Tizen Native API
Drawing canvas.
Define Documentation
Slightly less prioritized than default.
- Since (EFL) :
- 1.1
Slightly more prioritized than default.
- Since (EFL) :
- 1.1
Default callback priority level
- Since (EFL) :
- 1.1
Not used for anything
Not used for anything
#define EVAS_HINT_EXPAND 1.0 |
#define EVAS_HINT_FILL -1.0 |
#define EVAS_LAYER_MAX 32767 |
top-most layer number
#define EVAS_LAYER_MIN -32768 |
bottom-most layer number
Magic version number to know what the native surface struct looks like
#define EVAS_TEXT_INVALID -1 |
Not used for anything
#define EVAS_TEXT_SPECIAL -2 |
Not used for anything
The major number of evas version
The minor number of eet version
Magic version number to know what the video surf struct looks like
- Since (EFL) :
- 1.1
Typedef Documentation
typedef Eo Efl_VG |
Type of abstract VG node
typedef enum _Evas_Alloc_Error Evas_Alloc_Error |
Possible allocation errors
typedef int Evas_Angle |
A type for angle
typedef enum _Evas_Aspect_Control Evas_Aspect_Control |
Aspect types/policies for scaling size hints, used for evas_object_size_hint_aspect_set()
typedef void(* Evas_Async_Events_Put_Cb)(void *target, Evas_Callback_Type type, void *event_info) |
Evas Async events put function signature.
- Since :
- 2.3
typedef struct _Evas_Axis Evas_Axis |
Details for a single device axis state
- Since (EFL) :
- 1.13
typedef enum _Evas_Axis_Label Evas_Axis_Label |
Types of recognized device axes
- Since (EFL) :
- 1.13
typedef enum _Evas_Border_Fill_Mode Evas_Border_Fill_Mode |
How an image's center region (the complement to the border region) should be rendered by Evas
typedef enum _Evas_Button_Flags Evas_Button_Flags |
Flags for Mouse Button events Flags for Mouse Button events
Callback priority value. Range is -32k - 32k. The lower the number, the bigger the priority.
- Since (EFL) :
- 1.1
typedef enum _Evas_Callback_Type Evas_Callback_Type |
Identifier of callbacks to be set for Evas canvases or Evas objects.
The following figure illustrates some Evas callbacks:

- See also:
- evas_object_event_callback_add()
- evas_event_callback_add() The types of events triggering a callback
typedef int Evas_Coord |
A type for coordinates
typedef struct _Evas_Coord_Point Evas_Coord_Point |
Evas_Coord point
typedef struct _Evas_Coord_Precision_Point Evas_Coord_Precision_Point |
Evas_Coord point with sub-pixel precision
typedef struct _Evas_Coord_Precision_Size Evas_Coord_Precision_Size |
Evas_Coord size with sub-pixel precision
- Since (EFL) :
- 1.8
typedef struct _Evas_Coord_Rectangle Evas_Coord_Rectangle |
A generic rectangle handle
typedef struct _Evas_Coord_Size Evas_Coord_Size |
Evas_Coord size
- Since (EFL) :
- 1.8
typedef struct _Evas_Device Evas_Device |
A source device handle - where the event came from
typedef enum _Evas_Device_Class Evas_Device_Class |
A general class of device
- Since (EFL) :
- 1.8
typedef enum _Evas_Device_Subclass Evas_Device_Subclass |
A general class of device
- Since (EFL) :
- 1.8
typedef enum _Evas_Display_Mode Evas_Display_Mode |
object's display mode type related with compress/expand or etc mode
typedef struct _Evas_Engine_Info Evas_Engine_Info |
A generic Evas Engine information structure
typedef enum _Evas_Engine_Render_Mode Evas_Engine_Render_Mode |
behaviour of the renderer
typedef struct _Evas_Event_Axis_Update Evas_Event_Axis_Update |
Event structure for EVAS_CALLBACK_AXIS_UPDATE event callbacks
- Since (EFL) :
- 1.13
typedef enum _Evas_Event_Flags Evas_Event_Flags |
Flags for Events Flags for Events
typedef struct _Evas_Event_Hold Evas_Event_Hold |
Event structure for EVAS_CALLBACK_HOLD event callbacks
typedef struct _Evas_Event_Key_Down Evas_Event_Key_Down |
Event structure for EVAS_CALLBACK_KEY_DOWN event callbacks
typedef struct _Evas_Event_Key_Up Evas_Event_Key_Up |
Event structure for EVAS_CALLBACK_KEY_UP event callbacks
typedef struct _Evas_Event_Mouse_Down Evas_Event_Mouse_Down |
Event structure for EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN event callbacks
typedef struct _Evas_Event_Mouse_In Evas_Event_Mouse_In |
