SystemInfo API
This API also provides interfaces and methods that can retrieve statuses of hardware devices, get the value of selected properties, and subscribe to asynchronous notifications of changes for selected values.
Web applications can use this API to access the following system properties:
- ADS (Since: 3.0)
- CAMERA_FLASH (Since: 2.4)
- LOCALE (Since: 2.1)
- MEMORY (Since: 2.3)
- NET_PROXY_NETWORK (Since: 3.0)
- PERIPHERAL (Since: 2.1)
Not all above properties may be available on every Tizen device. For instance, a device may not support the telephony feature. In that case, CELLULAR_NETWORK and SIM are not available.
To check the available SystemInfoPropertyId, getCapability() method can be used.
- BATTERY - tizen.systeminfo.getCapability("http://tizen.org/feature/battery")
- CAMERA_FLASH - tizen.systeminfo.getCapability("http://tizen.org/feature/camera.back.flash")
- CELLULAR_NETWORK - tizen.systeminfo.getCapability("http://tizen.org/feature/network.telephony")
- DISPLAY - tizen.systeminfo.getCapability("http://tizen.org/feature/screen")
- ETHERNET_NETWORK - tizen.systeminfo.getCapability("http://tizen.org/feature/network.ethernet")
- NET_PROXY_NETWORK - tizen.systeminfo.getCapability("http://tizen.org/feature/network.net_proxy")
- SIM - tizen.systeminfo.getCapability("http://tizen.org/feature/network.telephony")
- WIFI_NETWORK - tizen.systeminfo.getCapability("http://tizen.org/feature/network.wifi")
For more information on the System Information features, see System Information Guide.
Since: 1.0
Table of Contents
- 1. Type Definitions
- 1.1. SystemInfoPropertyId
- 1.2. SystemInfoNetworkType
- 1.3. SystemInfoDeviceOrientationStatus
- 1.4. SystemInfoSimState
- 1.5. SystemInfoProfile
- 1.6. SystemInfoLowMemoryStatus
- 2. Interfaces
- 2.1. SystemInfoObject
- 2.2. SystemInfo
- 2.3. SystemInfoOptions
- 2.4. SystemInfoPropertySuccessCallback
- 2.5. SystemInfoPropertyArraySuccessCallback
- 2.6. SystemInfoProperty
- 2.7. SystemInfoBattery
- 2.8. SystemInfoCpu
- 2.9. SystemInfoStorage
- 2.10. SystemInfoStorageUnit
- 2.11. SystemInfoDisplay
- 2.12. SystemInfoDeviceOrientation
- 2.13. SystemInfoBuild
- 2.14. SystemInfoLocale
- 2.15. SystemInfoNetwork
- 2.16. SystemInfoWifiNetwork
- 2.17. SystemInfoEthernetNetwork
- 2.18. SystemInfoCellularNetwork
- 2.19. SystemInfoNetProxyNetwork
- 2.20. SystemInfoSIM
- 2.21. SystemInfoPeripheral
- 2.22. SystemInfoMemory
- 2.23. SystemInfoCameraFlash
- 2.24. SystemInfoADS
- 3. Related Feature
- 4. Full WebIDL
Summary of Interfaces and Methods
1. Type Definitions
1.1. SystemInfoPropertyId
Since: 2.0
Remark: CAMERA_FLASH is supported since Tizen 2.4
Remark: ETHERNET_NETWORK is supported since Tizen 2.4
Remark: LOCALE and PERIPHERAL are supported since Tizen 2.1
Remark: MEMORY is supported since Tizen 2.3
Remark: NET_PROXY_NETWORK is supported since Tizen 3.0
Remark: ADS is supported since Tizen 3.0
1.2. SystemInfoNetworkType
enum SystemInfoNetworkType { "NONE", "2G", "2.5G", "3G", "4G", "WIFI", "ETHERNET", "NET_PROXY", "UNKNOWN" };
Since: 2.0
Remark: NET_PROXY is supported since Tizen 3.0
1.3. SystemInfoDeviceOrientationStatus
Since: 2.0
SystemInfo reports the orientation of the device depending on the type of the device and physical position of the device relative to vertical direction. A "phone type device" is a device for which the portrait position is the natural orientation. A "tab type device" is a device for which the landscape position is basic working orientation.
SystemInfoDeviceOrientationStatus | Phone type device | Tablet type device |
PORTRAIT_PRIMARY | Natural position | Rotated 90 degrees right (clockwise) |
PORTRAIT_SECONDARY | Upside down, in other words rotated 180 degrees | Rotated 90 degrees left (anticlockwise) |
LANDSCAPE_PRIMARY | Rotated 90 degrees left (anticlockwise) | Natural position |
LANDSCAPE_SECONDARY | Rotated 90 degrees right (clockwise) | Upside down, in other words rotated 180 degrees |
1.4. SystemInfoSimState
Since: 2.1
1.5. SystemInfoProfile
enum SystemInfoProfile { "MOBILE", "WEARABLE", "TV" };
Since: 2.2
Remark: MOBILE, WEARABLE and TV are supported since Tizen 2.3.
