Tizen Native API
This is a widget specifically for displaying a map.

It basically uses the OpenStreetMap provider http://www.openstreetmap.org, but custom providers can be added.
It supports some basic yet nice features:
- Zooming and scrolling
- Markers with content to be displayed when a user clicks on them
- Group of markers and
- Routes
This widget implements the elm-scrollable-interface interface, so that all (non-deprecated) functions for the base Scroller widget also work for map objects.
Smart callbacks that one can listen to:
- This is called when a user has clicked the map without dragging it around."clicked,double"
- This is called when a user has double-clicked the map."press"
- This is called when a user has pressed down on the map."longpressed"
- This is called when a user has pressed down on the map for a long time without dragging it around."scroll"
- The content has been scrolled (moved)."scroll,drag,start"
- Dragging the content around has started."scroll,drag,stop"
- Dragging the content around has stopped."scroll,anim,start"
- Scrolling animation has started."scroll,anim,stop"
- Scrolling animation has stopped."zoom,start"
- Zoom animation has started."zoom,stop"
- Zoom animation has stopped."zoom,change"
- Zoom changed when using the auto zoom mode."tile,load"
- A map tile image load begins."tile,loaded"
- A map tile image load ends."tile,loaded,fail"
- A map tile image load fails."route,load"
- Route request begins."route,loaded"
- Route request ends."route,loaded,fail"
- Route request fails."name,load"
- Name request begins."name,loaded"
- Name request ends."name,loaded,fail"
- Name request fails."overlay,clicked"
- An overlay is clicked."loaded"
- The map is finally loaded.- Since (EFL) :
- 1.7
- The program's language has changed.
Available style for map widgets:
Available styles for markers:
Available style for marker bubbles:
Functions | |
Evas_Object * | elm_map_add (Evas_Object *parent) |
Adds a new map widget to the given parent Elementary (container) object. | |
void | elm_map_zoom_set (Evas_Object *obj, int zoom) |
Sets the zoom level of the map. | |
int | elm_map_zoom_get (const Evas_Object *obj) |
Gets the zoom level of the map. | |
void | elm_map_zoom_mode_set (Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Map_Zoom_Mode mode) |
Sets the zoom mode used by the map object. | |
Elm_Map_Zoom_Mode | elm_map_zoom_mode_get (const Evas_Object *obj) |
Gets the zoom mode used by the map object. | |
void | elm_map_zoom_min_set (Evas_Object *obj, int zoom) |
Sets the minimum zoom of the source. | |
int | elm_map_zoom_min_get (const Evas_Object *obj) |
Gets the minimum zoom of the source. | |
void | elm_map_zoom_max_set (Evas_Object *obj, int zoom) |
Sets the maximum zoom of the source. | |
int | elm_map_zoom_max_get (const Evas_Object *obj) |
Gets the maximum zoom of the source. | |
void | elm_map_region_get (const Evas_Object *obj, double *lon, double *lat) |
Gets the current geographic coordinates of the map. | |
void | elm_map_region_bring_in (Evas_Object *obj, double lon, double lat) |
Animatedly brings the given coordinates to the center of the map. | |
void | elm_map_region_show (Evas_Object *obj, double lon, double lat) |
Shows the given coordinates at the center of the map, immediately. | |
void | elm_map_canvas_to_region_convert (const Evas_Object *obj, const Evas_Coord x, const Evas_Coord y, double *lon, double *lat) |
Converts the canvas coordinates into geographic coordinates (longitude, latitude). | |
void | elm_map_region_to_canvas_convert (const Evas_Object *obj, double lon, double lat, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y) |
Converts the geographic coordinates (longitude, latitude) into canvas coordinates. | |
void | elm_map_paused_set (Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool paused) |
Pauses or unpauses the map. | |
Eina_Bool | elm_map_paused_get (const Evas_Object *obj) |
Gets a value that indicates whether the map is paused. | |
void | elm_map_rotate_set (Evas_Object *obj, double degree, Evas_Coord cx, Evas_Coord cy) |
Rotates the map. | |
void | elm_map_rotate_get (const Evas_Object *obj, double *degree, Evas_Coord *cx, Evas_Coord *cy) |
Gets the rotate degree of the map. | |
void | elm_map_wheel_disabled_set (Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool disabled) |
Enables or disables the mouse wheel to be used to zoom in / out the map. | |
Eina_Bool | elm_map_wheel_disabled_get (const Evas_Object *obj) |
Gets a value that indicates whether the mouse wheel is enabled. | |
void | elm_map_user_agent_set (Evas_Object *obj, const char *user_agent) |
Sets the user agent used by the map object to access routing services. | |
const char * | elm_map_user_agent_get (const Evas_Object *obj) |
Gets the user agent used by the map object. | |
Elm_Map_Overlay * | elm_map_overlay_add (Evas_Object *obj, double lon, double lat) |
Adds a new overlay to the map object. This overlay has a default type. | |
Eina_List * | elm_map_overlays_get (Evas_Object *obj) |
Returns all overlays in the map object. | |
void | elm_map_overlay_del (Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay) |
Deletes an overlay from the map. This function can delete all types of overlays. | |
Elm_Map_Overlay_Type | elm_map_overlay_type_get (const Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay) |
Gets the overlay type. | |
void | elm_map_overlay_data_set (Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay, void *data) |
Sets a pointer to the user data of an overlay. | |
void * | elm_map_overlay_data_get (const Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay) |
Gets the user data stored on a overlay. | |
void | elm_map_overlay_hide_set (Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay, Eina_Bool hide) |
Sets whether the overlay is hidden. | |
Eina_Bool | elm_map_overlay_hide_get (const Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay) |
Gets a value that indicates whether the overlay is hidden. | |
void | elm_map_overlay_displayed_zoom_min_set (Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay, int zoom) |
Sets the minimum zoom from where the overlay is displayed. | |
int | elm_map_overlay_displayed_zoom_min_get (const Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay) |
Gets the minimum zoom from where the overlay is displayed. | |
void | elm_map_overlay_paused_set (Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay, Eina_Bool paused) |
Pauses or unpauses the overlay. | |
Eina_Bool | elm_map_overlay_paused_get (const Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay) |
Gets a value that indicates whether the overlay is paused. | |
Eina_Bool | elm_map_overlay_visible_get (const Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay) |
Gets a value that indicates whether the overlay is visible. | |
void | elm_map_overlay_content_set (Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay, Evas_Object *obj) |
Sets the content object of the overlay. | |