Event structure for EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_IN event callbacks
typedef struct _Evas_Event_Mouse_Move Evas_Event_Mouse_Move |
Event structure for EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_MOVE event callbacks
typedef struct _Evas_Event_Mouse_Out Evas_Event_Mouse_Out |
Event structure for EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_OUT event callbacks
typedef struct _Evas_Event_Mouse_Up Evas_Event_Mouse_Up |
Event structure for EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP event callbacks
typedef struct _Evas_Event_Mouse_Wheel Evas_Event_Mouse_Wheel |
Event structure for EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_WHEEL event callbacks
typedef struct _Evas_Event_Multi_Down Evas_Event_Multi_Down |
Event structure for EVAS_CALLBACK_MULTI_DOWN event callbacks
typedef struct _Evas_Event_Multi_Move Evas_Event_Multi_Move |
Event structure for EVAS_CALLBACK_MULTI_MOVE event callbacks
typedef struct _Evas_Event_Multi_Up Evas_Event_Multi_Up |
Event structure for EVAS_CALLBACK_MULTI_UP event callbacks
typedef struct _Evas_Event_Render_Post Evas_Event_Render_Post |
Event structure that may come with EVAS_CALLBACK_RENDER_POST event callbacks
- Since (EFL) :
- 1.8
typedef enum _Evas_Font_Hinting_Flags Evas_Font_Hinting_Flags |
Flags for Font Hinting Flags for Font Hinting
typedef int Evas_Font_Size |
A type for font size
typedef enum _Evas_Image_Content_Hint Evas_Image_Content_Hint |
How an image's data is to be treated by Evas, for optimization
typedef struct _Evas_Lock Evas_Lock |
An opaque type containing information on which lock keys are registered in an Evas canvas
typedef struct _Evas_Modifier Evas_Modifier |
An opaque type containing information on which modifier keys are registered in an Evas canvas
typedef unsigned long long Evas_Modifier_Mask |
An Evas modifier mask type
typedef struct _Evas_Native_Surface Evas_Native_Surface |
A generic datatype for engine specific native surface information
typedef enum _Evas_Native_Surface_Type Evas_Native_Surface_Type |
Native surface types that image object supports
typedef void Evas_Performance |
An Evas Performance handle
typedef struct _Evas_Point Evas_Point |
integer point
typedef struct _Evas_Position Evas_Position |
associates given point in Canvas and Output
typedef struct _Evas_Precision_Position Evas_Precision_Position |
associates given point in Canvas and Output, with sub-pixel precision
typedef struct _Evas_Smart Evas_Smart |
An Evas Smart Object handle
A smart object callback description, used to provide introspection
A smart object's base class definition
A smart object's base interface definition
An Evas interface is exactly like the OO-concept: an 'contract' or API a given object is declared to support. A smart object may have more than one interface, thus extending the behavior it gets from sub-classing.
- Since (EFL) :
- 1.7
typedef enum _Evas_Touch_Point_State Evas_Touch_Point_State |
State of Evas_Coord_Touch_Point
typedef void(* Evas_Video_Cb)(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const Evas_Video_Surface *surface) |
Evas video callback function signature
typedef void(* Evas_Video_Coord_Cb)(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const Evas_Video_Surface *surface, Evas_Coord a, Evas_Coord b) |
Evas video coordinates callback function signature
A generic datatype for video specific surface information
- Since (EFL) :
- 1.1
typedef enum _Evas_Video_Surface_Caps Evas_Video_Surface_Caps |
Enum values for the Video surface capabilities
Enumeration Type Documentation
enum _Evas_Alloc_Error |
enum _Evas_Aspect_Control |
- Enumerator:
enum _Evas_Axis_Label |
- Enumerator:
- Enumerator:
enum _Evas_Button_Flags |
enum _Evas_Callback_Type |
Identifier of callbacks to be set for Evas canvases or Evas objects.
The following figure illustrates some Evas callbacks:

- Enumerator:
enum _Evas_Device_Class |
- Enumerator:
- Enumerator:
enum _Evas_Display_Mode |
- Enumerator:
enum _Evas_Event_Flags |
Flags for Events
- Enumerator:
Native surface types that image object supports
- Enumerator:
Enum values for the Video surface capabilities