1.6. SystemInfoLowMemoryStatus
enum SystemInfoLowMemoryStatus { "NORMAL", "WARNING" };
Since: 2.3
- NORMAL - indicating the remaining memory is sufficient for an application to run
- WARNING - indicating the remaining memory is insufficient. Low memory warnings may happen differently according to the system
2. Interfaces
2.1. SystemInfoObject
[NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoObject { readonly attribute SystemInfo systeminfo; };
Tizen implements SystemInfoObject;
Since: 1.0
There will be a tizen.systeminfo object that allows accessing the functionality of the System Information API.
SystemInfo systeminfoObject representing a system info module.
Since: 1.0
2.2. SystemInfo
[NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfo { long long getTotalMemory() raises(WebAPIException); long long getAvailableMemory() raises(WebAPIException); any getCapability(DOMString key) raises(WebAPIException); long getCount(SystemInfoPropertyId property) raises(WebAPIException); void getPropertyValue(SystemInfoPropertyId property, SystemInfoPropertySuccessCallback successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback) raises(WebAPIException); void getPropertyValueArray(SystemInfoPropertyId property, SystemInfoPropertyArraySuccessCallback successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback) raises(WebAPIException); unsigned long addPropertyValueChangeListener(SystemInfoPropertyId property, SystemInfoPropertySuccessCallback successCallback, optional SystemInfoOptions? options, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback) raises(WebAPIException); unsigned long addPropertyValueArrayChangeListener(SystemInfoPropertyId property, SystemInfoPropertyArraySuccessCallback successCallback, optional SystemInfoOptions? options, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback) raises(WebAPIException); void removePropertyValueChangeListener(unsigned long listenerId) raises(WebAPIException); };
Since: 1.0
This API offers methods for retrieving system information and for subscribing notifications of system information changes.
Gets the total amount of system memory (in bytes).
long long getTotalMemory();
Since: 2.3
Return value:
long long:
Total system memory.
- WebAPIException
with error type UnknownError in any error case.
Code example:
/* To get total amount of system memory. */ console.log("The total memory size is " + tizen.systeminfo.getTotalMemory() + " bytes.");
- WebAPIException
Gets the amount of memory that is not in use (in bytes).
long long getAvailableMemory();
Since: 2.3
Return value:
long long:
Not used memory in bytes.
- WebAPIException
with error type UnknownError in any error case.
Code example:
/* To get total amount of system memory. */ console.log("The available memory size is " + tizen.systeminfo.getAvailableMemory() + " bytes.");
- WebAPIException
Gets a device capability related to a given key.
any getCapability(DOMString key);
Since: 2.3
See the available device capability keys. The additional keys for the custom device capability are specified by OEMs and vendors.
- key: The device capability key for the device or additional custom device capability key specified by OEM.
Return value:
The value of the specified device capability.
- WebAPIException
with error type UnknownError in any other error case.
Code example:
try { /* Checks if a device supports Bluetooth API. */ var bluetooth = tizen.systeminfo.getCapability("http://tizen.org/feature/network.bluetooth"); console.log(" Bluetooth = " + bluetooth); } catch (error) { console.log("Error name: " + error.name + ", message: " + error.message); }
Gets the number of system property information provided for a particular system property.
long getCount(SystemInfoPropertyId property);
Since: 2.3
That is the length of array retrieved by the getPropertyValueArray() method for the given property.
- property: The name of the system property.
Return value:
The number of property values for the given property. If the property is not supported, 0 is returned.
- WebAPIException
with error type TypeMismatchError, if the input parameter is not compatible with the expected type.
Code example:
var count = tizen.systeminfo.getCount("SIM"); if (count === 0) { console.log("There is no available SIM card."); } else { console.log("There is (are) " + count + " SIM card(s) available."); }
Gets the current value of a specified system property.
void getPropertyValue(SystemInfoPropertyId property, SystemInfoPropertySuccessCallback successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback);
Since: 1.0
The function must asynchronously acquire the current value of the requested property. If it is successful, the successCallback must be invoked with an object containing the information provided by the property.
The ErrorCallback function can be launched with these error types:
- NotSupportedError - If the given property is not supported (since Tizen 2.3).
Remark: If the given property is not supported, NotSupportedError would be passed through a ErrorCallback() since Tizen 2.3.
Remark: If system provides more than one value for the system property, the primary (first) system property is returned through SystemInfoSuccessCallback.
The name of the property to retrieve.
- Conditional privilege: For using CELLULAR_NETWORK value, privilege http://tizen.org/privilege/telephony (public level) is needed since Tizen 3.0.
- successCallback: Callback function called when the properties are successfully retrieved.
- errorCallback [optional] [nullable]: Callback function called when an error occurs while retrieving the properties.
- WebAPIException
with error type SecurityError, this error is only thrown for CELLULAR_NETWORK property when an application does not declare http://tizen.org/privilege/telephony privilege in config.xml.
with error type TypeMismatchError, if the input parameter is not compatible with the expected type.
with error type UnknownError in any other error case.
