GBS Frequently Asked Questions

GBS installation issues

Q: I cannot get zypper to refresh from, but I am not getting a repository error. What is wrong?

A: This can be caused by proxy settings. Double-check the proxy settings and add the -E option when running the sudo zypper refresh command. If that solves the problem, preserve the environment variables by modifying /etc/sudoers. For more information, see Setting up Development Environment.

Another possible reason is a cached version at the proxy server. Try running the following commands to clean the cache:

# clean the cache from proxy server or remote http server
$ wget --no-cache
$ zypper refresh
$ zypper install gbs

Q: I installed GBS from the official repository, so why is it trying to use source code from /usr/local/lib/python*?

A: This can be because you have installed GBS from source code before. Remove it and re-install.

Q: How do I update GBS and its dependencies?

A: GBS is open source software. For more information, see Installing Development Tools.

GBS build issues

Q: How can I make my local repository have a higher priority than the remote repository?

A: The priority depends on the order of repositories; the first repository has the highest priority. In v0.10 and higher, GBS automatically puts local repositories before remote repositories.

Q: The gbs build command reports a build expansion error: “nothing provides X needed by Y”. What is wrong?

A: The package you are trying to build is missing a dependency in the repository you specified. You need to configure or add an additional repository. Try using the release repository, instead of the snapshot repository.

Q: The gbs build command exits unexpectedly when installing packages to create a build root.

A: This can be caused by a remote repository having been changed. Specify --clean while running the GBS build:

$ gbs build -A <arch> --clean ...

Q: The gbs build command exits unexpectedly with errors: “file XXXX from install of YYYYY conflicts with file from package ZZZZZ”. What is wrong?

A: This can be caused by a remote repository having been changed. Specify --clean while running the GBS build:

$ gbs build -A <arch> --clean ...

Q: The gbs build command exits with errors: “have choice for XXXX needed by packagename: package1 package2”. What is wrong?

A: This can be caused by a remote repository having 2 packages providing XXXX, and GBS not knowing which one to use. In this case, download the build config and add the following line:

Prefer: package1


Prefer: package2

For more information on downloading and customizing the build config, see gbs build.

Q: The gbs build command fails to create an arm build environment on Ubuntu 11.10. What is wrong?

A: This can be caused by qemu. The qemu-user-static option has some issues with the Ubuntu official repository. Remove qemu-user-static and install qemu-arm-static from the Tizen tools repository with the following commands:

$ dpkg -r --force-depends qemu-user-static
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install qemu-arm-static

GBS remote build issues

Q: Why cannot I access the remote build server (OBS) during a remote build?

A: The access requires that you have a username and password and that you set them correctly in the configuration file. Also, make sure the build server API and proxy settings are correct for your environment.

Proxy issues

Q: The export no_proxy="localhost;; command does not work on Ubuntu. Why?

A: Set no_proxy as directly, and try again.

Q: The gbs build command returns “500 Can’t connect to xxx”. What is wrong?

A: Check whether the proxy environment variable has a trailing ‘/’, and remove it from whatever is setting your environment variables. This is a known bug in the perl library, and it is fixed in GBS 0.11.

Q: The gbs build command returns “500 SSL negotiation failed error”. What is wrong?

A: This is caused by the proxy server setting. The proxy you specified cannot forward SSL correctly. Try using another proxy.

GBS chroot issues

Q: The gbs chroot -r <build_root> command reports an error: “su: user root does not exist”. What is wrong?

A: This is caused by missing a login package while creating a build root. You can fix by updating /etc/passwd and /etc/group to add a root user:

$ echo "root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash" >>path/to/buildroot/etc/passwd$ echo "root:x:0:" >>path/to/buildroot/etc/group

Miscellaneous issues

Q: Fedora GBS shows an error: “<user> is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported”. What is wrong?

A: Update /etc/sudoers to give <user> sudo permission.