Grid View

Grid View components provides a list of grid-type and presents contents that are easily identified as images.

You can adjust the number of columns of grid using a pinch gesture. In reorder mode, you can move each item.

Grid view can have labels and set type of the labels.

Table of Contents

  1. Default selectors
  2. Manual constructor
  3. Options
  4. Methods

Default selector

By default, all ul elements with the class="ui-gridview" or data-role="gridview" attribute are displayed as grid view components.

Manual Constructor

To manually create a grid view component, use the component constructor from the tau namespace:

The constructor requires an HTMLElement parameter to create the component, and you can get it with the document.getElementById() method. The constructor can also take a second parameter, which is an object defining the configuration options for the component.

HTML code:

<ul id="gridview" class="ui-gridview">
   <li class="ui-gridview-item">
      <img class="ui-gridview-image" src="images/1.jpg"/>
      <div class="ui-gridview-handler"></div>
   <li class="ui-gridview-item">
      <img class="ui-gridview-image" src="images/2.jpg"/>
      <div class="ui-gridview-handler"></div>
   <li class="ui-gridview-item">
      <img class="ui-gridview-image" src="images/3.jpg"/>
      <div class="ui-gridview-handler"></div>
   <li class="ui-gridview-item">
      <img class="ui-gridview-image" src="images/4.jpg"/>
      <div class="ui-gridview-handler"></div>

JS code:

var elGridView = document.getElementById("gridview"),
    gridView = tau.widget.GridView(elGridView);


Option Input type Default value Description
data-cols number 4 the number of columns to be displayed
data-reorder boolean false represents whether grid view is reorder mode
data-label string "none" type of label to be attatched to grid item("none", "in", "out")
data-min-width number, string null minimum width px of grid item(number or "auto")
data-min-cols number 1 the minimum number of columns
data-max-cols number 5 the maximum number of columns


To call method on DropdownMenu, you can refer following:

var elGridView = document.getElementById("gridview"),
    gridView = tau.widget.GridView(elGridView),

gridView.methodName(methodArgument1, methodArgument2, ...);


Method Description

Add an item to grid view


Remove an item from grid view


Add an item to grid view

addItem(HTMLElement item) 


Parameter Type Required / optional Description
item HTMLElement required element to be added

Return value:

No Return Value

Code example:

var elGridView = document.getElementById("gridview"),
    gridView = tau.widget.GridView(elGridView),


Remove an item from grid view

removeItem(HTMLElement item) 


Parameter Type Required / optional Description
item HTMLElement required element to be removed

Return value:

No Return Value

Code example:

var elGridView = document.getElementById("gridview"),
    gridView = tau.widget.GridView(elGridView),