const Evas_Object * | elm_map_overlay_content_get (const Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay) |
Gets the content object. | |
void | elm_map_overlay_icon_set (Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay, Evas_Object *icon) |
Sets an icon for the overlay. | |
const Evas_Object * | elm_map_overlay_icon_get (const Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay) |
Gets the icon object. | |
void | elm_map_overlay_region_set (Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay, double lon, double lat) |
Sets the geographic coordinates of the overlay. | |
void | elm_map_overlay_region_get (const Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay, double *lon, double *lat) |
Gets the geographic coordinates of the overlay. | |
void | elm_map_overlay_color_set (Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay, int r, int g, int b, int a) |
Sets the object color of the overlay. | |
void | elm_map_overlay_color_get (const Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay, int *r, int *g, int *b, int *a) |
Gets the object color of the overlay. | |
void | elm_map_overlay_show (Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay) |
Shows the given overlay at the center of the map, immediately. | |
void | elm_map_overlays_show (Eina_List *overlays) |
Moves and zooms the map to display a list of overlays. | |
void | elm_map_overlay_get_cb_set (Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay, Elm_Map_Overlay_Get_Cb get_cb, void *data) |
Sets the get callback function of the overlay. | |
void | elm_map_overlay_del_cb_set (Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay, Elm_Map_Overlay_Del_Cb del_cb, void *data) |
Sets the get callback function to call when the overlay is deleted. | |
Elm_Map_Overlay * | elm_map_overlay_class_add (Evas_Object *obj) |
Adds a new class overlay to the map object. This overlay has a class type. | |
void | elm_map_overlay_class_append (Elm_Map_Overlay *clas, Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay) |
Adds a new overlay member to the class overlay. | |
void | elm_map_overlay_class_remove (Elm_Map_Overlay *clas, Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay) |
Removes an overlay from the class. | |
void | elm_map_overlay_class_zoom_max_set (Elm_Map_Overlay *clas, int zoom) |
Sets the maximum zoom from where the overlay members in the class can be grouped. | |
int | elm_map_overlay_class_zoom_max_get (const Elm_Map_Overlay *clas) |
Gets the maximum zoom from where the overlay members in the class can be grouped. | |
Eina_List * | elm_map_overlay_group_members_get (const Elm_Map_Overlay *grp) |
Gets the overlay members of the group overlay. | |
Elm_Map_Overlay * | elm_map_overlay_bubble_add (Evas_Object *obj) |
Adds a new bubble overlay to the map object. This overlay has a bubble type. | |
void | elm_map_overlay_bubble_follow (Elm_Map_Overlay *bubble, const Elm_Map_Overlay *parent) |
Follows another overlay. | |
void | elm_map_overlay_bubble_content_append (Elm_Map_Overlay *bubble, Evas_Object *content) |
Adds a content object to the bubble overlay. | |
void | elm_map_overlay_bubble_content_clear (Elm_Map_Overlay *bubble) |
Clears all the content inside the bubble overlay. | |
Elm_Map_Overlay * | elm_map_overlay_route_add (Evas_Object *obj, const Elm_Map_Route *route) |
Adds a new route overlay to the map object. This overlay has a route type. | |
Elm_Map_Overlay * | elm_map_overlay_line_add (Evas_Object *obj, double flon, double flat, double tlon, double tlat) |
Adds a new line overlay to the map object. This overlay has a line type. | |
Elm_Map_Overlay * | elm_map_overlay_polygon_add (Evas_Object *obj) |
Adds a new polygon overlay to the map object. This overlay has a polygon type. | |
void | elm_map_overlay_polygon_region_add (Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay, double lon, double lat) |
Adds geographic coordinates to the polygon overlay. | |
Elm_Map_Overlay * | elm_map_overlay_circle_add (Evas_Object *obj, double lon, double lat, double radius) |
Adds a new circle overlay to the map object. This overlay has a circle type. | |
Elm_Map_Overlay * | elm_map_overlay_scale_add (Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y) |
Adds a new scale overlay to the map object. This overlay has a scale type. | |
void | elm_map_tile_load_status_get (const Evas_Object *obj, int *try_num, int *finish_num) |
Gets information on the tile load status. | |
const char ** | elm_map_sources_get (const Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Map_Source_Type type) |
Gets the names of available sources for a specific type. | |
void | elm_map_source_set (Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Map_Source_Type type, const char *source_name) |
Sets the current source of the map for a specific type. | |
const char * | elm_map_source_get (const Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Map_Source_Type type) |
Gets the name of the currently used source for a specific type. | |
Elm_Map_Route * | elm_map_route_add (Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Map_Route_Type type, Elm_Map_Route_Method method, double flon, double flat, double tlon, double tlat, Elm_Map_Route_Cb route_cb, void *data) |
Adds a new route to the map object. | |
void | elm_map_route_del (Elm_Map_Route *route) |
Removes a route from the map. | |
double | elm_map_route_distance_get (const Elm_Map_Route *route) |
Gets the route distance in kilometers. | |
const char * | elm_map_route_node_get (const Elm_Map_Route *route) |
Gets the information of the route nodes. | |
const char * | elm_map_route_waypoint_get (const Elm_Map_Route *route) |
Gets the information of the route waypoint. | |
Elm_Map_Name * | elm_map_name_add (const Evas_Object *obj, const char *address, double lon, double lat, Elm_Map_Name_Cb name_cb, void *data) |
Requests an address or geographic coordinates(longitude, latitude) from a given address or geographic coordinates(longitude, latitude). | |
void | elm_map_name_search (const Evas_Object *obj, const char *address, Elm_Map_Name_List_Cb name_cb, void *data) |
Requests a list of addresses corresponding to a given name. | |
const char * | elm_map_name_address_get (const Elm_Map_Name *name) |
Gets the address of the name. | |
void | elm_map_name_region_get (const Elm_Map_Name *name, double *lon, double *lat) |
Gets the current coordinates of the name. | |
void | elm_map_name_del (Elm_Map_Name *name) |
Removes a name from the map. | |
Evas_Object * | elm_map_track_add (Evas_Object *obj, void *emap) |
Adds a track on the map. | |
void | elm_map_track_remove (Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *route) |
Typedefs | |
typedef enum _Elm_Map_Overlay_Type | Elm_Map_Overlay_Type |
Enumeration that sets the overlay type to be used. This type is resolved when the overlay is created. | |
typedef struct _Elm_Map_Marker | Elm_Map_Marker |
typedef struct _Elm_Map_Marker_Class | Elm_Map_Marker_Class |
typedef struct _Elm_Map_Group_Class | Elm_Map_Group_Class |
typedef struct _Elm_Map_Route | Elm_Map_Route |