Code example:
function onSuccessCallback(cpu) { console.log("The cpu load is " + cpu.load); } function onErrorCallback(error) { console.log("An error occurred " + error.message); } tizen.systeminfo.getPropertyValue("CPU", onSuccessCallback, onErrorCallback);
Code example:
function onSuccessCallback(cellular) { console.log("The status of the cellular network is " + cellular.status); } function onErrorCallback(error) { console.log("An error occurred " + error.message); /* If telephony_capability is false but getPropertyValue("CELLULAR_NETWORK, ...) is called, */ /* NotSupportedError is passed. */ } var telephony_capability = tizen.systeminfo.getCapability("http://tizen.org/feature/network.telephony"); if (telephony_capability === true) { /* onSuccessCallback will be invoked. */ tizen.systeminfo.getPropertyValue("CELLULAR_NETWORK", onSuccessCallback, onErrorCallback); } else { console.log( "Telephony feature is not supported. Cellular network related information cannot be retrieved."); }
Gets the current values of a specified system property.
void getPropertyValueArray(SystemInfoPropertyId property, SystemInfoPropertyArraySuccessCallback successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback);
Since: 2.3
It is recommended that you check if a device provides one or more than one value for a particular system property via getCount().
If one particular system property is provided on a device, it returns an array containing one SystemInfoProperty object through SystemInfoPropertyArraySuccessCallback method.
If more than one particular system property is provided, multiple SystemInfoProperty objects are returned.The ErrorCallback function can be launched with these error types:
- NotSupportedError - If the given property is not supported.
Remark: See getCount().
The name of the property to retrieve.
- Conditional privilege: For using CELLULAR_NETWORK value, privilege http://tizen.org/privilege/telephony (public level) is needed since Tizen 3.0.
- successCallback: Callback function called when the properties are successfully retrieved.
- errorCallback [optional] [nullable]: Callback function called when an error occurs while retrieving the properties.
- WebAPIException
with error type SecurityError, this error is only thrown for CELLULAR_NETWORK property when an application does not declare http://tizen.org/privilege/telephony privilege in config.xml.
with error type TypeMismatchError, if the input parameter is not compatible with the expected type.
Code example:
function successCB(property) { console.log("The SIM's current state is " + property.state); } function successArrayCB(properties) { console.log("The number of the returned system properties is " + properties.length); for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { console.log("[" + i + "] SIM's state is " + properties[i].state); } } var count = tizen.systeminfo.getCount("SIM"); if (count === 0) { console.log("This device does not provide SIM card."); } else if (count > 1) { tizen.systeminfo.getPropertyValueArray("SIM", successArrayCB); } else { tizen.systeminfo.getPropertyValue("SIM", successCB); }
Adds a listener to allow tracking changes in one or more system properties.
unsigned long addPropertyValueChangeListener(SystemInfoPropertyId property, SystemInfoPropertySuccessCallback successCallback, optional SystemInfoOptions? options, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback);
Since: 1.0
When called, it immediately returns and then asynchronously starts a watch process defined by the following steps:
1. Register the successCallback to receive system events that the status of the requested properties may have changed.
2. When a system event is successfully received, invoke the associated successCallback with an object containing the property values.
3. Repeat step 2 until removePropertyValueChangeListener function is called.
There are device properties which are never changed (e.g. "BUILD") and properties which are not changed on some devices (e.g. "DEVICE_ORIENTATION" in Tizen TV device). The addPropertyValueChangeListener() method accepts any identifier of these properties, but the listener added for them will not be invoked.
The errorCallback can be launched with any of these error types:
NotSupportedError - If the given property is not supported (since Tizen 2.3).
For example, monitoring CELLULAR_NETWORK changes is not supported on a device which does not support the telephony feature.
Remark: The errorCallback() is newly added as an optional parameter since Tizen 2.3.
The name of the property to retrieve.
- Conditional privilege: For using CELLULAR_NETWORK value, privilege http://tizen.org/privilege/telephony (public level) is needed since Tizen 3.0.
- successCallback: Callback function called when the properties are successfully retrieved.
- options [optional] [nullable]: An object containing the various options for fetching the properties requested. See details.
- errorCallback [optional] [nullable]: Callback function called when an error occurs.
Return value:
unsigned long:
An identifier used to clear the watch subscription.
- WebAPIException
with error type InvalidValuesError, if any of the input parameters contains an invalid value (e.g. the invalid value for options).
with error type SecurityError, this error is only thrown for CELLULAR_NETWORK property when an application does not declare http://tizen.org/privilege/telephony privilege in config.xml.
with error type TypeMismatchError, if the input parameter is not compatible with the expected type.
with error type UnknownError in any other error case.
Code example:
function onSuccessCallback(cpu) { console.log("The cpu load: " + cpu.load); } tizen.systeminfo.addPropertyValueChangeListener("CPU", onSuccessCallback, {lowThreshold: 0.2});
NotSupportedError - If the given property is not supported (since Tizen 2.3).
Adds a listener to allow tracking of changes in one or more values of a system property.
unsigned long addPropertyValueArrayChangeListener(SystemInfoPropertyId property, SystemInfoPropertyArraySuccessCallback successCallback, optional SystemInfoOptions? options, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback);
Since: 2.3
The ErrorCallback function can be launched with these error types:
NotSupportedError - If the given property is not supported (since Tizen 2.3).
For example, monitoring CELLULAR_NETWORK changes is not supported on a device which does not support the telephony feature.
