Globalization API
Original documentation: Cordova Globalization
Remark: Usage of cordova API needs http://tizen.org/privilege/filesystem.read privilege.
Since: 3.0
Table of Contents
- 1. Interfaces
- 1.1. GlobalizationManagerObject
- 1.2. GlobalizationManager
- 1.3. DateOptions
- 1.4. CurrencyPattern
- 1.5. GetDateNamesOptions
- 1.6. NumberPatternOptions
- 1.7. DatePattern
- 1.8. NumberPattern
- 1.9. GlobalizationDate
- 1.10. DSTSuccessCallback
- 1.11. StringSuccessCallback
- 1.12. ArrayStringSuccessCallback
- 1.13. LongSuccessCallback
- 1.14. DoubleSuccessCallback
- 1.15. GlobalizationDateSuccessCallback
- 1.16. PatternSuccessCallback
- 1.17. GetDatePatternSuccessCallback
- 1.18. GetNumberPatternSuccessCallback
- 1.19. GlobalizationError
- 1.20. ErrorCallback
- 2. Full WebIDL
Summary of Interfaces and Methods
1. Interfaces
1.1. GlobalizationManagerObject
[NoInterfaceObject] interface GlobalizationManagerObject { readonly attribute GlobalizationManager globalization; };
Navigator implements GlobalizationManagerObject;
Since: 3.0
1.2. GlobalizationManager
[NoInterfaceObject] interface GlobalizationManager { void getPreferredLanguage(StringSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror) raises(TypeError); void getLocaleName(StringSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror) raises(TypeError); void dateToString(Date date, StringSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror, optional DateOptions options) raises(TypeError); void getCurrencyPattern(DOMString currencyCode, PatternSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror) raises(TypeError); void getDateNames(ArrayStringSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror, optional GetDateNamesOptions options) raises(TypeError); void getDatePattern(GetDatePatternSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror, optional DateOptions options) raises(TypeError); void getFirstDayOfWeek(LongSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror) raises(TypeError); void getNumberPattern(GetNumberPatternSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror, optional NumberPatternOptions options) raises(TypeError); void isDayLightSavingsTime(Date date, DSTSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror) raises(TypeError); void numberToString(double number, StringSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror, optional NumberPatternOptions options) raises(TypeError); void stringToDate(DOMString dateString, GlobalizationDateSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror, optional DateOptions options) raises(TypeError); void stringToNumber(DOMString numberString, DoubleSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror, optional NumberPatternOptions options) raises(TypeError); };
Since: 3.0
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/filesystem.read
Gets the BCP 47 language tag for the client's current language.
void getPreferredLanguage(StringSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror);
Since: 3.0
Returns the BCP-47 compliant language identifier tag to the successCallback with a properties object as a parameter. That object should have a value property with a String value.
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/filesystem.read
- onsuccess: The callback method to be invoked if the preferred language is obtained successfully.
- onerror: The callback method called when errors occur during this method's execution.
- TypeError
if any of the input parameters contains an invalid value.
Code example:
/* When the browser is set to the en-US language, */ /* this outputs the text similar to the results that follow. */ navigator.globalization.getPreferredLanguage( function(language) { console.log("Language: " + language.value); }, function() { console.log("Error getting language"); });
Output example:
Language: en-US
Returns the BCP 47 compliant tag for the client's current locale settings.
void getLocaleName(StringSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror);
Since: 3.0
Returns the BCP 47 compliant locale identifier string to the successCallback with a properties object as a parameter. That object should have a value property with a String value. The locale tag will consist of a two-letter lower case language code, two-letter upper case country code, and (unspecified) variant code, separated by a hyphen.
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/filesystem.read
- onsuccess: The callback function called when the locale name has been obtained successfully.
- onerror: The callback method invoked in case of errors occuring while getting a locale name.
- TypeError
if any of the input parameters contains an invalid value.
Code example:
/* When the browser is set to the en-US language, */ /* this outputs the text similar to the results that follow. */ navigator.globalization.getLocaleName( function(locale) { console.log("Locale: " + locale.value); }, function() { console.log("Error getting locale"); });
Output example:
Locale: en-US
Returns a date formatted as a string according to the client's locale and timezone.
void dateToString(Date date, StringSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror, optional DateOptions options);
Since: 3.0
Returns the date formatted as a String via a value property accessible from the object passed as a parameter to the successCallback.
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/filesystem.read
- date: The date to be converted to a DOMString. It should be of type Date.
- onsuccess: The callback method called after a successful conversion.
- onerror: The callback method called if errors occur during conversion.
- options [optional]: Optional parameter defining conversion options. The default values are: {formatLength : "short", selector : "date and time"}.
- TypeError
if any of the input parameters contains an invalid value.
Code example:
/* When the browser is set to the en-US language, */ /* this should output text similar to the results that follow. */ /* This example uses the default conversion options. */ navigator.globalization.dateToString(new Date(), function(date) { console.log("Date: " + date.value); }, function() { console.log("Error getting dateString"); }, {formatLength: "short", selector: "date and time"});
Output example:
Date: 9/25/2012 4:21PM
Returns a pattern string to format and parse currency values according to the client's user preferences and ISO 4217 currency code.
void getCurrencyPattern(DOMString currencyCode, PatternSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror);
Since: 3.0
The pattern information is returned in the onsuccess callback with pattern object as a parameter.
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/filesystem.read
- currencyCode: ISO 4217 compliant currency code provided as a DOMString, for example "USD".
- onsuccess: The callback method invoked after a successful conversion.
- onerror: The callback method called if errors occur during the conversion.
- TypeError
if any of the input parameters contains an invalid value.
Code example:
/* When the browser is set to the en-US language and the selected */ /* currency is United States dollars, this outputs */ /* the text similar to the results that follow. */ navigator.globalization.getCurrencyPattern("USD", function(pattern) { console.log("pattern: " + pattern.pattern); console.log("code: " + pattern.code); console.log("fraction: " + pattern.fraction); console.log("rounding: " + pattern.rounding); console.log("decimal: " + pattern.decimal); console.log("grouping: " + pattern.grouping); }, function() { console.log("Error getting pattern"); });
Output example:
pattern: $#,##0.##;($#,##0.##) code: USD fraction: 2 rounding: 0 decimal: . grouping: ,
Returns an array of the names of the months or the days of the week, depending on the client's user preferences and calendar.
void getDateNames(ArrayStringSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror, optional GetDateNamesOptions options);
Since: 3.0
If this method executes successfully, it invokes the onsuccess callback with months' or days' names passed as an Array of DOMString values in a parameter. This array features names starting from either the first month in the year or the first day of the week depending on the option selected.
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/filesystem.read
- onsuccess: The function to be called if this method returns the names correctly.
- onerror: The function to be called in case of error occuring.
- options [optional]: An optional parameter specifying additional options. The default value is {type: "wide", item: "months"}
- TypeError
if any of the input parameters contains an invalid value.
Code example:
/* When the browser is set to the en_US language, */ /* this example logs the names of months, as per locale settings */ /* with text similar to the results that follow. */ navigator.globalization.getDateNames( function(names) { for (var i = 0; i < names.value.length; i++) { console.log("month: " + names.value[i]); } }, function() { console.log("Error getting names"); }, {type: "wide", item: "months"});
Output example:
month: January month: February month: March month: April month: May month: June month: July month: August month: September month: October month: November month: December
Gets a pattern string to format and parse dates according to the client's user preferences.
void getDatePattern(GetDatePatternSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror, optional DateOptions options);
Since: 3.0
If this method executes successfully, the onsuccess callback is invoked with a DatePattern object passed as a parameter.
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/filesystem.read
- onsuccess: The method to be invoked when this function executes successfully.
- onerror: The function to be invoked in case of errors occuring.
- options [optional]: The DateOptions object containing additional options. The default value is {formatLength: "short", selector: "date and time"}.
- TypeError
if any of the input parameters contains an invalid value.
Code example:
/* This example displays the locale date pattern. */ /* When the browser is set to the en-US locale, */ /* this outputs the text similar to the results that follow. */ function checkDatePattern() { navigator.globalization.getDatePattern( function(date) { console.log("Date pattern: " + date.pattern); }, function() { console.log("Error getting pattern"); }, {formatLength: "short", selector: "date and time"}); } checkDatePattern();
Output example:
Date pattern: M/d/yyyy h:mm a
Gets the first day of the week according to the client's user preferences and calendar.
void getFirstDayOfWeek(LongSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror);
Since: 3.0
The days of the week are numbered starting from 1, where 1 is assumed to be Sunday. If successful, it invokes onsuccess callback with a LongSuccessCallback object as a parameter. That object has a value property representing the number of the first day of a week.
