HTML5 Browser state

You can access information about the network connection state of the browser.

This feature is supported in mobile and TV applications only.

The navigator.onLine attribute returns false, if the browser cannot establish a connection to the network when a remote page is requested. To track the changes in the connection state, you must subscribe to the applicable events: online and offline. The events can be executed in the Window or WorkerGlobalScope object.

Table: Browser state attributes and events

Attribute or event Type Description
onLine readonly Boolean If the browser is connected to the network, this attribute returns true; otherwise false.
online Event When the return value of the onLine attribute changes from false to true, a connection is established and this event is triggered.
offline Event When the return value of the onLine attribute changes from true to false, a connection is lost and this event is triggered.

The device can be connected to the network without access to the Internet.

Retrieving the Browser State

To enhance the user interaction with the device, you must learn to retrieve the browser state:

  1. The updateIndicator() method updates the browser connection state information on the screen to reflect the current state.
    To retrieve the current state, use the return value of the onLine attribute of the navigator interface:

          <title>Online status</title>
              function updateIndicator() {
                  var status = navigator.onLine ? 'online' : 'offline';
                  document.getElementById('indicator').textContent = status;
  2. Subscribe to event listeners to be informed when the connection state changes:

              /* Receive event when page is loaded */
              window.onload = updateIndicator;
              /* Receive event when network connection is available */
              window.ononline = updateIndicator;
              /* Receive event when network connection is unavailable */
              window.onoffline = updateIndicator;
          <p>The network is: <span id="indicator">(state unknown)</span>

Source Code

For the complete source code related to this use case, see the following file:

  • Dependencies
    • Tizen 2.4 and Higher for Mobile
    • Tizen 3.0 and Higher for TV