in an i18n_ucalendar_h.
A limit is a maximum or minimum value for a field.
- Remarks:
- The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method. Error codes are described in Exceptions section and i18n_error_code_e description.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
- Exceptions:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
- Returns:
- The requested value.
const char* i18n_ucalendar_get_locale_by_type | ( | const i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar, |
i18n_ulocale_data_locale_type_e | type | ||
) |
Gets the locale for this calendar
You can choose between valid and actual locale.
- Remarks:
- The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method. Error codes are described in Exceptions section and i18n_error_code_e description.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] calendar The calendar object [in] type Type of the locale we're looking for (valid or actual)
- Returns:
- The requested value.
- Exceptions:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
int i18n_ucalendar_get_milliseconds | ( | const i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar, |
i18n_udate * | date | ||
) |
Gets a calendar's current time in milliseconds.
The time is represented as milliseconds from the epoch.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] calendar The i18n_ucalendar_h to query [out] date The calendar's current time in milliseconds
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
int i18n_ucalendar_get_now | ( | i18n_udate * | date | ) |
Gets the current date and time.
The value returned is represented as milliseconds from the epoch.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[out] date The current date and time
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
int i18n_ucalendar_get_timezone_displayname | ( | const i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar, |
i18n_ucalendar_displayname_type_e | type, | ||
const char * | locale, | ||
i18n_uchar * | result, | ||
int32_t | result_len, | ||
int32_t * | buf_size_needed | ||
) |
Gets the display name for a calendar's TimeZone.
A display name is suitable for presentation to a user.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] calendar The i18n_ucalendar_h to query [in] type The desired display name format
One of I18N_UCALENDAR_STANDARD, I18N_UCALENDAR_SHORT_STANDARD, I18N_UCALENDAR_DST, or I18N_UCALENDAR_SHORT_DST[in] locale The desired locale for the display name [out] result A pointer to a buffer to receive the formatted number [in] result_len The maximum size of the result [out] buf_size_needed The total buffer size needed
If greater than result_len, the output is truncated
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
int32_t i18n_ucalendar_get_timezone_id | ( | const i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar, |
i18n_uchar * | result, | ||
int32_t | result_length | ||
) |
Gets the ID of the calendar's time zone.
- Remarks:
- The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method. Error codes are described in Exceptions section and i18n_error_code_e description.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] calendar The i18n_ucalendar_h to query. [out] result Receives the calendar's time zone ID. [in] result_length The maximum size of the result
- Returns:
- The total buffer size needed; if greater than
, the output was truncated.
- Exceptions:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
i18n_ubool i18n_ucalendar_get_timezone_transition_date | ( | const i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar, |
i18n_utimezone_transition_type_e | type, | ||
i18n_udate * | transition | ||
) |
Get the i18n_udate for the next/previous time zone transition relative to the calendar's current date, in the time zone to which the calendar is currently set.
If there is no known time zone transition of the requested type relative to the calendar's date, the function returns false
- Remarks:
- The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method. Error codes are described in Exceptions section and i18n_error_code_e description.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] calendar The i18n_ucalendar_h to query. [in] type The type of transition desired. [out] transition A pointer to a i18n_udate to be set to the transition time. If the function returns false
, the value set is unspecified.
- Returns:
if the given i18n_udate is in the weekend in this calendar system,false
- Exceptions:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
const char* i18n_ucalendar_get_type | ( | const i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar | ) |
Gets the resource keyword value string designating the calendar type for the i18n_ucalendar_h.
- Remarks:
- The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method. Error codes are described in Exceptions section and i18n_error_code_e description.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] calendar The i18n_ucalendar_h to query.
- Returns:
- The resource keyword value string.
- Exceptions:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
const char* i18n_ucalendar_get_tz_data_version | ( | void | ) |
Returns the timezone data version currently used by ICU.
- Remarks:
- The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method. Error codes are described in i18n_error_code_e description.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Returns:
- The version string, such as "2007f".
- Exceptions:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful
int32_t i18n_ucalendar_get_weekend_transition | ( | const i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar, |
i18n_ucalendar_days_of_week_e | day_of_week | ||
) |
Returns the time during the day at which the weekend begins or ends in this calendar system.
