Tizen Native API
In this example we will have 3 notifies in 3 different positions. The first will dissappear after 5 seconds or when a outside clickking occurs, the second and third will not disappear and differ from each other only in position.
We start our example with the usual stuff you've seen in other examples:
We now create a label to use as the content of our first notify:
Having the label we move to creating our notify, telling it to block events, setting its timeout(to autohide it):
To have the notify dissappear when a click outside its area occur we have to listen to its "block,clicked" signal:
Our callback will look like this:
Next we create another label and another notify. Note, however, that this time we don't set a timeout and don't have it block events. What we do is set the orient so that this notify will appear in the bottom of its parent:
For our third notify the only change is the orient which is now center:
Now we tell the main loop to run:
Our example will initially look like this:

Once the first notify is hidden: