Near Field Communication (NFC)

Tizen enables you to use Near Field Communication (NFC) functionalities, such as reading and writing tags, and emulating a smartcard. NFC is an international standard (ISO/IEC 18092) that specifies an interface and a protocol for simple wireless interconnection of closely coupled devices. For more information, see the NFC Forum.

The main features of the Tizen.Network.Nfc namespace includes the following:

Card emulation

The card emulation mode can be broadly divided into 2 categories, which are described below:

  • Traditional card emulation

    In traditional card emulation, the NFC controller in the device routes data from the NFC reader directly to the secure element (SE), and an applet handles all of the data in the SE. The user does not participate in the operation at all.

    Tizen supports eSE and UICC as SEs.

    Figure: Traditional card emulation

    Traditional card emulation

  • Host-based card emulation (HCE)

    HCE is an on-device technology that permits a phone to perform card emulation on an NFC-enabled device without relying on access to a secure element (SE). The data is routed to the user space on which Tizen applications reside, instead of routing the data to a secure element.

    Figure: Card emulation with HCE

    Card emulation with HCE

    HCE allows you to create your own card emulation system and bypass the SE. This approach brings 2 advantages:

    • For UICC-type SE, the mobile service provider is involved in the card emulation behavior. With HCE, you are independent of the service provider.
    • You do not need SE hardware chips within the device.

    To understand HCE behavior, mainly how data is internally routed to the correct application, consider how Tizen handles NFC routing by following these steps:

    1. Assume that the user has an HCE application or installs one.

      The application has an “AID” value, which is stored in the NFC routing table (blue arrow in the following figure).

    2. When the NFC reader attempts card emulation, the NFC controller checks the routing table to find the application to which the data is sent for emulation (red arrows in the following figure).

    3. When the application is uninstalled, the AID value is deleted from the routing table.

    Figure: HCE routing

    HCE routing


To enable your application to use the NFC functionality, follow the steps below:

  1. To use the Tizen.Network.Nfc namespace, the application has to request permission by adding the following privileges to the tizen-manifest.xml file:

    <privileges> <privilege></privilege> <privilege></privilege> </privileges>
  2. To use the methods and properties of the Tizen.Network.Nfc namespace, include it in your application:

    using Tizen.Network.Nfc;

Activate and deactivate NFC

To activate and deactivate NFC, follow the steps below:

  1. To use the following NFC activation method, the application has to request permission by adding the following privileges to the tizen-manifest.xml file:

    <privileges> <privilege></privilege> </privileges>

    To be able to use this privilege, your application must be signed with a platform-level certificate.

  2. To activate NFC, use the SetActivationAsync() method of the Tizen.Network.Nfc.NfcManager class with the true parameter:

  3. To deactivate NFC, use the SetActivationAsync() method with the false parameter:


Monitor NFC state changes

To monitor NFC state changes using event handlers, follow these steps:

  1. Define an event handler to be triggered when the NFC activation state changes:

    public static void ActivationStatusChanged(object sender, ActivationChangedEventArgs e) { isActivated = e.Activated; flagStateChanged = true; }
  2. Register the event handler for the ActivationChanged event of the Tizen.Network.Nfc.NfcManager class:

    NfcManager.ActivationChanged += ActivationStatusChanged;
  3. When it is no longer needed, deregister the event handler:

    NfcManager.ActivationChanged -= ActivationStatusChanged;

Retrieve the connection adapter

Before any NFC operations, retrieve the appropriate connection adapter with the corresponding GetXXXAdapter() method of the Tizen.Network.Nfc.NfcManager class.

For example, to retrieve the NFC tag mode adapter, use the GetTagAdapter() method:

public static void GetTagAdapter_RETURN_VALUE() { try { /// Test code Assert.IsInstanceOf<NfcTagAdapter>(NfcManager.GetTagAdapter(), "GetTagAdapter return value is not of the type NfcTagAdapter"); } catch (NotSupportedException) { Assert.IsTrue(isNfcSupported == false || isTagSupported == false, "GetTagAdapter throws the NotSupportedException, but Tizen supports the NFC Tag operation"); } }

Create NDEF records and messages

To create an NDEF record and attach it to an NDEF message, follow these steps:

  1. To create an NDEF record, create a new instance of the Tizen.Network.Nfc.NfcNdefRecord class and give it the required values.

    In the following example, a record is created with 3 bytes of binary data as a payload:

    public static void AppendRecord_RETURN_VALUE() { /// Test code try { byte[] type = new byte[1]{0x02}; byte[] id = new byte[1]{0x01}; byte[] payload = new byte[3]{0x04, 0x05, 0x06}; NfcNdefRecord record = new NfcNdefRecord(NfcRecordTypeNameFormat.WellKnown, type, id, payload, 3);

    You can also create NDEF records to store different kinds of data, such as text or images, by using different parameters when creating the Tizen.Network.Nfc.NfcNdefRecord instance.

  2. Create the NDEF message as a new instance of the Tizen.Network.Nfc.NfcNdefMessage class and add the record to it using the AppendRecord() method:

    NfcNdefMessage msg = new NfcNdefMessage(); int previousMsgRecordCount = msg.RecordCount; bool success = msg.AppendRecord(record); Assert.IsTrue(success, "Failed to append record to NdefMessage"); int currentMsgRecordCount = msg.RecordCount; Assert.IsTrue(previousMsgRecordCount + 1 == currentMsgRecordCount, "currentMsgRecordCount should be greater than previousMsgRecordCount"); } catch (NotSupportedException) { Assert.IsTrue(isSupported == false, "Method throws the NotSupportedException, but Tizen supports the NFC operation"); } }

Manage tag events

To keep track of NFC tag events through event handlers, follow these steps:

  1. Define an event handler to trigger whenever a new NFC tag is found:

    public static void TagDiscoveredCallback(object sender, TagDiscoveredEventArgs e) { _eventArgs = e; }
  2. Register the event handler for the TagDiscovered event of the Tizen.Network.Nfc.NfcTagAdapter class:

    public static async Task TagDiscovered_EVENT_LISTEN() { try { /// Precondition /// 1. Retrieve the tag adapter /// 2. Register the event handler _tagAdapter = NfcManager.GetTagAdapter(); _tagAdapter.TagDiscovered += TagDiscoveredCallback; /// Test code await WaitTagDiscovered();
  3. When it is no longer needed, deregister the event handler:

    Assert.IsNotNull(_eventArgs, "_eventArgs should not be null"); Assert.IsNotNull(_eventArgs.Tag, "Tag should not be null"); /// Postcondition /// 1. Unregister the event handler /// 2. Reset variables Assert.IsNotNull(_tagAdapter, "_tagAdapter should not be null"); _tagAdapter.TagDiscovered -= TagDiscoveredCallback; _tagAdapter = null; _eventArgs = null; } catch (NotSupportedException) { Assert.IsTrue(_nfcFeature == false || _tagFeature == false, "Method throws the NotSupportedException, but Tizen supports the NFC Tag operation"); } }

Read and write NDEF messages

To read NDEF messages from an NFC tag and write them to a tag:

  1. To read an NDEF message, follow the steps below:

    • Retrieve the NFC tag adapter and register a TagDiscovered event handler for it:

      public static async Task ReadNdefMessageAsync_METHOD_RETURN() { try { /// Precondition /// 1. Retrieve the tag adapter /// 2. Register the event handler _tagAdapter = NfcManager.GetTagAdapter(); _tagAdapter.TagDiscovered += TagDiscoveredCallback;
    • Once the tag is discovered, read the message with the ReadNdefMessageAsync() method of the Tizen.Network.Nfc.NfcTag class:

      /// Test code await WaitTagDiscovered(); Assert.IsNotNull(_eventArgs, "_eventArgs should not be null"); Assert.IsNotNull(_eventArgs.Tag, "Tag should not be null"); NfcNdefMessage ndefMessage = await _eventArgs.Tag.ReadNdefMessageAsync(); Assert.IsTrue(ndefMessage.RecordCount > 0, "RecordCount should be greater than 0"); /// Postcondition /// 1. Unregister the event handler /// 2. Reset variables Assert.IsNotNull(_tagAdapter, "_tagAdapter should not be null"); _tagAdapter.TagDiscovered -= TagDiscoveredCallback; _tagAdapter = null; _eventArgs = null; } catch (NotSupportedException) { Assert.IsTrue(_nfcFeature == false || _tagFeature == false, "Method throws the NotSupportedException, but Tizen supports the NFC Tag operation"); } }
  2. To write an NDEF message, follow the steps below:

    • Retrieve the NFC tag adapter and register a TagDiscovered event handler for it:

      public static async Task WriteNdefMessageAsync_METHOD_RETURN() { try { /// Precondition /// 1. Retrieve the tag adapter /// 2. Register the event handler _tagAdapter = NfcManager.GetTagAdapter(); _tagAdapter.TagDiscovered += TagDiscoveredCallback;
    • Once the tag is discovered, create a new NDEF message as an instance of the Tizen.Network.Nfc.NfcNdefMessage class and a new NDEF record as an instance of the Tizen.Network.Nfc.NfcNdefRecord class. Then append the record into the message with the AppendRecord() method of the Tizen.Network.Nfc.NfcNdefMessage class:

      /// Test code await WaitTagDiscovered(); Assert.IsNotNull(_eventArgs, "_eventArgs should not be null"); Assert.IsNotNull(_eventArgs.Tag, "Tag should not be null"); NfcNdefMessage ndefMessage = new NfcNdefMessage(); NfcNdefRecord ndefRecord = new NfcNdefRecord("123", "KR", NfcEncodeType.Utf8); ndefMessage.AppendRecord(ndefRecord);
    • Write the message to the NFC tag with the WriteNdefMessageAsync() method of the Tizen.Network.Nfc.NfcTag class:

      NfcError nfcError = await _eventArgs.Tag.WriteNdefMessageAsync(ndefMessage); Assert.IsTrue(nfcError == NfcError.None, "nfcError should be no error"); /// Postcondition /// 1. Unregister the event handler /// 2. Reset variables Assert.IsNotNull(_tagAdapter, "_tagAdapter should not be null"); _tagAdapter.TagDiscovered -= TagDiscoveredCallback; _tagAdapter = null; _eventArgs = null; } catch (NotSupportedException) { Assert.IsTrue(_nfcFeature == false || _tagFeature == false, "Method throws the NotSupportedException, but Tizen supports the NFC Tag operation"); } }

Manage P2P events

To keep track of P2P events through event handlers, follow the steps below:

  1. Define an event handler to trigger whenever a new P2P target has been found:

    public static void P2pTargetDiscoveredCallback(object sender, P2pTargetDiscoveredEventArgs e) { _p2pTargetDiscoveredEventArgs = e; }
  2. Register the event handler for the P2pTargetDiscovered event of the Tizen.Network.Nfc.NfcP2pAdapter class:

    public static async Task P2pTargetDiscovered_EVENT_LISTEN() { try { /// Precondition /// 1. Retrieve the P2P adapter /// 2. Register the event handler _p2pAdapter = NfcManager.GetP2pAdapter(); _p2pAdapter.P2pTargetDiscovered += P2pTargetDiscoveredCallback; /// Test code await WaitTargetDiscovered();
  3. When it is no longer needed, deregister the event handler:

    Assert.IsNotNull(_p2pTargetDiscoveredEventArgs, "P2pTargetDiscoveredEventArgs should not be null"); /// Postcondition /// 1. Unregister event handler /// 2. Reset variables Assert.IsNotNull(_p2pAdapter, "_tagAdapter should not be null"); _p2pAdapter.P2pTargetDiscovered -= P2pTargetDiscoveredCallback; _p2pAdapter = null; _p2pTargetDiscoveredEventArgs = null; } catch (NotSupportedException) { Assert.IsTrue(_nfcFeature == false || _p2pFeature == false, "Method throws the NotSupportedException, but Tizen supports the NFC P2P operation"); } }

Send and Receive NDEF messages between peer devices

You can both send and receive NDEF devices between peer devices in P2P mode.