typedef struct _Elm_Map_Name | Elm_Map_Name |
typedef struct _Elm_Map_Overlay | Elm_Map_Overlay |
typedef struct _Elm_Map_Region | Elm_Map_Region |
typedef Evas_Object *(* | Elm_Map_Marker_Get_Func )(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Map_Marker *marker, void *data) |
typedef void(* | Elm_Map_Marker_Del_Func )(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Map_Marker *marker, void *data, Evas_Object *o) |
typedef Evas_Object *(* | Elm_Map_Marker_Icon_Get_Func )(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Map_Marker *marker, void *data) |
typedef Evas_Object *(* | Elm_Map_Group_Icon_Get_Func )(Evas_Object *obj, void *data) |
typedef void(* | Elm_Map_Overlay_Get_Cb )(void *data, Evas_Object *map, Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay) |
typedef void(* | Elm_Map_Overlay_Del_Cb )(void *data, Evas_Object *map, Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay) |
typedef void(* | Elm_Map_Name_Cb )(void *data, Evas_Object *map, Elm_Map_Name *name) |
typedef void(* | Elm_Map_Name_List_Cb )(void *data, Evas_Object *map, Eina_List *name_list) |
typedef void(* | Elm_Map_Route_Cb )(void *data, Evas_Object *map, Elm_Map_Route *route) |
Typedef Documentation
typedef struct _Elm_Map_Group_Class Elm_Map_Group_Class |
Each marker must be associated to a group class. It's required to add a mark. The group class defines the style of the marker when a marker is grouped to other markers. Markers with the same group are grouped if they are close. A new group class can be created with elm_map_marker_group_class_new()
typedef Evas_Object*(* Elm_Map_Group_Icon_Get_Func)(Evas_Object *obj, void *data) |
Icon fetching class function for marker group classes
typedef struct _Elm_Map_Marker Elm_Map_Marker |
A marker to be shown at a specific point on the map. Can be created with elm_map_marker_add() and deleted with elm_map_marker_remove()
typedef struct _Elm_Map_Marker_Class Elm_Map_Marker_Class |
Each marker must be associated to a class. It's required to add a mark. The class defines the style of the marker when a marker is displayed alone (not grouped). A new class can be created with elm_map_marker_class_new()
typedef void(* Elm_Map_Marker_Del_Func)(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Map_Marker *marker, void *data, Evas_Object *o) |
Function to delete bubble content for marker classes
typedef Evas_Object*(* Elm_Map_Marker_Get_Func)(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Map_Marker *marker, void *data) |
Bubble content fetching class function for marker classes. When the user clicks on a marker, a bubble is displayed with content
typedef Evas_Object*(* Elm_Map_Marker_Icon_Get_Func)(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Map_Marker *marker, void *data) |
Icon fetching class function for marker classes
typedef struct _Elm_Map_Name Elm_Map_Name |
A handle for specific coordinates
typedef void(* Elm_Map_Name_Cb)(void *data, Evas_Object *map, Elm_Map_Name *name) |
Async-callback function for the name request
typedef void(* Elm_Map_Name_List_Cb)(void *data, Evas_Object *map, Eina_List *name_list) |
Async-callback function for the name list request
typedef struct _Elm_Map_Overlay Elm_Map_Overlay |
An overlay to be shown at a specific point on the map. This can be created by elm_map_overlay_add() and other similar functions, and deleted by elm_map_overlay_del()
typedef void(* Elm_Map_Overlay_Del_Cb)(void *data, Evas_Object *map, Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay) |
Del callback function for the overlay
- Since (EFL) :
- 1.7
typedef void(* Elm_Map_Overlay_Get_Cb)(void *data, Evas_Object *map, Elm_Map_Overlay *overlay) |
Get callback function for the overlay
typedef enum _Elm_Map_Overlay_Type Elm_Map_Overlay_Type |
Enumeration that sets the overlay type to be used. This type is resolved when the overlay is created.
- Remarks:
- You can get this value by elm_map_overlay_type_get().
typedef struct _Elm_Map_Region Elm_Map_Region |
A geographical point specified by latitude, longitude and altitude values.
typedef struct _Elm_Map_Route Elm_Map_Route |
A route to be shown on the map. Can be created with elm_map_route_add() and deleted with elm_map_route_del()
typedef void(* Elm_Map_Route_Cb)(void *data, Evas_Object *map, Elm_Map_Route *route) |
Async-callback function for the route request
Enumeration Type Documentation
Enumeration that sets the overlay type to be used. This type is resolved when the overlay is created.
- Remarks:
- You can get this value by elm_map_overlay_type_get().
enum Elm_Map_Name_Method |
Enumeration that sets the name search method.
This is for the name module interface.
enum Elm_Map_Route_Method |
Enumeration that sets the routing method. It decides what should be prioritized, time or distance.
- See also:
- elm_map_route_add()
enum Elm_Map_Route_Type |
Enumeration that sets the type of transport used on a route.
- See also:
- elm_map_route_add()
enum Elm_Map_Source_Type |
Enumeration that sets the type of an external source (provider).
enum Elm_Map_Zoom_Mode |
Sets the map's zoom behavior. It can be set to manual or automatic.
- Remarks:
- The default value is ELM_MAP_ZOOM_MODE_MANUAL.
- Values don't work as bitmask, only one can be chosen.
- Valid sizes are 2^zoom, consequently the map may be smaller than the scroller view.
- Enumerator:
ELM_MAP_ZOOM_MODE_MANUAL Zoom controlled manually by elm_map_zoom_set(). It's set by default
ELM_MAP_ZOOM_MODE_AUTO_FIT Zoom until the map fits inside the scroll frame with no pixels outside this area
ELM_MAP_ZOOM_MODE_AUTO_FILL Zoom until the map fills the scroll, ensuring that no pixels are left unfilled
Function Documentation
Evas_Object* elm_map_add | ( | Evas_Object * | parent | ) |
Adds a new map widget to the given parent Elementary (container) object.
Async ofscreen map image capture function
This function inserts a new map widget on the canvas.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] parent The parent object
- Returns:
- A new map widget handle, otherwise
in case of an error
void elm_map_canvas_to_region_convert | ( | const Evas_Object * | obj, |
const Evas_Coord | x, | ||
const Evas_Coord | y, | ||
double * | lon, | ||
double * | lat | ||
) |
Converts the canvas coordinates into geographic coordinates (longitude, latitude).
This gets the longitude and latitude from the x, y coordinates of the canvas. The canvas coordinates mean x, y coordinates from the current viewport.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object [in] x The horizontal coordinate of the point to convert [in] y The vertical coordinate of the point to convert [in] lon A pointer to the longitude [in] lat A pointer to the latitude
Elm_Map_Name* elm_map_name_add | ( | const Evas_Object * | obj, |
const char * | address, | ||
double | lon, | ||
double | lat, | ||
Elm_Map_Name_Cb | name_cb, | ||
void * | data | ||
) |
Requests an address or geographic coordinates(longitude, latitude) from a given address or geographic coordinates(longitude, latitude).