If i18n_ucalendar_get_day_of_week_type() returns I18N_UCALENDAR_WEEKEND_ONSET for the specified day_of_week
, return the time at which the weekend begins. If i18n_ucalendar_get_day_of_week_type() returns I18N_UCALENDAR_WEEKEND_CEASE for the specified day_of_week
, return the time at which the weekend ends. If i18n_ucalendar_get_day_of_week_type() returns some other i18n_ucalendar_weekday_type_e for the specified day_of_week
, it is an error condition (I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER).
- Remarks:
- The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method. Error codes are described in Exceptions section and i18n_error_code_e description.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] calendar The i18n_ucalendar_h to query. [in] day_of_week The day of the week whose type is desired (I18N_UCALENDAR_SUNDAY..I18N_UCALENDAR_SATURDAY).
- Returns:
- The milliseconds after midnight at which the weekend begins or ends.
- Exceptions:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
int i18n_ucalendar_is_equivalent_to | ( | const i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar1, |
const i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar2, | ||
i18n_ubool * | equiv | ||
) |
Returns true
if two i18n_ucalendar_h calendars are equivalent.
Equivalent i18n_ucalendar_h calendars will behave identically, but they may be set to different times.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] calendar1 The first of the calendars to compare [in] calendar2 The second of the calendars to compare [out] equiv If true
cal1 and cal2 are equivalent, otherwisefalse
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
int i18n_ucalendar_is_in_daylight_time | ( | const i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar, |
i18n_ubool * | is_in | ||
) |
Determines if an i18n_ucalendar_h is currently in daylight savings time.
Daylight savings time is not used in all parts of the world.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] calendar The i18n_ucalendar_h to query [out] is_in If true
calendar is currently in daylight savings time, otherwisefalse
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
i18n_ubool i18n_ucalendar_is_set | ( | const i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar, |
i18n_ucalendar_date_fields_e | field | ||
) |
Determines if a field in a i18n_ucalendar_h is set.
All fields are represented as 32-bit integers.
- Remarks:
- The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method. Error codes are described in Exceptions section.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] calendar The i18n_ucalendar_h to query. [in] field The desired field.
- Returns:
if field is set,false
- Exceptions:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
i18n_ubool i18n_ucalendar_is_weekend | ( | i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar, |
i18n_udate | date | ||
) |
Returns true
if the given i18n_udate is in the weekend in this calendar system.
- Remarks:
- The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method. Error codes are described in Exceptions section and i18n_error_code_e description.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] calendar The i18n_ucalendar_h to query. [in] date The i18n_udate in question.
- Returns:
if the given i18n_udate is in the weekend in this calendar system,false
- Exceptions:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
int i18n_ucalendar_roll | ( | i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar, |
i18n_ucalendar_date_fields_e | field, | ||
int32_t | amount | ||
) |
Adds a specified signed amount to a particular field in a i18n_ucalendar_h.
This will not modify more significant fields in the calendar. Rolling by a positive value always means moving forward in time (unless the limit of the field is reached, in which case it may pin or wrap), so for Gregorian calendar, starting with 100 BC and rolling the year by +1 results in 99 BC. When eras have a definite beginning and end (as in the Chinese calendar, or as in most eras in the Japanese calendar) then rolling the year past either limit of the era will cause the year to wrap around. When eras only have a limit at one end, then attempting to roll the year past that limit will result in pinning the year at that limit. Note that for most calendars in which era 0 years move forward in time (such as Buddhist, Hebrew, or Islamic), it is possible for add or roll to result in negative years for era 0 (that is the only way to represent years before the calendar epoch).
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
. If the amount causes the value to exceed to maximum or minimum values for that field, the field is pinned to a permissible value.
- Returns:
- Error code. Error codes not listed below are described in i18n_error_code_e
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
- Remarks:
- I18N_UCALENDAR_ZONE_OFFSET and I18N_UCALENDAR_DST_OFFSET are not supported by this function.
- See also:
- i18n_ucalendar_add()
int i18n_ucalendar_set | ( | i18n_ucalendar_h | cal, |
i18n_ucalendar_date_fields_e | field, | ||
int32_t | val | ||
) |
Sets the value of a field in a i18n_ucalendar_h.
All fields are represented as 32-bit integers.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] cal The i18n_ucalendar_h to modify [in] field The field to set
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
int i18n_ucalendar_set_attribute | ( | i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar, |
i18n_ucalendar_attribute_e | attr, | ||
int32_t | val | ||
) |
Sets a numeric attribute associated with an i18n_ucalendar_h.