There are device properties which never change (for example "BUILD") and properties which do not change on the current platform (for example "DEVICE_ORIENTATION" for some platforms). The addPropertyValueChangeListener() method accepts any identifier of these properties, but the listener added for them will not be invoked.
The name of the property to retrieve.
- Conditional privilege: For using CELLULAR_NETWORK value, privilege http://tizen.org/privilege/telephony (public level) is needed since Tizen 3.0.
- successCallback: Callback function called when the properties are successfully retrieved.
- options [optional] [nullable]: An object containing the various options for fetching the properties requested.
- errorCallback [optional] [nullable]: Callback function called when an error occurs.
Return value:
unsigned long:
An identifier used to clear the watch subscription.
- WebAPIException
with error type InvalidValuesError, if any of the input parameters contains an invalid value (e.g. the invalid value for options).
with error type SecurityError, this error is only thrown for CELLULAR_NETWORK property when an application does not declare http://tizen.org/privilege/telephony privilege in config.xml.
with error type TypeMismatchError, if the input parameter is not compatible with the expected type.
with error type UnknownError in any other error case.
NotSupportedError - If the given property is not supported (since Tizen 2.3).
Unsubscribes notifications for property changes.
void removePropertyValueChangeListener(unsigned long listenerId);
Since: 1.0
If a valid listenerId argument is passed that corresponds to an existing subscription, then the watch process must immediately terminate and no further callback is invoked.
- listenerId: An identifier of the subscription returned by the addPropertyValueChangeListener() or addPropertyValueArrayChangeListener() method.
- WebAPIException
with error type InvalidValuesError, if any of the input parameters contains an invalid value.
with error type TypeMismatchError, if the input parameter is not compatible with the expected type.
with error type UnknownError in any other error case.
Code example:
var id = null; function onSuccessCallback(cpu) { console.log("New value for CPU load is " + cpu.load); if (id != null) { /* After receiving the first notification, clear it. */ tizen.systeminfo.removePropertyValueChangeListener(id); } } id = tizen.systeminfo.addPropertyValueChangeListener("CPU", onSuccessCallback);
2.3. SystemInfoOptions
dictionary SystemInfoOptions { unsigned long timeout; double highThreshold; double lowThreshold; };
Since: 1.0
The highThreshold and lowThreshold values are only applicable to the following SystemInfoPropertyId.
- SystemInfoBattery - level: from 0 to 1
- SystemInfoCpu - load: from 0 to 1
- SystemInfoDisplay - brightness: from 0 to 1
For other cases, it is ignored.
Dictionary members
- unsigned long timeout
The number of milliseconds beyond which the operation must be interrupted.
Since: 1.0
- double highThreshold
An attribute to indicate that the successCallback() method in the watch
operation will be triggered only if the device property is a number and its value is greater than or equal to this number. This attribute has no effect on the get() method.
Since: 1.0
- double lowThreshold
An attribute to indicate that the successCallback() method in the watch operation must be triggered only if the property is a number and its value is lower than or equal to this number.
If both highThreshold and lowThreshold parameters are specified, the successCallback() is triggered if and only if the property value is either lower than the value of lowThreshold or higher than the value of highThreshold. This attribute has no effect on the get method.
Since: 1.0
2.4. SystemInfoPropertySuccessCallback
[Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoPropertySuccessCallback { void onsuccess(SystemInfoProperty property); };
Since: 1.0
This callback interface specifies a success callback with SystemInfoProperty as input argument. It is used in asynchronous operations, such as getPropertyValue() or addPropertyValueChangeListener().
Function invoked when the asynchronous call completes successfully.
void onsuccess(SystemInfoProperty property);
Since: 1.0
- property: The property returned from a successful asynchronous operation.
2.5. SystemInfoPropertyArraySuccessCallback
[Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoPropertyArraySuccessCallback { void onsuccess(SystemInfoProperty[] properties); };
Since: 2.3
This callback interface specifies a success callback with SystemInfoProperty as input argument. It is used in asynchronous operations, such as getPropertyValueArray() or addPropertyValueArrayChangeListener().
Function invoked when the asynchronous call completes successfully.
void onsuccess(SystemInfoProperty[] properties);
Since: 2.3
- properties: The array of SystemInfoProperty objects returned from a successful asynchronous operation.
2.6. SystemInfoProperty
[NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoProperty { };
Since: 1.0
2.7. SystemInfoBattery
[NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoBattery : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute double level; readonly attribute boolean isCharging; readonly attribute long? timeToDischarge; readonly attribute long? timeToFullCharge; };
Since: 1.0
Listener notice:
Change listener registered on BATTERY property is triggered on level and isCharging properties change.
double levelAn attribute to specify the remaining level of an internal battery, scaled from 0 to 1:
- 0 indicates that the battery level is the lowest and the system is about to enter shutdown mode.
- 1 indicates that the system's charge is maximum.
Any threshold parameter used in a watch operation to monitor this property applies to this attribute.
Since: 1.0
boolean isChargingIndicates whether the battery source is currently charging.
Since: 1.0
long timeToDischarge [nullable]Estimated time to discharge, in minutes.
This parameter is mutually exclusive with parameter timeToFullCharge. An attribute timeToDischarge becomes null when device is plugged.