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/filesystem.read
- onsuccess: The method to be called when this function executes successfully.
- onerror: The method to be invoked in case of errors occuring.
- TypeError
if any of the input parameters contains an invalid value.
Code example:
/* When the browser is set to the en_US locale, */ /* this outputs the text similar to "day: 1". */ navigator.globalization.getFirstDayOfWeek( function(day) { console.log("Day: " + day.value); }, function() { console.log("Error getting first day of week"); });
Output example:
Day: 1
Gets a pattern string to format and parse numbers according to the client's user preferences.
void getNumberPattern(GetNumberPatternSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror, optional NumberPatternOptions options);
Since: 3.0
The obtained pattern is then passed to the onsuccess callback as a parameter.
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/filesystem.read
- onsuccess: The callback method to be invoked when this function executes successfully.
- onerror: The callback method to be invoked in case of errors occuring during this method's execution.
- options [optional]: Defines the type of numeric value for which the pattern will be returned.
- TypeError
if any of the input parameters contains an invalid value.
Code example:
/* When the browser is set to the en_US locale, */ /* this example outputs the text similar to the results that follow. */ navigator.globalization.getNumberPattern( function(pattern) { console.log("pattern: " + pattern.pattern); console.log("symbol: " + pattern.symbol); console.log("fraction: " + pattern.fraction); console.log("rounding: " + pattern.rounding); console.log("positive: " + pattern.positive); console.log("negative: " + pattern.negative); console.log("decimal: " + pattern.decimal); console.log("grouping: " + pattern.grouping); }, function() { console.log("An error occurred"); }, {type: "decimal"});
Output example:
pattern: #,##0.### symbol: . fraction: 0 rounding: 0 positive: negative: - decimal: . grouping: ,
Indicates whether or not daylight savings time is in effect for a given date using the client's time zone and calendar.
void isDayLightSavingsTime(Date date, DSTSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror);
Since: 3.0
If this function executes successfully, the onsuccess callback will be invoked with a dstStatus object as a parameter. That object would contain a dst property with a Boolean value. The true value indicates that the DST is in effect for the given date.
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/filesystem.read
- date: The Date object for which the daylight savings time status will be checked.
- onsuccess: The callback method to be called when this function successfully completes its execution.
- onerror: The callback method to be called in case of errors occuring during this method's execution.
- TypeError
if any of the input parameters contains an invalid value.
Code example:
/* During the summer, and if the browser is set to a DST-enabled timezone, */ /* this logs text similar to "dst: true". */ navigator.globalization.isDayLightSavingsTime(new Date(), function(date) { console.log("dst: " + date.dst); }, function() { console.log("Error getting the DST state"); });
Output example:
dst: true
Returns a number formatted as a string according to the client's user preferences.
void numberToString(double number, StringSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror, optional NumberPatternOptions options);
Since: 3.0
The formatted number string is returned by onsuccess callback with a properties object as a parameter. That object contains a property value of DOMString type containing the result of the conversion.
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/filesystem.read
- number: The number that will be converted to a DOMString in accordance with the client's user preferences.
- onsuccess: The callback function executed when the conversion is done successfully. The results of the conversion are passed as a parameter to this callback function.
- onerror: The callback function executed in case of errors occuring during the conversion. The GlobalizationError object with the details is passed as a parameter to this callback function.
- options [optional]: Additional options specifying the details of conversion. It is a dictionary with a single property type. The default value of this parameter is {type: "decimal"}.
- TypeError
if any of the input parameters contains an invalid value.
