Install Development Tools

Tizen SCM tools support the following Linux distribution versions:

  • Ubuntu 22.04/20.04/18.04
  • openSUSE 15.2/42.3/42.1

Tizen SCM tools are maintained in . If you cannot find your Linux system, that means currently Tizen SCM tools doesn’t support your operating system. But, if you still want to use tools, you can find in, Tizen SCM tools are stored in that repository.

You can install a variety of development tools, including:

  • Git Build System (GBS) command line tool that supports Tizen package building.
  • Image Creator (MIC) command line tool that supports Tizen image creation.

GBS and MIC are used as examples because they are mandatory development tools for Tizen developers.

Install development tools in Ubuntu

To install a development tool in Ubuntu, follow the steps below:


The apt-get install <Package_Name> command is recommended because it upgrades 1 or more already installed packages without upgrading every package installed, whereas the apt-get upgrade command installs the newest version of all currently installed packages. In addition, apt-get update must always be executed before apt-get install <Package_Name> or apt-get upgrade, to resynchronize the package index files.

  1. Use the following command to set up the Tizen repository in your apt list:

    echo "deb [trusted=yes]$(lsb_release -rs)/ /" | \
    sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tizen.list > /dev/null

    The lsb_release -rs sub-command returns the version of your Ubuntu distribution.


    You can set up the Tizen repository manually using the following steps:

    1. Open the package manager source list using a text editor:

      VIM is used in the following example:

      $ sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tizen.list
    2. Add the Tizen tools repository to the source list:

      deb [trusted=yes]<version>/ /

      For example, in Ubuntu 22.04, append the following line to the source list:

      deb [trusted=yes] /

    Pay special attention to the space between the URL and “/”.

  2. Resynchronize the package index files from the sources specified in the source list and install development tools:

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gbs mic

Install development tools in openSUSE

To install a development tool in openSUSE, follow the steps below:

  1. Add the Tizen tools repository to the package manager source list.

    In openSUSE 15.2, for example:

    $ sudo zypper addrepo tools

    Pay special attention to the space between the URL and “tools”.

  2. Install a development tool:

    $ sudo zypper refresh
    $ sudo zypper install gbs mic