This attribute may equal to -1 indicating there is no enough collected data, which means that the device is still learning device's power usage characteristics and cannot predict the time yet. This process may take up to few days.
Since: 4.0
long timeToFullCharge [nullable]Estimated time to finish charging battery, in minutes.
This parameter is mutually exclusive with parameter timeToDischarge. An attribute timeToFullCharge becomes null when device is unplugged.
This attribute may equal to -1 indicating there is no enough collected data, which means that the device is still learning device's power usage characteristics and cannot predict the time yet. This process may take up to few days.
Since: 4.0
2.8. SystemInfoCpu
[NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoCpu : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute double load; };
Since: 1.0
double loadAn attribute to indicate the current CPU load, as a number between 0.0 and 1.0, representing the minimum and maximum values allowed on this system.
Any threshold parameter used in a watch function to monitor this property applies to this attribute.
Since: 1.0
2.9. SystemInfoStorage
[NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoStorage : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute SystemInfoStorageUnit[] units; };
Since: 1.0
unitsThe array of storage units connected to this device.
Since: 1.0
2.10. SystemInfoStorageUnit
[NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoStorageUnit : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute DOMString type; readonly attribute unsigned long long capacity; readonly attribute unsigned long long availableCapacity; readonly attribute boolean isRemovable; };
Since: 1.0
DOMString typeThe type of a storage device. The value is one of the constants defined for this type.
The supported storage unit types are:
Since: 1.0
unsigned long long capacityThe total amount of space available on the user's storage (excluding system-reserved), in bytes.
Since: 1.0
unsigned long long availableCapacityThe amount of space currently available on the user's storage, in bytes.
Since: 1.0
boolean isRemovableAn attribute to indicate whether a device can be removed or not.
The following values are supported:
- true - If this storage unit can be removed from the system (such as an sdcard unplugged)
- false - If this storage unit cannot be removed from the system
Since: 2.1
2.11. SystemInfoDisplay
[NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoDisplay : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute unsigned long resolutionWidth; readonly attribute unsigned long resolutionHeight; readonly attribute unsigned long dotsPerInchWidth; readonly attribute unsigned long dotsPerInchHeight; readonly attribute double physicalWidth; readonly attribute double physicalHeight; readonly attribute double brightness; };
Since: 1.0
Listener notice:
Change listener registered on DISPLAY property is triggered on brightness property change.
unsigned long resolutionWidthThe total number of addressable pixels in the horizontal direction of a rectangular entity (such as Camera, Display, Image, Video, ...) when held in its default orientation.
Since: 1.0
unsigned long resolutionHeightThe total number of addressable pixels in the vertical direction of a rectangular element (such as Camera, Display, Image, Video, ...) when held in its default orientation.
Since: 1.0
unsigned long dotsPerInchWidthResolution of this device, along its width, in dots per inch.
Since: 1.0
unsigned long dotsPerInchHeightResolution of this device, along its height, in dots per inch.
Since: 1.0
double physicalWidthThe display's physical width in millimeters.
Since: 1.0
double physicalHeightThe display's physical height in millimeters.
Since: 1.0
double brightnessThe current brightness of a display ranging between 0 to 1.
Since: 1.0
2.12. SystemInfoDeviceOrientation
[NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoDeviceOrientation : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute SystemInfoDeviceOrientationStatus status; readonly attribute boolean isAutoRotation; };
Since: 2.0
SystemInfoDeviceOrientationStatus statusRepresents the status of the current device orientation.
Since: 2.0
boolean isAutoRotationIndicates whether the device is in autorotation.
Since: 2.2
2.13. SystemInfoBuild
[NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoBuild : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute DOMString model; readonly attribute DOMString manufacturer; readonly attribute DOMString buildVersion; };
Since: 2.0
DOMString modelRepresents the model name of the current device.
Since: 2.0
DOMString manufacturerRepresents the manufacturer of the device.
Since: 2.1
DOMString buildVersionRepresents the build version information of the device.
Since: 2.2
2.14. SystemInfoLocale
[NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoLocale : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute DOMString language; readonly attribute DOMString country; };
Since: 2.1
DOMString languageIndicates the current language setting in the (LANGUAGE)_(REGION) syntax.
The language setting is in the ISO 639-2 format and the region setting is in the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. The language setting is case-sensitive.
Since: 2.1
DOMString countryIndicates the current country setting in the (LANGUAGE)_(REGION) syntax.
The language setting is in the ISO 639-2 format and the region setting is in the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. The country setting is case-sensitive.
Since: 2.1
2.15. SystemInfoNetwork
[NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoNetwork : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute SystemInfoNetworkType networkType; };
Since: 2.0
SystemInfoNetworkType networkTypeRepresents the network type of the current data network.
Since: 2.0
2.16. SystemInfoWifiNetwork
[NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoWifiNetwork : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute DOMString status; readonly attribute DOMString ssid; readonly attribute DOMString ipAddress; readonly attribute DOMString ipv6Address; readonly attribute DOMString macAddress; readonly attribute double signalStrength; };
Since: 1.0
Listener notice:
Change listener registered on WIFI_NETWORK property is triggered on ipAddress and ipv6Address properties change (the network layer). Those changes could be not consistent with physical layer (status or signalStrength of physical adapter).