Numeric attributes include the first day of the week, or the minimal number of days in the first week of the month.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] calendar The i18n_ucalendar_h to modify [in] attr The desired attribute
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
int i18n_ucalendar_set_date | ( | i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar, |
int32_t | year, | ||
int32_t | month, | ||
int32_t | date | ||
) |
Sets a calendar's current date.
The date is represented as a series of 32-bit integers.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] calendar The i18n_ucalendar_h to set. [in] year The desired year. [in] month The desired month; one of I18N_UCALENDAR_JANUARY, I18N_UCALENDAR_FEBRUARY, I18N_UCALENDAR_MARCH, I18N_UCALENDAR_APRIL, I18N_UCALENDAR_MAY, I18N_UCALENDAR_JUNE, I18N_UCALENDAR_JULY, I18N_UCALENDAR_AUGUST, I18N_UCALENDAR_SEPTEMBER, I18N_UCALENDAR_OCTOBER, I18N_UCALENDAR_NOVEMBER, I18N_UCALENDAR_DECEMBER [in] date The desired day of the month.
- Returns:
- Error code. Error codes not listed below are described in i18n_error_code_e
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
int i18n_ucalendar_set_date_time | ( | i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar, |
int32_t | year, | ||
int32_t | month, | ||
int32_t | date, | ||
int32_t | hour, | ||
int32_t | min, | ||
int32_t | sec | ||
) |
Sets a calendar's current date.
The date is represented as a series of 32-bit integers.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] calendar The i18n_ucalendar_h to set [in] year The desired year [in] month The desired month
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
int i18n_ucalendar_set_default_timezone | ( | const i18n_uchar * | zone_id | ) |
Sets the default time zone.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] zone_id null-terminated time zone ID
- Returns:
- An i18n_error_code_e error code
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
int i18n_ucalendar_set_gregorian_change | ( | i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar, |
i18n_udate | date | ||
) |
Sets the Gregorian Calendar change date.
This is the point when the switch from Julian dates to Gregorian dates occurred. Default is 00:00:00 local time, October 15, 1582. Previous to this time and date will be Julian dates. This function works only for Gregorian calendars. If the i18n_ucalendar_h is not an instance of a Gregorian calendar, then a I18N_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED error code is set.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] calendar The calendar object. [in] date The given Gregorian cutover date.
- Returns:
- Error code. Error codes not listed below are described in i18n_error_code_e
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
int i18n_ucalendar_set_milliseconds | ( | i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar, |
i18n_udate | milliseconds | ||
) |
Sets a calendar's current time in milliseconds.
The time is represented as milliseconds from the epoch.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] calendar The i18n_ucalendar_h to set [in] milliseconds The desired date and time
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
int i18n_ucalendar_set_timezone | ( | i18n_ucalendar_h | calendar, |
const i18n_uchar * | zone_id, | ||
int32_t | length | ||
) |
Sets the TimeZone used by a i18n_ucalendar_h.
A i18n_ucalendar_h uses a timezone for converting from Greenwich time to local time.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] calendar The i18n_ucalendar_h to set. [in] zone_id The desired TimeZone ID. If NULL, use the default time zone. [in] length The length of zone_id
, or -1 if NULL-terminated.
- Returns:
- Error code. Error codes not listed below are described in i18n_error_code_e
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
int i18n_ucalendar_timezone_id_enumeration_create | ( | i18n_system_timezone_type_e | zone_type, |
const char * | region, | ||
const int32_t * | raw_offset, | ||
i18n_uenumeration_h * | enumeration | ||
) |
Creates an enumeration over system time zone IDs with the given filter conditions.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] zone_type The system time zone type. [in] region The ISO 3166 two-letter country code or UN M.49 three-digit area code. When NULL
, no filtering done by region.[in] raw_offset An offset from GMT in milliseconds, ignoring the effect of daylight savings time, if any. When NULL
, no filtering done by zone offset.[out] enumeration A Pointer to the enumeration object that the caller must dispose of using i18n_uenumeration_destroy(), or NULL
upon failure.
- Returns:
- Error code. Error codes not listed below are described in i18n_error_code_e
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter
int i18n_ucalendar_timezones_create | ( | i18n_uenumeration_h * | enumeration | ) |
Creates an enumeration over all time zones.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[out] enumeration A pointer to the enumeration object that the caller must dispose of using i18n_uenumeration_destroy(), or NULL
upon failure.
- Returns:
- Error code. Error codes not listed below are described in i18n_error_code_e
- Return values:
I18N_ERROR_NONE Successful I18N_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid function parameter