Code example:
/* When the browser is set to the en_US locale, */ /* this code displays the results that follow. */ navigator.globalization.numberToString(3.1415926, function(number) { console.log("Decimal number: " + number.value); }, function() { console.log("Error getting number"); }, {type: "decimal"}); navigator.globalization.numberToString(1000003, function(number) { console.log("Big decimal number: " + number.value); }, function() { console.log("Error getting number"); }, {type: "decimal"}); navigator.globalization.numberToString(0.3183099, function(number) { console.log("Percentile: " + number.value); }, function() { console.log("Error getting number"); }, {type: "percent"}); navigator.globalization.numberToString(1099.95, function(number) { console.log("Currency: " + number.value); }, function() { console.log("Error getting number"); }, {type: "currency"});
Output example:
Decimal number: 3.142 Big decimal number: 1,000,003 Percentile: 32% Currency: $1,099.95
Parses a date formatted as a DOMString according to the client's user preferences and calendar using the time zone of the client. Returns the corresponding date object.
void stringToDate(DOMString dateString, GlobalizationDateSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror, optional DateOptions options);
Since: 3.0
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/filesystem.read
- dateString: a string containing the representation of a date to be converted to a Date object.
- onsuccess: The callback method invoked when the conversion completes successfully. The result of conversion is passed as a parameter to this callback.
- onerror: The callback method invoked in case of errors occuring during the conversion. A GlobalizationError object is passed as a parameter to this callback.
- options [optional]: Additional options specifying the details of the conversion. The default value is {formatLength: "short", selector: "date and time"}.
- TypeError
if any of the input parameters contains an invalid value.
Code example:
/* when the browser is set to the en_US locale, */ /* this example outputs text similar to the results that follow. */ /* Note that the month integer is one less than the string, */ /* as the month integer represents an array index. */ navigator.globalization.stringToDate("9/25/2012", function(date) { console.log("month: " + date.month + ", day: " + date.day + ", year: " + date.year); }, function() { console.log("Error getting date"); }, {selector: "date"});
Output example:
month: 8, day: 25, year: 2012
Parses a number formatted as a string according to the client's user preferences and returns the corresponding number.
void stringToNumber(DOMString numberString, DoubleSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror, optional NumberPatternOptions options);
Since: 3.0
If successful, the result of the conversion is passed as a parameter to the onsuccess callback method.
Privilege level: public
Privilege: http://tizen.org/privilege/filesystem.read
- numberString: The DOMString containing a text representation of a number to be converted to a double data type.
- onsuccess: The callback method called after a successful conversion. The result of a conversion is passed as a parameter of this callback method.
- onerror: The callback method invoked in case of errors occuring during the conversion. The error is passed as a parameter of this callback method.
- options [optional]: Additional options specifying the details of the conversion. The default value is {type: "decimal"}
- TypeError
if any of the input parameters contains an invalid value.
Code example:
/* When the browser is set to the en_US locale, */ /* this displays the text similar to the results that follow. */ navigator.globalization.stringToNumber("1234.56", function(number) { console.log("Number: " + number.value); }, function() { console.log("Error getting number"); }, {type: "decimal"});
Output example:
Number: 1234.56
1.3. DateOptions
dictionary DateOptions { DOMString formatLength; DOMString selector; };
Since: 3.0
Dictionary members
- DOMString formatLength
Indicates the length of DOMString representation of the date.
Valid values are:
- "short"
- "medium"
- "long"
- "full"
Since: 3.0
- DOMString selector
Indicates the selector for DOMString representation of the date.
Valid values are:
- "date"
- "time"
- "date and time"
Since: 3.0
1.4. CurrencyPattern
dictionary CurrencyPattern { DOMString pattern; DOMString code; long fraction; double rounding; DOMString decimal; DOMString grouping; };
Since: 3.0
Dictionary members
- DOMString pattern
The currency pattern to format and parse the currency values. The patterns follow Unicode Technical Standard #35.
Since: 3.0
- DOMString code
The ISO 4217 currency code for the pattern.
Since: 3.0
- long fraction
The number of fractional digits to use when parsing and formatting currency.
Since: 3.0
- double rounding
The rounding increment to use when parsing and formatting.
Since: 3.0
- DOMString decimal
The decimal symbol to use for parsing and formatting.
Since: 3.0
- DOMString grouping
The grouping symbol to use for parsing and formatting.
Since: 3.0
1.5. GetDateNamesOptions
dictionary GetDateNamesOptions { DOMString type; DOMString item; };
Since: 3.0
Dictionary members
- DOMString type
Determines whether to use abbreviated (narrow) or full-length (wide) names.
The following values are valid:
- "narrow" - Abbreviated names will be returned.
- "wide" - Full names will be returned.
Since: 3.0
- DOMString item
Determines whether to return the names of months or the names of days.
The following values are valid:
- "months" - The names of months will be returned.