According to above constraints, in specific situation the listener could be triggered just before network adapter shutdown and the value of status returned by listener would be outdated.
DOMString statusRepresents the status (ON or OFF) of the Wi-Fi interface.
Since: 1.0
DOMString ssidRepresents the SSID of the Wi-Fi network.
Since: 1.0
DOMString ipAddressRepresents the IPv4 address of the Wi-Fi network.
Since: 1.0
DOMString ipv6AddressRepresents the IPv6 address of the Wi-Fi network.
Since: 2.0
DOMString macAddressRepresents the MAC address of the Wi-Fi interface.
It is written in MM:MM:MM:SS:SS:SS format.
Since: 2.3
double signalStrengthThis connection's signal strength, as a normalized value between 0 (no signal detected) and 1 (the level is at its maximum value).
Since: 1.0
2.17. SystemInfoEthernetNetwork
[NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoEthernetNetwork : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute DOMString cable; readonly attribute DOMString status; readonly attribute DOMString ipAddress; readonly attribute DOMString ipv6Address; readonly attribute DOMString macAddress; };
Since: 2.4
Listener notice:
Change listener registered on ETHERNET_NETWORK property is triggered on ipAddress and ipv6Address properties change (the network layer). Those changes could be not consistent with physical layer (status of physical adapter).
According to above constraints, in specific situation the listener could be triggered just before network adapter shutdown and the value of status returned by listener would be outdated.
DOMString cableRepresents the cable status (ATTACHED or DETACHED) of the Ethernet interface.
Since: 2.4
DOMString statusRepresents the status (DEACTIVATED, DISCONNECTED or CONNECTED) of the Ethernet interface.
Since: 2.4
DOMString ipAddressRepresents the IPv4 address of the Ethernet network.
Since: 2.4
DOMString ipv6AddressRepresents the IPv6 address of the Ethernet network.
Since: 2.4
DOMString macAddressRepresents the MAC address of the Ethernet interface.
It is written in MM:MM:MM:SS:SS:SS format.
Since: 2.4
2.18. SystemInfoCellularNetwork
[NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoCellularNetwork : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute DOMString status; readonly attribute DOMString apn; readonly attribute DOMString ipAddress; readonly attribute DOMString ipv6Address; readonly attribute unsigned short mcc; readonly attribute unsigned short mnc; readonly attribute unsigned short cellId; readonly attribute unsigned short lac; readonly attribute boolean isRoaming; readonly attribute boolean isFlightMode; readonly attribute DOMString imei raises(WebAPIException); };
Since: 1.0
Listener notice:
Change listener registered on CELLULAR_NETWORK property is triggered on ipAddress, ipv6Address (the network layer), cellId, lac and isFlightMode properties change. Those changes could be not consistent with physical layer (status of physical adapter).
According to above constraints, in specific situation the listener could be triggered just before network adapter shutdown and the value of status returned by listener would be outdated.
DOMString statusRepresents the status (ON or OFF) of the cellular network.
Since: 1.0
DOMString apnRepresents an Access Point Name of the cellular network.
Since: 1.0
DOMString ipAddressRepresents the IPv4 address of the cellular network.
Since: 1.0
DOMString ipv6AddressRepresents the IPv6 address of the cellular network.
Since: 2.0
unsigned short mccRepresents Mobile Country Code (MCC) of the cellular network.
Since: 1.0
unsigned short mncRepresents Mobile Network Code (MNC) of the cellular network. MNC is used in combination with MCC (also known as a "MCC / MNC tuple") to uniquely identify a mobile phone operator/carrier using the GSM, CDMA, iDEN, TETRA and UMTS public land mobile networks and some satellite mobile networks.
Since: 1.0
unsigned short cellIdRepresents Cell ID.
Since: 1.0
unsigned short lacRepresents Location Area Code.
Since: 1.0
boolean isRoamingIndicates whether the connection is set up while the device is roaming.
Since: 1.0
boolean isFlightModeIndicates whether the device is in flight mode.
Since: 2.1
DOMString imeiRepresents the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI).
Since: 2.1
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/telephony
- WebAPIException
with error type SecurityError, if this attribute is not allowed.
- WebAPIException
2.19. SystemInfoNetProxyNetwork
[NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoNetProxyNetwork : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute DOMString status; };
Since: 3.0
DOMString statusRepresents the status (ON or OFF) of the net_proxy network.
Since: 3.0
2.20. SystemInfoSIM
[NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoSIM : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute SystemInfoSimState state raises(WebAPIException); readonly attribute DOMString operatorName raises(WebAPIException); readonly attribute DOMString msisdn raises(WebAPIException); readonly attribute DOMString iccid raises(WebAPIException); readonly attribute unsigned short mcc raises(WebAPIException); readonly attribute unsigned short mnc raises(WebAPIException); readonly attribute DOMString msin raises(WebAPIException); readonly attribute DOMString spn raises(WebAPIException); };
Since: 2.0
SystemInfoSimState stateRepresents the SIM card state.
Since: 2.1
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/system
- WebAPIException
with error type SecurityError, if this attribute is not allowed.