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- If you want to get an address from the geographic coordinates, set the input address as
and set lon and lat as you want to convert. If the address is set to a value other thanNULL
, lon and lat are checked. -
To get the string for this address, elm_map_name_address_get() should be used after callback or the
signal is called. - To get the longitude and latitude, elm_map_name_region_get() should be used.
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object [in] address The address [in] lon The longitude [in] lat The latitude [in] name_cb The callback function [in] data The user callback data
- Returns:
- name A Elm_Map_Name handle for this coordinate
const char* elm_map_name_address_get | ( | const Elm_Map_Name * | name | ) |
Gets the address of the name.
This gets the coordinates of the name created with one of the conversion functions.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] name The name handle
- Returns:
- The address string of name
- See also:
- elm_map_name_add()
void elm_map_name_del | ( | Elm_Map_Name * | name | ) |
Removes a name from the map.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- Basically the struct handled by name is freed, so conversions between the address and coordinates is lost.
- Parameters:
[in] name The name to remove
- See also:
- elm_map_name_add()
void elm_map_name_region_get | ( | const Elm_Map_Name * | name, |
double * | lon, | ||
double * | lat | ||
) |
Gets the current coordinates of the name.
This gets the coordinates of the name created with one of the conversion functions.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] name The name handle [out] lat The pointer to store the latitude [out] lon The pointer to store The longitude
- See also:
- elm_map_name_add()
void elm_map_name_search | ( | const Evas_Object * | obj, |
const char * | address, | ||
Elm_Map_Name_List_Cb | name_cb, | ||
void * | data | ||
) |
Requests a list of addresses corresponding to a given name.
- Since (EFL) :
- 1.8
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- This is used if you want to search the address from a name.
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object [in] address The address [in] name_cb The callback function [in] data The user callback data
Elm_Map_Overlay* elm_map_overlay_add | ( | Evas_Object * | obj, |
double | lon, | ||
double | lat | ||
) |
Adds a new overlay to the map object. This overlay has a default type.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- An overlay is created and shown at a specific point on the map, defined by lon and lat.
- The created overlay has a default style layout before the content or icon is set.
If the content or icon is set, they are displayed instead of the default style layout. You can set this by using elm_map_overlay_content_set() or elm_map_overlay_icon_set(). If
is set, the default style is shown again. - Overlay created with this method can be deleted by elm_map_overlay_del().
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object to add a new overlay [in] lon The longitude of the overlay [in] lat The latitude of the overlay
- Returns:
- The created overlay, otherwise
on failure
Adds a new bubble overlay to the map object. This overlay has a bubble type.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- A bubble is not displayed unless the geographic coordinates are set or any other overlays are followed.
- This overlay has a bubble style layout and icon or the content cannot be set.
- Overlay created with this method can be deleted by elm_map_overlay_del().
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object to add a new overlay
- Returns:
- The created overlay, otherwise
on failure
void elm_map_overlay_bubble_content_append | ( | Elm_Map_Overlay * | bubble, |
Evas_Object * | content | ||
) |
Adds a content object to the bubble overlay.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- The added content is displayed inside the bubble overlay.
- Parameters:
[in] bubble The bubble overlay to add content [in] content The content to be added to the bubble overlay
void elm_map_overlay_bubble_content_clear | ( | Elm_Map_Overlay * | bubble | ) |
Clears all the content inside the bubble overlay.
This deletes all the content inside the bubble overlay.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] bubble The bubble overlay whose content is cleared
void elm_map_overlay_bubble_follow | ( | Elm_Map_Overlay * | bubble, |
const Elm_Map_Overlay * | parent | ||
) |
Follows another overlay.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- The bubble overlay follows the parent overlay's movement (hide, show, move).
- Parameters:
[in] bubble The bubble overlay to follow a parent overlay [in] parent The parent overlay to be followed by the bubble overlay
- See also:
- elm_map_overlay_bubble_add()
Elm_Map_Overlay* elm_map_overlay_circle_add | ( | Evas_Object * | obj, |
double | lon, | ||
double | lat, | ||
double | radius | ||
) |
Adds a new circle overlay to the map object. This overlay has a circle type.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- Overlay created with this method can be deleted by elm_map_overlay_del().
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object to add a new circle overlay [in] lon The center longitude [in] lat The center latitude [in] radius The pixel length of the radius
- Returns:
- The created overlay, otherwise
on failure
- See also:
- elm_map_overlay_del()
Adds a new class overlay to the map object. This overlay has a class type.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- This overlay is not shown unless overlay members are appended. If overlay members in the same class are close, group overlays are created. If they are far away, group overlays are hidden. When group overlays are shown, they have default style layouts at first.
- You can change the state (hidden, paused, etc.) or set the content or icon of the group overlays by chaning the state of the class overlay. Do not modify the group overlay.
- Also these changes have an influence on the overlays in the same class even if each overlay is alone and is not grouped.
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object to add a new overlay
- Returns:
- The created overlay, otherwise
on failure
void elm_map_overlay_class_append | ( | Elm_Map_Overlay * | clas, |
Elm_Map_Overlay * | overlay | ||
) |
Adds a new overlay member to the class overlay.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] clas The class overlay to which to add a new overlay [in] overlay The overlay to be added to the class overlay
- See also:
- elm_map_overlay_class_remove()
void elm_map_overlay_class_remove | ( | Elm_Map_Overlay * | clas, |
Elm_Map_Overlay * | overlay | ||
) |
Removes an overlay from the class.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] clas The class overlay from which to delete the overlay [in] overlay The overlay to be deleted from the class overlay
- See also:
- elm_map_overlay_class_append()
int elm_map_overlay_class_zoom_max_get | ( | const Elm_Map_Overlay * | clas | ) |
Gets the maximum zoom from where the overlay members in the class can be grouped.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] clas The overlay class having overlay members
- Returns:
- The maximum zoom
- See also:
- elm_map_overlay_class_zoom_max_set()
void elm_map_overlay_class_zoom_max_set | ( | Elm_Map_Overlay * | clas, |
int | zoom | ||
) |
Sets the maximum zoom from where the overlay members in the class can be grouped.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- Overlay members in the class are only grouped when the map is displayed at less than zoom.