- "days" - The names of days of the week will be returned.
Since: 3.0
1.6. NumberPatternOptions
dictionary NumberPatternOptions { DOMString type; };
Since: 3.0
Dictionary members
- DOMString type
The type determines the genus of numeric value, for which the pattern will be extracted.
The following values are valid:
- "decimal" - Indicates that the pattern for the decimal numbers should be extracted.
- "percent" - Indicates that the pattern for the percents should be extracted.
- "currency" - Indicates that the pattern for the currency values should be extracted.
Since: 3.0
1.7. DatePattern
dictionary DatePattern { DOMString pattern; DOMString timezone; long utc_offset; long dst_offset; };
Since: 3.0
Dictionary members
- DOMString pattern
The date and time pattern to format and parse dates. The patterns follow Unicode Technical Standard #35.
Since: 3.0
- DOMString timezone
The abbreviated name of the time zone on client's device.
Since: 3.0
- long utc_offset
The current difference in seconds between the client's time zone and coordinated universal time.
Since: 3.0
- long dst_offset
The current daylight saving time offset in seconds between the client's non-daylight saving time zone and the client's daylight saving time zone.
Since: 3.0
1.8. NumberPattern
dictionary NumberPattern { DOMString pattern; DOMString symbol; long fraction; double rounding; DOMString positive; DOMString negative; DOMString decimal; DOMString grouping; };
Since: 3.0
Dictionary members
- DOMString pattern
The number pattern to format and parse numbers. The patterns follow Unicode Technical Standard #35.
Since: 3.0
- DOMString symbol
The symbol to use when formatting and parsing, such as percent or currency symbol.
Since: 3.0
- long fraction
The number of fractional digits to use when parsing and formatting.
Since: 3.0
- double rounding
The rounding increment to use when parsing and formatting.
Since: 3.0
- DOMString positive
The symbol to use for positive numbers when parsing and formatting.
Since: 3.0
- DOMString negative
The symbol to use for negative numbers when parsing and formatting.
Since: 3.0
- DOMString decimal
The decimal symbol to use for parsing and formatting.
Since: 3.0
- DOMString grouping
The grouping symbol to use for parsing and formatting.
Since: 3.0
1.9. GlobalizationDate
dictionary GlobalizationDate { long year; long month; long day; long hour; long minute; long second; long millisecond; };
Since: 3.0
Dictionary members
- long year
The four digit year.
Since: 3.0
- long month
The month index in range (0, 11) inclusively.
Since: 3.0
- long day
The day of month in range (1, 31) inclusively.
Since: 3.0
- long hour
The hour in range (0, 23) inclusively.
Since: 3.0
- long minute
The minute in range (0, 59) inclusively.
Since: 3.0
- long second
The second in range (0, 59) inclusively.
Since: 3.0
- long millisecond
The milliseconds in range (0, 999) inclusively.
Since: 3.0
1.10. DSTSuccessCallback
[Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface DSTSuccessCallback { void onsuccess(object properties); };
Since: 3.0
1.11. StringSuccessCallback
[Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface StringSuccessCallback { void onsuccess(object properties); };
Since: 3.0
1.12. ArrayStringSuccessCallback
[Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface ArrayStringSuccessCallback { void onsuccess(object properties); };
Since: 3.0
1.13. LongSuccessCallback
[Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface LongSuccessCallback { void onsuccess(object properties); };
Since: 3.0
1.14. DoubleSuccessCallback
[Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface DoubleSuccessCallback { void onsuccess(object properties); };
Since: 3.0
1.15. GlobalizationDateSuccessCallback
[Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface GlobalizationDateSuccessCallback { void onsuccess(Date date); };
Since: 3.0
1.16. PatternSuccessCallback
[Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface PatternSuccessCallback { void onsuccess(CurrencyPattern pattern); };
Since: 3.0
Called when a function returns the currency pattern information successfully.
void onsuccess(CurrencyPattern pattern);
Since: 3.0
- pattern: a CurrencyPattern object containing retrieved information.
1.17. GetDatePatternSuccessCallback
[Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface GetDatePatternSuccessCallback { void onsuccess(DatePattern pattern); };
Since: 3.0
Called when a function returns the date pattern information successfully.
void onsuccess(DatePattern pattern);
Since: 3.0
- pattern: a DatePattern object containing retrieved information.