- WebAPIException
DOMString operatorNameRepresents the Operator Name String (ONS) of Common PCN Handset Specification (CPHS) in SIM card.
Since: 2.0
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/system
- WebAPIException
with error type SecurityError, if this attribute is not allowed.
- WebAPIException
DOMString msisdnRepresents the SIM card subscriber number.
Since: 2.0
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/telephony
- WebAPIException
with error type SecurityError, if this attribute is not allowed.
- WebAPIException
DOMString iccidRepresents the Integrated Circuit Card ID.
Since: 2.0
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/system
- WebAPIException
with error type SecurityError, if this attribute is not allowed.
- WebAPIException
unsigned short mccRepresents the Mobile Country Code (MCC) of SIM provider.
Since: 2.0
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/system
- WebAPIException
with error type SecurityError, if this attribute is not allowed.
- WebAPIException
unsigned short mncRepresents the Mobile Network Code (MNC) of SIM provider.
Since: 2.0
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/system
- WebAPIException
with error type SecurityError, if this attribute is not allowed.
- WebAPIException
DOMString msinRepresents the Mobile Subscription Identification Number (MSIN) of SIM provider.
Since: 2.0
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/telephony
- WebAPIException
with error type SecurityError, if this attribute is not allowed.
- WebAPIException
DOMString spnRepresents the Service Provider Name (SPN) of SIM card.
Since: 2.0
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/system
- WebAPIException
with error type SecurityError, if this attribute is not allowed.
- WebAPIException
2.21. SystemInfoPeripheral
[NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoPeripheral : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute boolean isVideoOutputOn; };
Since: 2.1
boolean isVideoOutputOnRepresents the video out status.
Since: 2.1
2.22. SystemInfoMemory
[NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoMemory : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute SystemInfoLowMemoryStatus status; };
Since: 2.3
SystemInfoLowMemoryStatus statusRepresents the low memory state.
Since: 2.3
2.23. SystemInfoCameraFlash
[NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoCameraFlash : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute double brightness raises(WebAPIException); readonly attribute DOMString camera; readonly attribute long levels raises(WebAPIException); void setBrightness(double brightness) raises(WebAPIException); };
Since: 3.0
double brightnessBrightness level of the camera flash (0~1).
Since: 3.0
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/led
- WebAPIException
with error type SecurityError, if this attribute is not allowed.
Code example:
tizen.systeminfo.getPropertyValue("CAMERA_FLASH", function(flash) { console.log("Flash brightness is set to: " + (flash.brightness * 100).toFixed(0) + "%"); }, function(error) { console.log("Error, name: " + error.name + ", message: " + error.message); });
- WebAPIException
DOMString cameraSpecifies camera to which this flash belongs.
- BACK - back camera flash
- FRONT - front camera flash
- EXTERNAL - external camera flash
- OTHER - a flash attached to any other camera
The getPropertyValue() method retrieves the SystemInfoCameraFlash for BACK camera.
Since: 3.0
long levelsNumber of brightness levels supported by the flash (other than 0 brightness).
Since: 3.0
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/led
- WebAPIException
with error type SecurityError, if this attribute is not allowed.
- WebAPIException
Sets the brightness value of the flash that is located next to the camera.
void setBrightness(double brightness);
Since: 3.0
If the specified brightness value is not supported by the device, the brightness is rounded down to the nearest supported brightness value.
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/led
- brightness: The brightness value of LED (0~1).
- WebAPIException
with error type InvalidValuesError, if any of the input parameters contains an invalid value.
with error type SecurityError, if the application does not have the privilege to call this method.
with error type UnknownError, if the method cannot be completed because of an unknown error.
Code example:
tizen.systeminfo.getPropertyValue("CAMERA_FLASH", function(flash) { try { flash.setBrightness(1); } catch (error) { console.log("Setting flash brightness failed: " + error.message); } }, function(error) { console.log("Error, name: " + error.name + ", message: " + error.message); });
2.24. SystemInfoADS
[NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoADS : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute DOMString id; };
Since: 3.0
DOMString idRepresents the unique id of advertisement service. It is used to distinguish each device.
