GBS Reference

To manage GBS operations, use the following GBS subcommands:

  • gbs clone: clone a Git repository representing a package managed with GBS
  • gbs pull: update a Git repository representing a package managed with GBS
  • gbs devel: facilitate package maintainers in maintaining a package in the orphan-packaging branch model by providing 5 actions, including start, export, drop, switch, and convert.
  • gbs build: build an RPM package from Git repositories at the local development environment
  • gbs remotebuild: generate tarballs based on Git repositories, and upload to remote OBS to build RPM packages
  • gbs submit: create and push an annotate tag to Gerrit and trigger code submission to remote OBS
  • gbs chroot: chroot to build root
  • gbs import: import source code to a Git repository, supporting the following formats: source rpm, specfile, and tarball
  • gbs export: export files and prepare for building package; the spec file defines the format of tarball
  • gbs changelog: update the change log file with a Git commit message

To access GBS help:

  • For global options and the command list:

    $ gbs  -h | --help
  • For each sub-command:

    $ gbs <sub-command> --help