(Circle) Music Player / src /
/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd * * Licensed under the Flora License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://floralicense.org/license/ * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <dlog.h> #include <efl_extension.h> #include <app_common.h> #include <media_content.h> #include "$(appName).h" #include "data.h" typedef struct _album_data { int album_id; char *title; char *artist; char *album_art; char *file_path; audio_meta_h audio; } album_data_s; typedef struct _more_btn_data { char *main_txt; char *sub_txt; char *img_path; } more_btn_data_s; static more_btn_data_s more_btn_item[DEVICE_INFO_MAX] = { { "Play music from:", "Gear", "images/More_option/music_more_opt_select_device_gear.png" }, { "Play music from:", "Phone", "images/More_option/music_more_opt_select_device_mobile.png" }, }; static struct _s_info { filter_h filter; media_info_h media_info; Eina_List *list; } s_info = { .filter = NULL, .list = NULL, }; static void _destroy_media_info(void); static void _destroy_media_filter(void); static void _create_media_filter(void); static bool _media_item_cb(media_info_h media, void *user_data); static bool _album_list_cb(media_album_h album, void *user_data); /* * @brief: Get path of resource * @param[file_in]: File name * @param[file_path_out]: The point to which save full path of the resource * @param[file_path_max]: Size of file name include path */ void data_get_resource_path(const char *file_in, char *file_path_out, int file_path_max) { char *res_path = app_get_resource_path(); if (res_path) { snprintf(file_path_out, file_path_max, "%s%s", res_path, file_in); free(res_path); } } /* * @brief: Initialization function for data module */ void data_initialize(void) { /* * If you need to initialize managing data, * please use this function. */ } /* * @brief: Finalization function for data module */ void data_finalize(void) { /* * If you need to finalize managing data, * please use this function. */ } /* * @brief: Get album list */ Eina_List *data_get_album_list(void) { return s_info.list; } /* * @brief: Get album title by index * @param[list]: List that contains album information * @param[index]: Index in album list */ char *data_get_album_title(Eina_List *list, int index) { album_data_s *album_data = eina_list_nth(list, index); return album_data->title; } /* * @brief: Get album artist by index * @param[list]: List that contains album information * @param[index]: Index in album list */ char *data_get_album_artist(Eina_List *list, int index) { album_data_s *album_data = eina_list_nth(list, index); return album_data->artist; } /* * @brief: Get album art by index * @param[list]: List that contains album information * @param[index]: Index in album list */ char *data_get_album_art(Eina_List *list, int index) { album_data_s *album_data = eina_list_nth(list, index); return album_data->album_art; } /* * @brief: Get album file path by index * @param[list]: List that contains album information * @param[index]: Index in album list */ char *data_get_album_file_path(Eina_List *list, int index) { album_data_s *album_data = eina_list_nth(list, index); return album_data->file_path; } /* * @brief: Get device icon image * @param[device]: Device type to display */ char *data_get_device_image(device_info_e device) { char *file_path = NULL; char full_path[PATH_MAX] = { 0, }; if (device == DEVICE_INFO_GEAR) { file_path = "images/Controller/music_gear.png"; } else { file_path = "images/Controller/music_device.png"; } data_get_resource_path(file_path, full_path, (int)PATH_MAX); return strdup(full_path); } /* * @brief: Get a image path * @param[part_name]: Part name to which you want to set */ char *data_get_image(const char *part_name) { /* * You can use this function to retrieve data. */ char *file_path = NULL; char full_path[PATH_MAX] = { 0, }; if (!strcmp("sw.icon.vol", part_name)) { file_path = "images/Controller/music_top_button_icon_volume.png"; } else if (!strcmp("sw.progressbar.bg", part_name)) { file_path = "images/Controller/b_music_progress_bg.png"; } else if (!strcmp("sw.icon.play", part_name)) { file_path = "images/Controller/music_controller_btn_play.png"; } else if (!strcmp("sw.icon.prev", part_name)) { file_path = "images/Controller/music_controller_btn_prev.png"; } else if (!strcmp("sw.icon.next", part_name)) { file_path = "images/Controller/music_controller_btn_next.png"; } else { dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "failed to get image."); return NULL; } data_get_resource_path(file_path, full_path, (int)PATH_MAX); return strdup(full_path); } /* * @brief: Get main text of more button by index * @param[index]: The order of more button */ char *data_get_more_button_main_text(int index) { return more_btn_item[index].main_txt; } /* * @brief: Get sub text of more button by index * @param[index]: The order of more button */ char *data_get_more_button_sub_text(int index) { return more_btn_item[index].sub_txt; } /* * @brief: Get a more button image path of more button by index * @param[index]: The order of more button */ char *data_get_more_button_image(int index) { return more_btn_item[index].img_path; } /* * @brief: Destroy album list data */ void data_destroy_album_list(void) { album_data_s *album_data = NULL; EINA_LIST_FREE(s_info.list, album_data) { free(album_data->title); free(album_data->artist); free(album_data->album_art); free(album_data->file_path); } s_info.list = NULL; _destroy_media_filter(); _destroy_media_info(); } /* * @brief: Iterates through the media album with optional filter from the media database */ Eina_List *data_create_album_list(void) { int ret = MEDIA_CONTENT_ERROR_NONE; if (s_info.filter == NULL) { _create_media_filter(); } ret = media_album_foreach_album_from_db(s_info.filter, _album_list_cb, NULL); if (ret != MEDIA_CONTENT_ERROR_NONE) { _destroy_media_filter(); return NULL; } return s_info.list; } /* * @brief: Update album list data */ Eina_List *data_update_album_list(void) { Eina_List *album_list = NULL; data_destroy_album_list(); album_list = data_create_album_list(); return album_list; } /* * @brief: Destroys media info */ static void _destroy_media_info(void) { if (s_info.media_info == NULL) { return; } if (media_info_destroy(s_info.media_info) != MEDIA_CONTENT_ERROR_NONE) { dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "failed to destroy media info"); } s_info.media_info = NULL; } /* * @brief: Destroys a media filter handle */ static void _destroy_media_filter(void) { if (s_info.filter == NULL) { return; } if (media_filter_destroy(s_info.filter) != MEDIA_CONTENT_ERROR_NONE) { dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "failed to destroy filter"); } s_info.filter = NULL; } /* * @brief: Creates a media filter handle and set condition & order */ static void _create_media_filter(void) { char *condition = "MEDIA_TYPE=3"; //0: image, 1: video, 2: sound, 3: music, 4: other int ret = MEDIA_CONTENT_ERROR_NONE; ret = media_filter_create(&s_info.filter); if (ret != MEDIA_CONTENT_ERROR_NONE) { s_info.filter = NULL; return; } ret = media_filter_set_condition(s_info.filter, condition, MEDIA_CONTENT_COLLATE_DEFAULT); if (ret != MEDIA_CONTENT_ERROR_NONE) { _destroy_media_filter(); return; } ret = media_filter_set_order(s_info.filter, MEDIA_CONTENT_ORDER_ASC, MEDIA_TITLE, MEDIA_CONTENT_COLLATE_NOCASE); if (ret != MEDIA_CONTENT_ERROR_NONE) { _destroy_media_filter(); return; } } /* * @brief: Iterates through the media files with an optional filter from the media database * @param[media]: The structure type for the Media info handle * @param[user_data]: Data needed in this function */ static bool _media_item_cb(media_info_h media, void *user_data) { album_data_s *album_data = user_data; char *title = NULL; char *path = NULL; int ret = MEDIA_CONTENT_ERROR_NONE; media_content_type_e media_type = 0; ret = media_info_clone(&s_info.media_info, media); if (ret != MEDIA_CONTENT_ERROR_NONE) { dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "failed to clone media info"); return false; } ret = media_info_get_media_type(media, &media_type); if (ret != MEDIA_CONTENT_ERROR_NONE) { media_info_destroy(s_info.media_info); s_info.media_info = NULL; return false; } if (media_type != MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE_MUSIC) { dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "media type is not music"); media_info_destroy(s_info.media_info); s_info.media_info = NULL; return false; } ret = media_info_get_file_path(media, &path); if (ret != MEDIA_CONTENT_ERROR_NONE) { media_info_destroy(s_info.media_info); s_info.media_info = NULL; return false; } ret = media_info_get_title(media, &title); if (ret != MEDIA_CONTENT_ERROR_NONE) { media_info_destroy(s_info.media_info); s_info.media_info = NULL; free(path); return false; } if (title == NULL) { ret = media_info_get_display_name(media, &title); if (ret != MEDIA_CONTENT_ERROR_NONE) { media_info_destroy(s_info.media_info); s_info.media_info = NULL; free(path); return false; } } album_data->file_path = path ? path : strdup("NULL"); album_data->title = title ? title : strdup("NULL"); media_info_destroy(s_info.media_info); s_info.media_info = NULL; return true; } /* * @brief: Iterates through the media album with optional filter from the media database * @param[album]: The structure type for the Media album handle * @param[user_data]: Data needed in this function */ static bool _album_list_cb(media_album_h album, void *user_data) { album_data_s *album_data = NULL; int album_id = 0; int ret = MEDIA_CONTENT_ERROR_NONE; char *artist = NULL; char *album_art = NULL; if (album == NULL) { return false; } if (s_info.filter == NULL) { return false; } album_data = malloc(sizeof(*album_data)); ret = media_album_get_album_id(album, &album_id); if (ret != MEDIA_CONTENT_ERROR_NONE) { _destroy_media_filter(); free(album_data); return false; } ret = media_album_get_artist(album, &artist); if (ret != MEDIA_CONTENT_ERROR_NONE) { _destroy_media_filter(); free(album_data); return false; } ret = media_album_get_album_art(album, &album_art); if (ret != MEDIA_CONTENT_ERROR_NONE) { _destroy_media_filter(); free(artist); free(album_data); return false; } ret = media_album_foreach_media_from_db(album_id, s_info.filter, _media_item_cb, album_data); if (ret != MEDIA_CONTENT_ERROR_NONE) { _destroy_media_filter(); free(artist); free(album_art); free(album_data); return false; } album_data->album_id = album_id; album_data->artist = artist ? artist : strdup("NULL"); album_data->album_art = album_art ? album_art : strdup("NULL"); dlog_print(DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, "[%d] %s - %s (%s, %s)", album_data->album_id, album_data->title, album_data->artist, album_data->album_art, album_data->file_path); /* * append album data to album list */ s_info.list = eina_list_append(s_info.list, album_data); return true; } /* * @brief: Remove a album data in album list * @param[file_path]: File path of music */ Eina_List *data_remove_album_data_by_file_path(const char *file_path) { Eina_List *l = NULL; Eina_List *n = NULL; album_data_s *album_data = NULL; EINA_LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(s_info.list, l, n, album_data) { if (!strcmp(album_data->file_path, file_path)) { dlog_print(DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, "remove album data : %s - %s(%s)", album_data->title, album_data->artist, album_data->file_path); s_info.list = eina_list_remove(s_info.list, album_data); free(album_data->album_art); free(album_data->artist); free(album_data->file_path); free(album_data->title); free(album_data); break; } } return s_info.list; }