Since: 3.0
3. Related Feature
To guarantee the running of the application (e.g. track the battery usage) on a device which has a battery, declare the following feature requirements in the config file:
To guarantee the running of the application on a device which has camera back flash and control it, declare the following feature requirements in the config file:
To guarantee the running of the application on a device which supports network proxy for internet connection, declare the following feature requirements in the config file:
To guarantee the running of the application on a device which supports telephony feature, declare the following feature requirements in the config file:
To guarantee the running of the application on a device which supports Wi-Fi, declare the following feature requirements in the config file:
4. Full WebIDL
module SystemInfo { enum SystemInfoPropertyId { "BATTERY", "CPU", "STORAGE", "DISPLAY", "DEVICE_ORIENTATION", "BUILD", "LOCALE", "NETWORK", "WIFI_NETWORK", "ETHERNET_NETWORK", "CELLULAR_NETWORK", "NET_PROXY_NETWORK", "SIM", "PERIPHERAL", "MEMORY", "CAMERA_FLASH", "ADS" }; enum SystemInfoNetworkType { "NONE", "2G", "2.5G", "3G", "4G", "WIFI", "ETHERNET", "NET_PROXY", "UNKNOWN" }; enum SystemInfoDeviceOrientationStatus { "PORTRAIT_PRIMARY", "PORTRAIT_SECONDARY", "LANDSCAPE_PRIMARY", "LANDSCAPE_SECONDARY" }; enum SystemInfoSimState { "ABSENT", "INITIALIZING", "READY", "PIN_REQUIRED", "PUK_REQUIRED", "NETWORK_LOCKED", "SIM_LOCKED", "UNKNOWN" }; enum SystemInfoProfile { "MOBILE", "WEARABLE", "TV" }; enum SystemInfoLowMemoryStatus { "NORMAL", "WARNING" }; dictionary SystemInfoOptions { unsigned long timeout; double highThreshold; double lowThreshold; }; Tizen implements SystemInfoObject; [NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoObject { readonly attribute SystemInfo systeminfo; }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfo { long long getTotalMemory() raises(WebAPIException); long long getAvailableMemory() raises(WebAPIException); any getCapability(DOMString key) raises(WebAPIException); long getCount(SystemInfoPropertyId property) raises(WebAPIException); void getPropertyValue(SystemInfoPropertyId property, SystemInfoPropertySuccessCallback successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback) raises(WebAPIException); void getPropertyValueArray(SystemInfoPropertyId property, SystemInfoPropertyArraySuccessCallback successCallback, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback) raises(WebAPIException); unsigned long addPropertyValueChangeListener(SystemInfoPropertyId property, SystemInfoPropertySuccessCallback successCallback, optional SystemInfoOptions? options, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback) raises(WebAPIException); unsigned long addPropertyValueArrayChangeListener(SystemInfoPropertyId property, SystemInfoPropertyArraySuccessCallback successCallback, optional SystemInfoOptions? options, optional ErrorCallback? errorCallback) raises(WebAPIException); void removePropertyValueChangeListener(unsigned long listenerId) raises(WebAPIException); }; [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoPropertySuccessCallback { void onsuccess(SystemInfoProperty property); }; [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoPropertyArraySuccessCallback { void onsuccess(SystemInfoProperty[] properties); }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoProperty { }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoBattery : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute double level; readonly attribute boolean isCharging; readonly attribute long? timeToDischarge; readonly attribute long? timeToFullCharge; }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoCpu : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute double load; }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoStorage : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute SystemInfoStorageUnit[] units; }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoStorageUnit : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute DOMString type; readonly attribute unsigned long long capacity; readonly attribute unsigned long long availableCapacity; readonly attribute boolean isRemovable; }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoDisplay : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute unsigned long resolutionWidth; readonly attribute unsigned long resolutionHeight; readonly attribute unsigned long dotsPerInchWidth; readonly attribute unsigned long dotsPerInchHeight; readonly attribute double physicalWidth; readonly attribute double physicalHeight; readonly attribute double brightness; }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoDeviceOrientation : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute SystemInfoDeviceOrientationStatus status; readonly attribute boolean isAutoRotation; }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoBuild : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute DOMString model; readonly attribute DOMString manufacturer; readonly attribute DOMString buildVersion; }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoLocale : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute DOMString language; readonly attribute DOMString country; }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoNetwork : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute SystemInfoNetworkType networkType; }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoWifiNetwork : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute DOMString status; readonly attribute DOMString ssid; readonly attribute DOMString ipAddress; readonly attribute DOMString ipv6Address; readonly attribute DOMString macAddress; readonly attribute double signalStrength; }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoEthernetNetwork : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute DOMString cable; readonly attribute DOMString status; readonly attribute DOMString ipAddress; readonly attribute DOMString ipv6Address; readonly attribute DOMString macAddress; }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoCellularNetwork : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute DOMString status; readonly attribute DOMString apn; readonly attribute DOMString ipAddress; readonly attribute DOMString ipv6Address; readonly attribute unsigned short mcc; readonly attribute unsigned short mnc; readonly attribute unsigned short cellId; readonly attribute unsigned short lac; readonly attribute boolean isRoaming; readonly attribute boolean isFlightMode; readonly attribute DOMString imei raises(WebAPIException); }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoNetProxyNetwork : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute DOMString status; }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoSIM : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute SystemInfoSimState state raises(WebAPIException); readonly attribute DOMString operatorName raises(WebAPIException); readonly attribute DOMString msisdn raises(WebAPIException); readonly attribute DOMString iccid raises(WebAPIException); readonly attribute unsigned short mcc raises(WebAPIException); readonly attribute unsigned short mnc raises(WebAPIException); readonly attribute DOMString msin raises(WebAPIException); readonly attribute DOMString spn raises(WebAPIException); }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoPeripheral : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute boolean isVideoOutputOn; }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoMemory : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute SystemInfoLowMemoryStatus status; }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoCameraFlash : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute double brightness raises(WebAPIException); readonly attribute DOMString camera; readonly attribute long levels raises(WebAPIException); void setBrightness(double brightness) raises(WebAPIException); }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoADS : SystemInfoProperty { readonly attribute DOMString id; }; };