- Parameters:
[in] clas The overlay class having overlay members [in] zoom The maximum zoom
- See also:
- elm_map_overlay_class_zoom_max_get()
void elm_map_overlay_color_get | ( | const Elm_Map_Overlay * | overlay, |
int * | r, | ||
int * | g, | ||
int * | b, | ||
int * | a | ||
) |
Gets the object color of the overlay.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] overlay The overlay to return color [out] r The pointer that stores the red channel value [out] g The pointer that stores the green channel value [out] b The pointer that stores the blue channel value [out] a The pointer that stores the alpha channel value
- See also:
- elm_map_overlay_color_set()
void elm_map_overlay_color_set | ( | Elm_Map_Overlay * | overlay, |
int | r, | ||
int | g, | ||
int | b, | ||
int | a | ||
) |
Sets the object color of the overlay.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- It uses an additive color model, so each color channel represents how much of each primary colors must be used.
represents the absence of this color, so if all of the three are set to0
, the color is black. -
These component values should be integers in the range from
, (single 8-bit byte). - This sets the color used for the overlay. By default, it is set to solid red (r = 255, g = 0, b = 0, a = 255).
For an alpha channel,
represents complete transparency, and255
represents opacity. -
This function supports only the
Elm_Map_Overlay_Type types.
- Parameters:
[in] overlay The overlay for which to set color [in] r The red channel value, from 0
[in] g The green channel value, from 0
[in] b The blue channel value, from 0
[in] a The alpha channel value, from 0
- See also:
- elm_map_overlay_color_get()
const Evas_Object* elm_map_overlay_content_get | ( | const Elm_Map_Overlay * | overlay | ) |
Gets the content object.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- Only default and class type overlay support this function.
- The returned content is what is inside the overlay and is going to be displayed.
- Do not modify this object (move, show, hide, del, etc.). You can only resize this.
- The content can be set by elm_map_overlay_content_set().
- Parameters:
[in] overlay The overlay to return the content
- Returns:
- The evas object if it exists, otherwise
- See also:
- elm_map_overlay_content_set()
void elm_map_overlay_content_set | ( | Elm_Map_Overlay * | overlay, |
Evas_Object * | obj | ||
) |
Sets the content object of the overlay.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- Only default and class type overlay support this function.
- The content should be resized or size hints should be set in advance for the overlay. Do not modify this object (move, show, hide, del, etc.), after setting. You can only resize this.
- This content is what is inside the overlay and is going to be displayed. If content is set, the icon and default style layout are no more used unless the content is deleted.
If obj is
, the content inside the overlay is deleted.
- Parameters:
[in] overlay The overlay whose content is set [in] obj The evas object is used to display the overlay
- See also:
- elm_map_overlay_content_get()
void* elm_map_overlay_data_get | ( | const Elm_Map_Overlay * | overlay | ) |
Gets the user data stored on a overlay.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] overlay The overlay to return the user data
- Returns:
- A pointer to the data stored using elm_map_overlay_data_set(), otherwise
if no data has been set
- See also:
- elm_map_overlay_data_set()
void elm_map_overlay_data_set | ( | Elm_Map_Overlay * | overlay, |
void * | data | ||
) |
Sets a pointer to the user data of an overlay.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] overlay The overlay to own the user data [in] data A pointer to the user data
- See also:
- elm_map_overlay_data_get()
void elm_map_overlay_del | ( | Elm_Map_Overlay * | overlay | ) |
Deletes an overlay from the map. This function can delete all types of overlays.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] overlay The overlay to be deleted
void elm_map_overlay_del_cb_set | ( | Elm_Map_Overlay * | overlay, |
Elm_Map_Overlay_Del_Cb | del_cb, | ||
void * | data | ||
) |
Sets the get callback function to call when the overlay is deleted.
- Since (EFL) :
- 1.7
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- If the overlay is deleted, the callback is called. The deleted overlay is returned by the callback.
You can delete this callback function by setting
- Parameters:
[in] overlay The overlay to own the del callback function [in] del_cb The callback function [in] data The user callback data
int elm_map_overlay_displayed_zoom_min_get | ( | const Elm_Map_Overlay * | overlay | ) |
Gets the minimum zoom from where the overlay is displayed.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] overlay The overlay with minimum zoom
- Returns:
- zoom The minimum zoom
void elm_map_overlay_displayed_zoom_min_set | ( | Elm_Map_Overlay * | overlay, |
int | zoom | ||
) |
Sets the minimum zoom from where the overlay is displayed.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- The overlay is only displayed when the map is displayed at zoom or bigger.
- Parameters:
[in] overlay The overlay to set to minimum zoom [in] zoom The minimum zoom
void elm_map_overlay_get_cb_set | ( | Elm_Map_Overlay * | overlay, |
Elm_Map_Overlay_Get_Cb | get_cb, | ||
void * | data | ||
) |
Sets the get callback function of the overlay.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- If the overlay is clicked, the callback is called. The clicked overlay is returned by callback.
- You can add a callback to the class overlay. If one of the group overlays in this class is clicked, callback is called and a virtual group overlay is returned.
You can delete this callback function by setting
- Parameters:
[in] overlay The overlay to own the get callback function [in] get_cb The callback function [in] data The user callback data
Eina_List* elm_map_overlay_group_members_get | ( | const Elm_Map_Overlay * | grp | ) |
Gets the overlay members of the group overlay.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- The group overlays are virtual overlays. They are shown and hidden dynamically. You can add a callback to the class overlay. If one of the group overlays in this class is clicked, callback is called and a virtual group overlays is returned.
- You can change the state (hidden, paused, etc.) or set the content or icon of the group overlays by changing the state of the class overlay. Do not modify the group overlay.
- Parameters:
[in] grp The group overlay having overlay members
- Returns:
- The list of group overlay members
- See also:
- elm_map_overlay_class_add()
Eina_Bool elm_map_overlay_hide_get | ( | const Elm_Map_Overlay * | overlay | ) |
Gets a value that indicates whether the overlay is hidden.
This gets the current hidden state for the overlay.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] overlay The overlay with the hidden state
- Returns:
indicates that the overlay is hidden, otherwiseEINA_FALSE
indicates that it is not
- See also:
- elm_map_overlay_hide_set()
void elm_map_overlay_hide_set | ( | Elm_Map_Overlay * | overlay, |
Eina_Bool | hide | ||
) |
Sets whether the overlay is hidden.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] overlay The overlay to hide [in] hide If EINA_TRUE
the overlay is hidden, otherwiseEINA_FALSE
if it is shown
- See also:
- elm_map_overlay_hide_get()
const Evas_Object* elm_map_overlay_icon_get | ( | const Elm_Map_Overlay * | overlay | ) |
Gets the icon object.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- Only default and class type overlay support this function.
- The returned icon is what is inside the overlay and is going to be displayed.
- Do not modify this icon (move, show, hide, resize, del, etc.).
- The icon can be set by elm_map_overlay_icon_set().