1.18. GetNumberPatternSuccessCallback
[Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface GetNumberPatternSuccessCallback { void onsuccess(NumberPattern pattern); };
Since: 3.0
Called when a function returns the number pattern information successfully.
void onsuccess(NumberPattern pattern);
Since: 3.0
- pattern: a NumberPattern object containing retrieved information.
1.19. GlobalizationError
interface GlobalizationError { const short UNKNOWN_ERROR = 0; const short FORMATTING_ERROR = 1; const short PARSING_ERROR = 2; const short PATTERN_ERROR = 3; attribute long code; attribute DOMString message; };
Since: 3.0
Since: 3.0
Since: 3.0
Since: 3.0
Since: 3.0
long codeOne of the following codes representing the error type.
- 0: GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR
- 1: GlobalizationError.FORMATTING_ERROR
- 2: GlobalizationError.PARSING_ERROR
- 3: GlobalizationError.PATTERN_ERROR
Since: 3.0
DOMString messageA text message that includes the error's explanation and/or details.
Since: 3.0
1.20. ErrorCallback
[Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface ErrorCallback { void onerror(DOMException error); };
Since: 3.0
void onerror(DOMException error);
Since: 3.0
- error: Error object containing some information about the error.
2. Full WebIDL
module Globalization { dictionary DateOptions { DOMString formatLength; DOMString selector; }; dictionary CurrencyPattern { DOMString pattern; DOMString code; long fraction; double rounding; DOMString decimal; DOMString grouping; }; dictionary GetDateNamesOptions { DOMString type; DOMString item; }; dictionary NumberPatternOptions { DOMString type; }; dictionary DatePattern { DOMString pattern; DOMString timezone; long utc_offset; long dst_offset; }; dictionary NumberPattern { DOMString pattern; DOMString symbol; long fraction; double rounding; DOMString positive; DOMString negative; DOMString decimal; DOMString grouping; }; dictionary GlobalizationDate { long year; long month; long day; long hour; long minute; long second; long millisecond; }; Navigator implements GlobalizationManagerObject; [NoInterfaceObject] interface GlobalizationManagerObject { readonly attribute GlobalizationManager globalization; }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface GlobalizationManager { void getPreferredLanguage(StringSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror) raises(TypeError); void getLocaleName(StringSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror) raises(TypeError); void dateToString(Date date, StringSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror, optional DateOptions options) raises(TypeError); void getCurrencyPattern(DOMString currencyCode, PatternSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror) raises(TypeError); void getDateNames(ArrayStringSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror, optional GetDateNamesOptions options) raises(TypeError); void getDatePattern(GetDatePatternSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror, optional DateOptions options) raises(TypeError); void getFirstDayOfWeek(LongSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror) raises(TypeError); void getNumberPattern(GetNumberPatternSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror, optional NumberPatternOptions options) raises(TypeError); void isDayLightSavingsTime(Date date, DSTSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror) raises(TypeError); void numberToString(double number, StringSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror, optional NumberPatternOptions options) raises(TypeError); void stringToDate(DOMString dateString, GlobalizationDateSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror, optional DateOptions options) raises(TypeError); void stringToNumber(DOMString numberString, DoubleSuccessCallback onsuccess, ErrorCallback onerror, optional NumberPatternOptions options) raises(TypeError); }; [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface DSTSuccessCallback { void onsuccess(object properties); }; [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface StringSuccessCallback { void onsuccess(object properties); }; [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface ArrayStringSuccessCallback { void onsuccess(object properties); }; [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface LongSuccessCallback { void onsuccess(object properties); }; [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface DoubleSuccessCallback { void onsuccess(object properties); }; [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface GlobalizationDateSuccessCallback { void onsuccess(Date date); }; [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface PatternSuccessCallback { void onsuccess(CurrencyPattern pattern); }; [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface GetDatePatternSuccessCallback { void onsuccess(DatePattern pattern); }; [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface GetNumberPatternSuccessCallback { void onsuccess(NumberPattern pattern); }; interface GlobalizationError { const short UNKNOWN_ERROR = 0; const short FORMATTING_ERROR = 1; const short PARSING_ERROR = 2; const short PATTERN_ERROR = 3; attribute long code; attribute DOMString message; }; [Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface ErrorCallback { void onerror(DOMException error); }; };