  1. To send an NDEF message to a peer device, follow these steps:

    • Retrieve the P2P adapter and register a P2pTargetDiscovered event handler for it:

      public static async Task SendNdefMessageAsync_METHOD_RETURN() { try { /// Precondition /// 1. Retrieve the P2P adapter /// 2. Register the event handler _p2pAdapter = NfcManager.GetP2pAdapter(); _p2pAdapter.P2pTargetDiscovered += P2pTargetDiscoveredCallback;
    • Create a new NDEF message as an instance of the Tizen.Network.Nfc.NfcNdefMessage class and a new NDEF record as an instance of the Tizen.Network.Nfc.NfcNdefRecord class. Then append the record into the message with the AppendRecord() method of the Tizen.Network.Nfc.NfcNdefMessage class:

      /// Test code await WaitTargetDiscovered(); Assert.IsNotNull(_p2pTargetDiscoveredEventArgs, "P2pTargetDiscoveredEventArgs should not be null"); NfcP2p currentP2p = _p2pAdapter.GetConnectedTarget(); Assert.IsNotNull(currentP2p, "currentP2p should not be null"); NfcNdefMessage ndefMessage = new NfcNdefMessage(); NfcNdefRecord ndefRecord = new NfcNdefRecord("123", "KR", NfcEncodeType.Utf8); ndefMessage.AppendRecord(ndefRecord);
    • Send the NDEF message with the SendNdefMessageAsync() method of the Tizen.Network.Nfc.NfcP2p class:

      NfcError nfcError = await currentP2p.SendNdefMessageAsync(ndefMessage); Assert.IsTrue(nfcError == NfcError.None, "nfcError should be no error"); /// Postcondition /// 1. Unregister the event handler /// 2. Reset variables Assert.IsNotNull(_p2pAdapter, "_tagAdapter should not be null"); _p2pAdapter.P2pTargetDiscovered -= P2pTargetDiscoveredCallback; _p2pAdapter = null; _p2pTargetDiscoveredEventArgs = null; } catch (NotSupportedException) { Assert.IsTrue(_nfcFeature == false || _p2pFeature == false, "Method throws the NotSupportedException, but Tizen supports the NFC P2P operation"); } }
  2. To receive an NDEF message from a peer device, follow the steps below:

    • Define an event handler to trigger whenever P2P data is received:

      public static void P2pDataReceivedCallback(object sender, P2pDataReceivedEventArgs e) { _p2pDataReceivedEventArgs = e; }
    • Once a P2P connection has been made, retrieve the connected P2P target with the GetConnectedTarget() method of the Tizen.Network.Nfc.NfcP2pAdapter class, and add the new event handler for the P2pDataReceived event of the newly-created instance of the Tizen.Network.Nfc.NfcP2p class:

      public static async Task NdefMessage_READ_ONLY() { try { /// Precondition /// 1. Retrieve the P2P adapter /// 2. Register the event handler _p2pAdapter = NfcManager.GetP2pAdapter(); _p2pAdapter.P2pTargetDiscovered += P2pTargetDiscoveredCallback; /// Test code await WaitTargetDiscovered(); Assert.IsNotNull(_p2pTargetDiscoveredEventArgs, "P2pTargetDiscoveredEventArgs should not be null"); NfcP2p p2pTarget = _p2pAdapter.GetConnectedTarget(); p2pTarget.P2pDataReceived += P2pDataReceivedCallback;
    • The received NDEF message can be read through the newly-created instance of the Tizen.Network.Nfc.P2pDataReceivedEventArgs class:

      await WaitDataReceived(); Assert.IsNotNull(_p2pDataReceivedEventArgs, "P2pDataReceivedEventArgs should not be null"); Assert.IsInstanceOf<NfcNdefMessage>(_p2pDataReceivedEventArgs.NdefMessage, "NdefMessage value is not of the type NfcNdefMessage"); /// Postcondition /// 1. Unregister event handlers /// 2. Reset variables Assert.IsNotNull(p2pTarget, "p2pTarget should not be null"); p2pTarget.P2pDataReceived -= P2pDataReceivedCallback; Assert.IsNotNull(_p2pAdapter, "_p2pAdapter should not be null"); _p2pAdapter.P2pTargetDiscovered -= P2pTargetDiscoveredCallback; _p2pAdapter = null; _p2pTargetDiscoveredEventArgs = null; _p2pDataReceivedEventArgs = null; } catch (NotSupportedException) { Assert.IsTrue(_nfcFeature == false || _p2pFeature == false, "Method throws the NotSupportedException, but Tizen supports the Nfc P2P operation"); } }

Enable and Disable the card emulation mode

To enable and disable the smart card emulation mode, follow the steps below:

  1. Retrieve the card emulation adapter with the GetCardEmulationAdapter() method of the Tizen.Network.Nfc.NfcManager class:

    public static void EnableCardEmulation_CHECK_CARD_EMULATION_STATUS() { try { NfcCardEmulationAdapter ceAdapter = NfcManager.GetCardEmulationAdapter();
  2. Enable and disable the card emulation mode with the EnableCardEmulation() and DisableCardEmulation() methods of the Tizen.Network.Nfc.NfcCardEmulationAdapter class:

    ceAdapter.DisableCardEmulation(); ceAdapter.EnableCardEmulation(); NfcSecureElementCardEmulationMode ceMode = ceAdapter.GetCardEmulationMode(); Assert.IsTrue(ceMode == NfcSecureElementCardEmulationMode.On, "The card emulation mode should be true."); } catch (NotSupportedException) { Assert.IsTrue(isNfcSupported == false || isCeSupported == false, "Method throws the NotSupportedException, but Tizen supports the NFC operation"); } }

Register AID

To register an AID value, follow the steps below:

  1. Retrieve the card emulation adapter with the GetCardEmulationAdapter() method of the Tizen.Network.Nfc.NfcManager class:

    public static void RegisterAid_METHOD_CALL_WITH_HCE_PAYMENT() { try { NfcCardEmulationAdapter ceAdapter = NfcManager.GetCardEmulationAdapter();
  2. Register the AID with the RegisterAid() method of the Tizen.Network.Nfc.NfcCardEmulationAdapter class:

    ceAdapter.RegisterAid(NfcSecureElementType.Hce, NfcCardEmulationCategoryType.Payment, "325041592E5359532E4444463031"); } catch (NotSupportedException) { Assert.IsTrue(isNfcSupported == false || isHceSupported == false, "Method throws the NotSupportedException, but Tizen supports the NFC operation"); } }

Manage secure element events

To manage secure element (SE) events, follow the steps below:

  1. Define an event handler to be triggered when an SE event occurs:

    public static void SecureElementCallback(object sender, SecureElementEventArgs e) { _seEventArgs = e; }
  2. Retrieve the card emulation adapter with the GetCardEmulationAdapter() method of the Tizen.Network.Nfc.NfcManager class, and register the SE event handler for its SecureElementEvent event:

    public static async Task SecureElementEvent() { try { /// Precondition /// 1. Retrieve the card emulation adapter /// 2. Register the SE event handler _cardEmulationAdapter = NfcManager.GetCardEmulationAdapter(); _cardEmulationAdapter.SecureElementEvent += SecureElementCallback; /// Test code await WaitSeEvent(); Assert.IsNotNull(_seEventArgs, "The _seEventArgs should not be null when HCE event callback is called"); Assert.IsTrue(_checkFlag == true, "isChecked should be true");
  3. When it is no longer needed, deregister the event handler:

    /// Postcondition /// 1. Unregister the SE event handler /// 2. Reset variables Assert.IsNotNull(_cardEmulationAdapter, "_cardEmulationAdapter should not be null"); _cardEmulationAdapter.SecureElementEvent -= SecureElementCallback; _cardEmulationAdapter = null; _seEventArgs = null; } catch (NotSupportedException) { Assert.IsTrue(_nfcFeature == false || _ceFeature == false || _hceFeature == false, "Method throws the NotSupportedException, but Tizen supports the NFC card emulation operation"); } }

Manage HCE events from the NFC reader

To manage HCE events from the NFC reader, follow the steps below:

  1. Define an event handler to be triggered when an HCE event occurs:

    public static void HostCardEmulationCallback(object sender, HostCardEmulationEventArgs e) { _hceEventArgs = e; }
  2. Retrieve the card emulation adapter with the GetCardEmulationAdapter() method of the Tizen.Network.Nfc.NfcManager class, and register the HCE event handler for its HostCardEmulationEvent event:

    public static async Task HostCardEmulationEvent_HOST_CARD_EMULATION_EVENT_LISTEN_TYPE_ACTIVATED() { try { /// Precondition /// 1. Retrieve the card emulation adapter /// 2. Register the HCE event handler _cardEmulationAdapter = NfcManager.GetCardEmulationAdapter(); _cardEmulationAdapter.HostCardEmulationEvent += HostCardEmulationCallback; /// Test code await WaitHceEventActivated(); Assert.IsNotNull(_hceEventArgs, "The _hceEventArgs should not be null when HCE event callback is called"); Assert.IsTrue(_checkFlag == true, "isChecked should be true");
  3. When it is no longer needed, deregister the event handler:

    /// Postcondition /// 1. Unregister the HCE event handler /// 2. Reset variables Assert.IsNotNull(_cardEmulationAdapter, "_cardEmulationAdapter should not be null"); _cardEmulationAdapter.HostCardEmulationEvent -= HostCardEmulationCallback; _cardEmulationAdapter = null; _hceEventArgs = null; } catch (NotSupportedException) { Assert.IsTrue(_nfcFeature == false || _ceFeature == false || _hceFeature == false, "Method throws the NotSupportedException, but Tizen supports the NFC host card emulation operation"); } }

Send HCE responses to the NFC reader

To send HCE responses to the NFC reader, follow the steps below:

  1. Retrieve the card emulation adapter with the GetCardEmulationAdapter() method of the Tizen.Network.Nfc.NfcManager class, and register the HCE event handler for its HostCardEmulationEvent event:

    public static async Task HceSendApduResponse_METHOD_RETURN() { try { /// Precondition /// 1. Retrieve the card emulation adapter /// 2. Register the HCE event handler _cardEmulationAdapter = NfcManager.GetCardEmulationAdapter(); _cardEmulationAdapter.HostCardEmulationEvent += HostCardEmulationCallback;
  2. Once the HCE event triggers, send the response with the HceSendApduResponse() method of the Tizen.Network.Nfc.NfcSecureElement class:

    /// Test code byte[] responseBuffer = {0x90, 0x00}; await WaitHceEvent(); Assert.IsNotNull(_eventArgs, "The _eventArgs should not be null when HCE event callback is called"); Assert.IsNotNull(_eventArgs.SecureElement, "The SecureElement property of _eventArgs should not be null when HCE event callback is called"); Assert.IsInstanceOf<NfcSecureElement>(_eventArgs.SecureElement, "SecureElement value is not of the type NfcSecureElement"); _eventArgs.SecureElement.HceSendApduResponse(responseBuffer, 2); /// Postcondition /// 1. Unregister the HCE event handler /// 2. Reset variables _cardEmulationAdapter.HostCardEmulationEvent -= HostCardEmulationCallback; _cardEmulationAdapter = null; _eventArgs = null; } catch (NotSupportedException) { Assert.IsTrue(_nfcFeature == false || _ceFeature == false || _hceFeature == false, "Method throws the NotSupportedException, but Tizen supports the NFC host card emulation operation"); } }
  • Dependencies
    • Tizen 4.0 and Higher
Next Smart Card
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