- Parameters:
[in] overlay The overlay to return the icon
- Returns:
- The icon object if it exists, otherwise
- See also:
- elm_map_overlay_icon_set()
void elm_map_overlay_icon_set | ( | Elm_Map_Overlay * | overlay, |
Evas_Object * | icon | ||
) |
Sets an icon for the overlay.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- Only default and class type overlay support this function.
- Do not modify this object (move, show, hide, resize, del, etc.), after it is set.
- If the icon is set, the default style layout is not used.
If icon is
, the icon inside the overlay is deleted.
- Parameters:
[in] overlay The overlay to set the icon [in] icon The icon used to display the overlay
- See also:
- elm_map_overlay_icon_get()
Elm_Map_Overlay* elm_map_overlay_line_add | ( | Evas_Object * | obj, |
double | flon, | ||
double | flat, | ||
double | tlon, | ||
double | tlat | ||
) |
Adds a new line overlay to the map object. This overlay has a line type.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- Overlay created with this method can be deleted by elm_map_overlay_del().
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object to add a new overlay [in] flon The start longitude [in] flat The start latitude [in] tlon The destination longitude [in] tlat The destination latitude
- Returns:
- The created overlay, otherwise
on failure
- See also:
- elm_map_overlay_del()
Eina_Bool elm_map_overlay_paused_get | ( | const Elm_Map_Overlay * | overlay | ) |
Gets a value that indicates whether the overlay is paused.
This gets the current paused state for the overlay.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] overlay The overlay in the paused state
- Returns:
indicates that the overlay is paused, otherwiseEINA_FALSE
indicates that it is not
- See also:
- elm_map_overlay_paused_set()
void elm_map_overlay_paused_set | ( | Elm_Map_Overlay * | overlay, |
Eina_Bool | paused | ||
) |
Pauses or unpauses the overlay.
This sets the paused state to on (EINA_TRUE
) or off (EINA_FALSE
) for the overlay.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- The default is off.
- This stops moving the overlay coordinates instantly, even if the map is being scrolled or zoomed.
- Parameters:
[in] overlay The overlay to be paused [in] paused If EINA_TRUE
the overlay is paused, otherwiseEINA_FALSE
if it is unpaused
- See also:
- elm_map_overlay_paused_get()
Adds a new polygon overlay to the map object. This overlay has a polygon type.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- At least 3 regions should be added to show the polygon overlay.
- Overlay created with this method can be deleted by elm_map_overlay_del().
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object to add a new overlay
- Returns:
- The created overlay, otherwise
on failure
void elm_map_overlay_polygon_region_add | ( | Elm_Map_Overlay * | overlay, |
double | lon, | ||
double | lat | ||
) |
Adds geographic coordinates to the polygon overlay.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- At least 3 regions should be added to show the polygon overlay.
- Overlay created with this method can be deleted by elm_map_overlay_del().
- Parameters:
[in] overlay The polygon overlay to add geographic coordinates [in] lon The longitude [in] lat The latitude
void elm_map_overlay_region_get | ( | const Elm_Map_Overlay * | overlay, |
double * | lon, | ||
double * | lat | ||
) |
Gets the geographic coordinates of the overlay.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- Only default and bubble type overlay support this function.
- This returns the center coordinates of the overlay. It can be set by elm_map_overlay_region_set().
- Parameters:
[in] overlay The overlay to return geographic coordinates [out] lon The pointer to store the longitude [out] lat The pointer to store the latitude
- See also:
- elm_map_overlay_region_set()
void elm_map_overlay_region_set | ( | Elm_Map_Overlay * | overlay, |
double | lon, | ||
double | lat | ||
) |
Sets the geographic coordinates of the overlay.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- Only default and bubble type overlay support this function.
- This sets the center coordinates of the overlay. It can be obtained by elm_map_overlay_region_get().
- Parameters:
[in] overlay The overlay for which the geographic coordinates are set [in] lon The longitude to be set [in] lat The latitude to be set
- See also:
- elm_map_overlay_region_get()
Elm_Map_Overlay* elm_map_overlay_route_add | ( | Evas_Object * | obj, |
const Elm_Map_Route * | route | ||
) |
Adds a new route overlay to the map object. This overlay has a route type.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- This overlay has a route style layout and icon or content cannot be set.
- The color scheme can be changed by elm_map_overlay_content_set().
- Overlay created with this method can be deleted by elm_map_overlay_del().
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object to add a new overlay [in] route The route object to make an overlay
- Returns:
- The created overlay, otherwise
on failure
Elm_Map_Overlay* elm_map_overlay_scale_add | ( | Evas_Object * | obj, |
Evas_Coord | x, | ||
Evas_Coord | y | ||
) |
Adds a new scale overlay to the map object. This overlay has a scale type.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- The scale overlay shows the ratio of a distance on the map to the corresponding distance.
- Overlay created with this method can be deleted by elm_map_overlay_del().
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object to add a new scale overlay [in] x The horizontal pixel coordinate [in] y The vertical pixel coordinate
- Returns:
- The created overlay, otherwise
on failure
- See also:
- elm_map_overlay_del()
void elm_map_overlay_show | ( | Elm_Map_Overlay * | overlay | ) |
Shows the given overlay at the center of the map, immediately.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- This causes the map to redraw its viewport's contents in the region containing the given overlay coordinates, that are moved to the center of the map.
- Parameters:
[in] overlay The overlay to show at the center
- See also:
- elm_map_overlays_show() if more than one overlay needs to be displayed.
Elm_Map_Overlay_Type elm_map_overlay_type_get | ( | const Elm_Map_Overlay * | overlay | ) |
Gets the overlay type.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- This type is resolved when the overlay is created.
- Parameters:
[in] overlay The overlay type
- Returns:
- The overlay type
Eina_Bool elm_map_overlay_visible_get | ( | const Elm_Map_Overlay * | overlay | ) |
Gets a value that indicates whether the overlay is visible.
- Since (EFL) :
- 1.7
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- The visibility of the overlay cannot be set.
- This value can be changed dynamically while zooming and panning.
- Parameters:
[in] overlay The overlay in the visible state
- Returns:
indicates that the overlay is visible, otherwiseEINA_FALSE
indicates that it is not
Eina_List* elm_map_overlays_get | ( | Evas_Object * | obj | ) |
Returns all overlays in the map object.
- Since (EFL) :
- 1.7
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- This list includes group overlays also. So this can be changed dynamically while zooming and panning.
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object to return overlays
- Returns:
- The list of all overlays, otherwise
on failure
void elm_map_overlays_show | ( | Eina_List * | overlays | ) |
Moves and zooms the map to display a list of overlays.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- The map is centered on the center point of the overlay in the list. Then the map is zoomed in order to fit the overlay using the maximum zoom which allows display of all the overlays.
