Face Detection, Recognition, and Tracking

You can detect a face in an image, or track a face in the device camera preview.

The main face detection, recognition, and tracking features include the following:

  • Detecting faces

    You can decode an image file and detect faces on it.

  • Recognizing faces

    You can recognize faces in an image with a set of example faces.

  • Tracking faces

    You can track faces using the camera preview images, starting from a specific location in the image.


To enable your application to use the face detection, recognition, and tracking functionality, proceed as follows:

  1. Install the NuGet packages for media vision.

  2. To use the methods and properties of the face detection, tracking, and recognition classes and to handle camera preview, include the Tizen.Multimedia and Tizen.Multimedia.Vision namespaces in your application:

    using Tizen.Multimedia; using Tizen.Multimedia.Vision;
  3. Define the configuration settings:

    • For face detection, create an instance of the Tizen.Multimedia.Vision.FaceDetectionConfiguration class and set its properties accordingly:

      static FaceDetectionConfiguration configDetection = new FaceDetectionConfiguration(); /// Set a model path if you want to save your own model in a certain place configDetection.ModelFilePath = "app_path/your_own_model"; /// Set a minimum face size if you want to detect only larger faces configDetection.MinWidth = 50; configDetection.MinHeight = 50; /// Set a region of interest if you want to detect in a specific region configDetection.Roi = new Rectangle(10, 10, 20, 30);
    • For face recognition, create an instance of the Tizen.Multimedia.Vision.FaceRecognitionConfiguration class and set its properties accordingly:

      static FaceRecognitionConfiguration configRecog = new FaceRecognitionConfiguration(); /// Set the face recognition learning model algorithm to one of the /// values of the Tizen.Multimedia.Vision.FaceRecognitionModelType enumeration configRecog.ModelType = FaceRecognitionModelType.Lbph;
    • For face tracking, no configuration is needed.

Detect faces

To detect faces, proceed as follows:

  1. Create an instance of the Tizen.Multimedia.Vision.MediaVisionSource class with raw image buffer data and its corresponding width, height, and color space parameters:

    /// Assume that there is a decoded raw data buffer of the byte[] type, and /// it has 640x480 resolution with an RGB888 color space MediaVisionSource source = new MediaVisionSource(bytes, width, height, ColorSpace.Rgb888);
  2. To detect faces, use the DetectAsync() method of the Tizen.Multimedia.Vision.FaceDetector class:

    var faceLists = await FaceDetector.DetectAsync(source); /// If you want to change the face detection configuration, use an instance /// of the Tizen.Multimedia.Vision.FaceDetectionConfiguration class as a /// parameter for the DetectAsync() method /// For example, /// var faceLists = await FaceDetector.DetectAsync(source, configDetection); foreach (Rectangle location in faceLists) { Log.Info("Face detection sample", $"location is {location}"); }

Recognize faces

To recognize faces, proceed as follows:

  1. Create an instance of the Tizen.Multimedia.Vision.FaceRecognitionModel class and add face examples to it with the Add() method.

    Face examples need to be of the same person but captured at different angles. The example assumes that 10 face samples are used and that the face area in each example covers approximately 95~100% of the image. The face to be recognized is given the label “1”:

    static FaceRecognitionModel model = new FaceRecognitionModel(); /// faceExamples contains 10 face examples as instances /// of the Tizen.Multimedia.Vision.MediaVisionSource class foreach (MediaVisionSource example in faceExamples) { model.Add(example, 1); }
  2. Learn the face recognition model based on the provided examples with the Learn() method:

  3. To recognize a face, use the RecognizeAsync() method of the Tizen.Multimedia.Vision.FaceRecognizer class:

    /// whoFaceSource is an instance of the Tizen.Multimedia.Vision.MediaVisionSource class /// that contains the face to be recognized /// whoFaceRoi is an instance of the Tizen.Multimedia.Rectangle struct that defines /// a region of interest containing the face to be recognized var result = await FaceRecognizer.RecognizeAsync(whoFaceSource, model, whoFaceRoi); Log.Info("Face recognition sample", $"confidence is {result.Confidence}"); Log.Info("Face recognition sample", $"success is {result.Success}"); if (result.Success) { Log.info("Face recognition sample", $"label is {result.Label}"); }

Track faces

To track faces, proceed as follows:

  1. Prepare the camera:

    • Define a camera preview event handler for the Preview event of the Tizen.Multimedia.Camera class and create an instance of that class:

      /// Define a camera preview event handler static void PreviewCallback(object sender, PreviewEventArgs e) { PreviewData preview = e.Preview; SinglePlane singlePlane = (SinglePlane)preview.Plane; if (preview.Format == CameraPixelFormat.Rgb888) { MediaVisionSource source = new MediaVisionSource(singlePlane.Data, preview.width, preview.height, ColorSpace.Rgb888); } } /// Create the Tizen.Multimedia.Camera instance static Camera camera = null; try { camera = new Camera(CameraDevice.Rear); } catch (NotSupportedException) { Log.Info("Face Detection Sample", "NotSupported"); }
    • Set the camera display, register the camera preview event handler, and start the camera preview with the StartPreview() method of the Tizen.Multimedia.Camera class:

      /// Set the camera display camera.Display = new Display(new Window("Preview")); /// Register the camera preview event handler camera.Preview += PreviewCallback; IList previewFormats = camera.Feature.SupportedPreviewPixelFormats.ToList(); foreach (CameraPixelFormat previewFormat in previewFormats) { camera.Setting.PreviewPixelFormat = previewFormat; break; } /// Start the camera preview camera.StartPreview();
  2. Manage face tracking:

    • Set the initial tracking location.

      In the following example, the DetectAsync() method of the Tizen.Multimedia.Vision.FaceDetector class is used to detect a face and provide its initial location:

      var faceInitLocation = await FaceDetector.DetectAsync(source); Point[] initialPoint = { new Point(faceInitLocation.Left, faceInitLocation.Top), new Point(faceInitLocation.Right, faceInitLocation.Top), new Point(faceInitLocation.Right, faceInitLocation.Bottom), new Point(faceInitLocation.Left, faceInitLocation.Bottom) };
    • Create an instance of the Tizen.Multimedia.Vision.FaceTrackingModel class and prepare the model with the initial location:

      Quadrangle faceLocation = new Quadrangle(initialPoint); static FaceTrackingModel model = new FaceTrackingModel(); model.Prepare(source, faceLocation);
    • To track the face, use the TrackAsync() method of the Tizen.Multimedia.Vision.FaceTracker class:

      var result = await FaceTracker.TrackAsync(source, model, false); if (result.Region != null) { Log.Info("Face tracking sample", $"location is {result.Region}"); }
    • When face tracking is no longer needed, deregister the camera preview event handler, stop the camera preview, and destroy the camera instance:

      camera.Preview -= PreviewCallback; camera.StopPreview(); camera.Dispose();
  • Dependencies
    • Tizen 4.0 and Higher
Deep Learning Based Face Recognition
Next Image Recognition and Tracking
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