Tizen Native API  5.5


A hoversel is a button that pops up a list of items (automatically choosing the direction to display) that have a label and, optionally, an icon to select from. It is a convenience widget to avoid the need to do all the piecing together yourself. It is intended for a small number of items in the hoversel menu (no more than 8), though is capable of many more.

This widget inherits from the Button one, so that all the functions acting on it also work for hoversel objects.

This widget emits the following signals, besides the ones sent from Button:

Default content parts of the hoversel widget that you can use for are:

Default text parts of the hoversel widget that you can use for are:

Supported elm_object common APIs.

Supported elm_object_item common APIs.

See Hoversel example for an example.


Evas_Objectelm_hoversel_add (Evas_Object *parent)
 Add a new Hoversel object.

Function Documentation

Add a new Hoversel object.

parentThe parent object
The new object or NULL if it cannot be created
Since :
hoversel_example_01.c, and slideshow_example.c.