- All the overlays should belong to the same map object.
- Parameters:
[in] overlays A list of Elm_Map_Overlay handles
- See also:
- elm_map_overlay_show() to show a single overlay.
Eina_Bool elm_map_paused_get | ( | const Evas_Object * | obj | ) |
Gets a value that indicates whether the map is paused.
This gets the current paused state for the map object.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object
- Returns:
means that the map is paused, otherwiseEINA_FALSE
indicates that it is not
- See also:
- elm_map_paused_set()
void elm_map_paused_set | ( | Evas_Object * | obj, |
Eina_Bool | paused | ||
) |
Pauses or unpauses the map.
This sets the paused state to on (EINA_TRUE
) or off (EINA_FALSE
) for the map.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- The default is off.
- This stops zooming using animation, changing zoom levels change instantly. This stops any existing animations that are running.
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object [in] paused If EINA_TRUE
the map obj is paused, otherwiseEINA_FALSE
if it is unpaused
- See also:
- elm_map_paused_get()
void elm_map_region_bring_in | ( | Evas_Object * | obj, |
double | lon, | ||
double | lat | ||
) |
Animatedly brings the given coordinates to the center of the map.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- This causes the map to jump to the given lat and lon coordinates and display it (by scrolling) in the center of the viewport, if it is not already centered. This uses animation to do so and takes a period of time to complete.
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object [in] lon The longitude to bring to the center [in] lat The latitude to bring to the center
- See also:
- elm_map_region_show() for a function to avoid animation.
- elm_map_region_get()
void elm_map_region_get | ( | const Evas_Object * | obj, |
double * | lon, | ||
double * | lat | ||
) |
Gets the current geographic coordinates of the map.
This gets the current center coordinates of the map object. It can be set by elm_map_region_bring_in() and elm_map_region_show().
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object [out] lon The pointer that stores the longitude [out] lat The pointer that stores the latitude
void elm_map_region_show | ( | Evas_Object * | obj, |
double | lon, | ||
double | lat | ||
) |
Shows the given coordinates at the center of the map, immediately.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- This causes the map to redraw its viewport's contents to the region containing the given lat and lon, that are moved to the center of the map.
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object [in] lon The longitude to show at the center [in] lat The latitude to show at the center
- See also:
- elm_map_region_bring_in() for a function to move with animation.
- elm_map_region_get()
void elm_map_region_to_canvas_convert | ( | const Evas_Object * | obj, |
double | lon, | ||
double | lat, | ||
Evas_Coord * | x, | ||
Evas_Coord * | y | ||
) |
Converts the geographic coordinates (longitude, latitude) into canvas coordinates.
This gets x, y coordinates of the canvas from the longitude and latitude. The canvas coordinates mean x, y coordinates from the current viewport.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object [in] lon The longitude to convert [in] lat The latitude to convert [out] x A pointer to the horizontal coordinate [out] y A pointer to the vertical coordinate
void elm_map_rotate_get | ( | const Evas_Object * | obj, |
double * | degree, | ||
Evas_Coord * | cx, | ||
Evas_Coord * | cy | ||
) |
Gets the rotate degree of the map.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object [out] degree The pointer that stores degrees from 0.0
to rotate around the Z axis[out] cx The pointer that stores the rotation's center horizontal position [out] cy The pointer that stores the rotation's center vertical position
- See also:
- elm_map_rotate_set() to set map rotation.
void elm_map_rotate_set | ( | Evas_Object * | obj, |
double | degree, | ||
Evas_Coord | cx, | ||
Evas_Coord | cy | ||
) |
Rotates the map.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object [in] degree The angle from 0.0
to rotate around the Z axis[in] cx The rotation's center horizontal position [in] cy The rotation's center vertical position
- See also:
- elm_map_rotate_get()
Elm_Map_Route* elm_map_route_add | ( | Evas_Object * | obj, |
Elm_Map_Route_Type | type, | ||
Elm_Map_Route_Method | method, | ||
double | flon, | ||
double | flat, | ||
double | tlon, | ||
double | tlat, | ||
Elm_Map_Route_Cb | route_cb, | ||
void * | data | ||
) |
Adds a new route to the map object.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- A route is traced by a point at the coordinates (flat, flon) to a point at the coordinates (tlat, tlon), using the route service set by elm_map_source_set().
- It takes type to be considered to define the route, depending on whether the user is walking or driving, the route may vary. One from ELM_MAP_ROUTE_TYPE_MOTOCAR, ELM_MAP_ROUTE_TYPE_BICYCLE, or ELM_MAP_ROUTE_TYPE_FOOT need to be used.
- Another parameter is what the route should prioritize, minimum distance or less time spent on the route. So method should be one from ELM_MAP_ROUTE_METHOD_SHORTEST or ELM_MAP_ROUTE_METHOD_FASTEST.
- Routes created by this method can be deleted by elm_map_route_del(), and distance can be obtained by elm_map_route_distance_get().
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object [in] type The type of transport to be considered when tracing a route [in] method The routing method that should be prioritized [in] flon The start longitude [in] flat The start latitude [in] tlon The destination longitude [in] tlat The destination latitude [in] route_cb The route to be traced [in] data A pointer to the user data
- Returns:
- The created route, otherwise
on failure
void elm_map_route_del | ( | Elm_Map_Route * | route | ) |
Removes a route from the map.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] route The route to remove
- See also:
- elm_map_route_add()
double elm_map_route_distance_get | ( | const Elm_Map_Route * | route | ) |
Gets the route distance in kilometers.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] route The route object
- Returns:
- The distance of the route (unit : km)
const char* elm_map_route_node_get | ( | const Elm_Map_Route * | route | ) |
Gets the information of the route nodes.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] route The route object
- Returns:
- A string with the nodes of the route
const char* elm_map_route_waypoint_get | ( | const Elm_Map_Route * | route | ) |
Gets the information of the route waypoint.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] route The route object
- Returns:
- A string with information about the waypoint of the route
const char* elm_map_source_get | ( | const Evas_Object * | obj, |
Elm_Map_Source_Type | type | ||
) |
Gets the name of the currently used source for a specific type.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object [in] type The source type
- Returns:
- The name of the source in use
void elm_map_source_set | ( | Evas_Object * | obj, |
Elm_Map_Source_Type | type, | ||
const char * | source_name | ||
) |
Sets the current source of the map for a specific type.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- Map widget retrieves tile images that compose of the map from a web service. This web service can be set by this method for the
type. A different service can return a different map with different information and it can use different zoom values. -
Map widget provides route data based on an external web service. This web service can be set with this method for the
type. -
Map widget also provides geoname data based on a external web service. This web service can be set with this method for the
type. - The source_name needs to match one of the names provided by elm_map_sources_get().
