Tizen Core Channel

Tizen Core channel Provides a communication channel that allows safe sending and receiving of data between threads. This channel can be used to exchange information in a synchronized state without data conflict. This page describes how to create a channel sender and receiver pair, send and receive data, and destroy the channel sender and receiver pair.


To use the Tizen Core channel API, you must include the tizen_core.h header.

#include <tizen_core.h>

Managing channel sender and receiver pairs

Creating channel sender and receiver pairs

Use tizen_core_channel_make_pair() to create a channel sender and receiver pair.

  tizen_core_channel_sender_h sender = NULL;
  tizen_core_channel_receiver_h receiver = NULL;
  int ret;

  ret = tizen_core_channel_make_pair(&sender, &receiver);
  if (ret != TIZEN_CORE_ERROR_NONE) {
    dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "Failed to create channel pair. error=%d", ret);

You must destroy the sender and receiver handles by calling tizen_core_channel_sender_destroy() and tizen_core_channel_receiver_destroy() respectively when they are no longer needed.

Creating and transmitting a channel object

This example shows how to create and transmit a channel object:

  tizen_core_channel_object_h object = NULL;
  char *str;
  int ret;

  ret = tizen_core_channel_object_create(&object);
  if (ret != TIZEN_CORE_ERROR_NONE) {
    dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "Failed to create channel object. error=%d", ret);

  ret = tizen_core_channel_object_set_id(object, 99);
  if (ret != TIZEN_CORE_ERROR_NONE) {
    dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "Failed to set id to channel object. error=%d", ret);

  str = strdup("channel_test");
  ret = tizen_core_channel_object_set_data(object, str);
  if (ret != TIZEN_CORE_ERROR_NONE) {
    dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "Failed to set data to channel object. error=%d", ret);

  ret = tizen_core_channel_sender_send(sender, object);
  if (ret != TIZEN_CORE_ERROR_NONE) {
    dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "Failed to send channel object. error=%d", ret);

The receiver receives the object and destroys it after use by calling tizen_core_channel_object_destroy(). If the object’s data was allocated memory, you need to release it appropriately. In this example, we allocate a string using strdup() and release it using free() when an error occurs.

Creating a task for receiving objects

This example creates a task that registers tizen_core_channel_receive_cb() to receive channel objects:

static void channel_receive_cb(tizen_core_channel_object_cb object, void *user_data)
  char *str = NULL;
  int id = -1;

  tizen_core_channel_object_get_id(object, &id);
  tizen_core_channel_object_get_data(object, (void **)&str);
  dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "id=%d, str=%s", id, str);

static void create_and_run_task(const char *task_name, tizen_core_channel_receiver_h receiver)
  tizen_core_task_h task = NULL;
  tizen_core_h core = NULL;
  tizen_core_source_h source = NULL;
  int ret;

  ret = tizen_core_task_create(task_name, true, &task);
  if (ret != TIZEN_CORE_ERROR_NONE) {
    dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "Failed to create task. error=%d", ret);

  tizen_core_task_get_tizen_core(task, &core);

  ret = tizen_core_add_channel(core, receiver, channel_receive_cb, NULL, &source);
  if (ret != TIZEN_CORE_ERROR_NONE) {
    dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "Failed to add channel to core, error=%d", ret);


The tizen_core_channel_receive_cb() receives objects managed by the platform. There is no need to explicitly destroy them. The receiving side needs to release the received object’s data. You must call tizen_core_remove_source() to remove the source returned by tizen_core_add_channel() when it is no longer needed. In this example, the task’s loop runs on a thread, and channel_receive_cb() is delivered to the thread’s loop.

You can receive channel objects using the receiver handle as shown below:

  tizen_core_channel_object_h object = NULL;
  char *str = NULL;
  int id = -1;
  int ret;

  ret = tizen_core_channel_receiver_receive(receiver, &object);
  if (ret != TIZEN_CORE_ERROR_NONE) {
    dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "Failed to receive channel object. error=%d", ret);

  tizen_core_channel_object_get_id(object, &id);
  tizen_core_channel_object_get_data(object, (void **)&str);
  dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "id=%d, str=%s", id, str);

The tizen_core_channel_receiver_receive() blocks indefinitely if there is no data being transmitted. It is recommended to use it in situations where the sender sends data reliably. After receiving the object, its ownership is transferred to the receiving party, so you must release it by calling the tizen_core_channel_object_destroy().

  • Dependencies
    • Tizen 9.0