- The current source can be obtained by elm_map_source_get().
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object [in] type The source type [in] source_name The source to be used
const char** elm_map_sources_get | ( | const Evas_Object * | obj, |
Elm_Map_Source_Type | type | ||
) |
Gets the names of available sources for a specific type.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- It provides a list with all available sources. Current source can be set by elm_map_source_set(), or obtained by elm_map_source_get().
Available sources of tile type:
- "Mapnik"
- "Osmarender"
- "CycleMap"
- "Maplint"
Available sources of route type:
- "Yours"
Available sources of name type:
- "Nominatim"
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object [in] type The source type
- Returns:
- The char pointer array of source names
- See also:
- elm_map_source_set()
- elm_map_source_get()
void elm_map_tile_load_status_get | ( | const Evas_Object * | obj, |
int * | try_num, | ||
int * | finish_num | ||
) |
Gets information on the tile load status.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- This gets the current tile loaded status for the map object.
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object [out] try_num The pointer that stores the number of tile download requests [out] finish_num The pointer that stores the number of tiles successfully downloaded
Evas_Object* elm_map_track_add | ( | Evas_Object * | obj, |
void * | emap | ||
) |
Adds a track on the map.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object [in] emap The emap route object
- Returns:
- The route object
This is an elm object of type Route.
void elm_map_track_remove | ( | Evas_Object * | obj, |
Evas_Object * | route | ||
) |
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object [in] route The track to remove
const char* elm_map_user_agent_get | ( | const Evas_Object * | obj | ) |
Gets the user agent used by the map object.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object
- Returns:
- The user agent identification string used by the map
- See also:
- elm_map_user_agent_set()
void elm_map_user_agent_set | ( | Evas_Object * | obj, |
const char * | user_agent | ||
) |
Sets the user agent used by the map object to access routing services.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- User agent is a client application implementing a network protocol used in communications within a client–server distributed computing system.
The user_agent identification string is transmitted in a header field
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object [in] user_agent The user agent to be used by the map
- See also:
- elm_map_user_agent_get()
Eina_Bool elm_map_wheel_disabled_get | ( | const Evas_Object * | obj | ) |
Gets a value that indicates whether the mouse wheel is enabled.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- Mouse wheel can be used for the user to zoom in or zoom out of the map.
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object
- Returns:
indicates that the map is disabled, otherwiseEINA_FALSE
indicates that it is enabled
- See also:
- elm_map_wheel_disabled_set()
void elm_map_wheel_disabled_set | ( | Evas_Object * | obj, |
Eina_Bool | disabled | ||
) |
Enables or disables the mouse wheel to be used to zoom in / out the map.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- Mouse wheel can be used for the user to zoom in or zoom out of the map.
- It's disabled by default.
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object [in] disabled If EINA_TRUE
the mouse wheel is disabled, otherwiseEINA_FALSE
if it is enabled
- See also:
- elm_map_wheel_disabled_get()
int elm_map_zoom_get | ( | const Evas_Object * | obj | ) |
Gets the zoom level of the map.
This returns the current zoom level of the map object.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- Note that if you set the fill mode to a value other than ELM_MAP_ZOOM_MODE_MANUAL (which is the default), the zoom level may be changed at any time by the map object itself in order to account for the map size and map viewport size.
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object
- Returns:
- The current zoom level
- See also:
- elm_map_zoom_set()
int elm_map_zoom_max_get | ( | const Evas_Object * | obj | ) |
Gets the maximum zoom of the source.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object
- Returns:
- The maximum zoom of the source
- See also:
- elm_map_zoom_max_set()
void elm_map_zoom_max_set | ( | Evas_Object * | obj, |
int | zoom | ||
) |
Sets the maximum zoom of the source.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object [in] zoom The new maximum zoom value to be used
- See also:
- elm_map_zoom_max_get()
int elm_map_zoom_min_get | ( | const Evas_Object * | obj | ) |
Gets the minimum zoom of the source.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object
- Returns:
- The minimum zoom of the source
- See also:
- elm_map_zoom_min_set()
void elm_map_zoom_min_set | ( | Evas_Object * | obj, |
int | zoom | ||
) |
Sets the minimum zoom of the source.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object [in] zoom The new minimum zoom value to be used
- See also:
- elm_map_zoom_min_get()
Elm_Map_Zoom_Mode elm_map_zoom_mode_get | ( | const Evas_Object * | obj | ) |
Gets the zoom mode used by the map object.
This function returns the current zoom mode used by the map object.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object
- Returns:
- The zoom mode of the map, one from ELM_MAP_ZOOM_MODE_MANUAL (default), ELM_MAP_ZOOM_MODE_AUTO_FIT, or ELM_MAP_ZOOM_MODE_AUTO_FILL
- See also:
- elm_map_zoom_mode_set()
void elm_map_zoom_mode_set | ( | Evas_Object * | obj, |
Elm_Map_Zoom_Mode | mode | ||
) |
Sets the zoom mode used by the map object.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
This sets the zoom mode to manual or one of the automatic levels. Manual (ELM_MAP_ZOOM_MODE_MANUAL) means that zoom is set manually by elm_map_zoom_set() and stays at that level until changed by code or until the zoom mode is changed. This is the default mode.
- Remarks:
- The Automatic modes allow the map object to automatically adjust the zoom mode based on properties. ELM_MAP_ZOOM_MODE_AUTO_FIT adjusts the zoom so that the map fits inside the scroll frame with no pixels outside this area. ELM_MAP_ZOOM_MODE_AUTO_FILL is similar but ensure that no pixels within the frame are left unfilled. Do not forget that the valid sizes are 2^zoom. Consequently, the map may be smaller than the scroller view.
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object [in] mode The zoom mode of the map, one from ELM_MAP_ZOOM_MODE_MANUAL (default), ELM_MAP_ZOOM_MODE_AUTO_FIT, or ELM_MAP_ZOOM_MODE_AUTO_FILL
- See also:
- elm_map_zoom_set()
void elm_map_zoom_set | ( | Evas_Object * | obj, |
int | zoom | ||
) |
Sets the zoom level of the map.
This sets the zoom level.
- Since :
- 2.3.1
- Remarks:
- It respects the limits defined by elm_map_zoom_min_set() and elm_map_zoom_max_set().
By default these values are
(world map) and18
(maximum zoom). - This function should be used when the zoom mode is set to ELM_MAP_ZOOM_MODE_MANUAL. This is the default mode, and can be set with elm_map_zoom_mode_set().
- Parameters:
[in] obj The map object [in] zoom The zoom level to set