Image Recognition and Tracking

You can extract features of an image object and recognize it from specific images. You can also track the image object in your application.

The main features of the Media Vision Image API include:

  • Recognizing images

    You can recognize image objects in specific images, and extract image object features.

  • Tracking images

    You can track image objects using the camera preview images and a specific image tracking model.


To enable your application to use the media vision image functionality:

  1. To use the functions and data types of the Media Vision Image API (in mobile and wearable applications), include the <mv_image.h> header file in your application.

    In addition, you must include the <image_util.h> header file to handle the image decoding tasks, or the <camera.h> header file to provide preview images.

    #include <mv_image.h>
    /* Image decoding for image recognition */
    #include <image_util.h>
    /* Preview images for image tracking */
    #include <camera.h>
  2. Create a structure to store the global data:

    • For image recognition, use the following imagedata_s structure:

      struct _imagedata_s {
          mv_source_h g_source;
          mv_engine_config_h g_engine_config;
          mv_image_object h g_image_object;
      typedef struct _imagedata_s imagedata_s;
      static imagedata_s imagedata;
    • For image tracking, use the following imagedata_s structure:

      struct _imagedata_s {
          /* Variable for camera display */
          Evas_Object *win;
          Evas_Object *rect;
          Evas *evas;
          int preview_width;
          int preview_height;
          camera_h g_camera;
          mv_source_h g_source;
          mv_engine_config_h g_engine_config;
          mv_image_object_h g_image_object
          mv_image_tracking_model_h g_image_track_model;
      typedef struct _imagedata_s imagedata_s;
      static imagedata_s imagedata;

Recognizing Images

To recognize images:

  1. Create the source and engine configuration handles:

    int error_code = 0;
    error_code = mv_create_source(&imagedata.g_source);
    if (error_code != MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    error_code = mv_create_engine_config(&imagedata.g_engine_config);
    if (error_code != MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code= %d", error_code);
  2. Decode the image file and fill the g_source handle with the decoded raw data.

    In the following example, the sample.jpg is the target image to be recognized and it is in the <OwnDataPath> folder, where <OwnDataPath> refers to your own data path.

    /* For details, see the Image Util API Reference */
    unsigned char *dataBuffer = NULL;
    size_t bufferSize = 0;
    unsigned int width = 0;
    unsigned int height = 0;
    image_util_decode_h imageDecoder = NULL;
    image_util_image_h decodedImage = NULL;
    error_code = image_util_decode_create(&imageDecoder);
    if (error_code != IMAGE_UTIL_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    error_code = image_util_decode_set_input_path(imageDecoder, "/mydir/sample.jpg");
    if (error_code != IMAGE_UTIL_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    error_code = image_util_decode_set_colorspace(imageDecoder, IMAGE_UTIL_COLORSPACE_RGB888);
    if (error_code != IMAGE_UTIL_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    error_code = image_util_decode_run2(imageDecoder, &decodedImage);
    if (error_code != IMAGE_UTIL_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    error_code = image_util_get_image(decodedImage, &width, &height, NULL, &dataBuffer, &bufferSize);
    if (error_code != IMAGE_UTIL_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    error_code = image_util_decode_destroy(imageDecoder);
    if (error_code != IMAGE_UTIL_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    /* Fill the dataBuffer to g_source */
    error_code = mv_source_fill_by_buffer(imagedata.g_source, dataBuffer, (unsigned int)bufferSize,
                                          width, height, MEDIA_VISION_COLORSPACE_RGB888);
    if (error_code != MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    error_code = image_util_destroy_image(decodedImage);
    if (error_code != IMAGE_UTIL_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    decodedImage = NULL;
  3. To recognize the sample.jpg image from others, create a g_image_object media vision image object handle and set a label.

    In the following example, the image object label is set to ‘1’.

    error_code = mv_image_object_create(&imagedata.g_image_object);
    if (error_code != MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    error_code = mv_image_object_set_label(&imagedata.g_image_object, 1);
    if (error_code != MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
  4. Use the mv_image_object_fill() function to extract the sample.jpg features and keep them in the g_image_object image object handle.

    In the following example, the NULL parameter is given since the object to be recognized is the whole of the input image file. Give a correct ROI value, if the image object to be recognized is only a part of the input image file.

    error_code = mv_image_object_fill(imagedata.g_image_object, imagedata.g_engine_config,
                                      imagedata.g_source, NULL);
    if (error_code != MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
  5. Use the mv_image_recognize() function to recognize the image object.

    The following example assumes that there is a what_isThis.jpg image file in the <OwnDataPath> folder, including the image object.

    error_code = image_util_decode_create(&imageDecoder);
    if (error_code != IMAGE_UTIL_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    error_code = image_util_decode_set_input_path(imageDecoder, "/mydir/what_isThis.jpg");
    if (error_code != IMAGE_UTIL_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    error_code = image_util_decode_set_colorspace(imageDecoder, IMAGE_UTIL_COLORSPACE_RGB888);
    if (error_code != IMAGE_UTIL_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    error_code = image_util_decode_run2(imageDecoder, &decodedImage);
    if (error_code != IMAGE_UTIL_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    error_code = image_util_get_image(decodedImage, &width, &height, NULL, &dataBuffer, &bufferSize);
    if (error_code != IMAGE_UTIL_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    error_code = image_util_decode_destroy(imageDecoder);
    if (error_code != IMAGE_UTIL_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    error_code = mv_source_clear(imagedata.g_source);
    if (error_code != MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    /* Fill the dataBuffer to g_source */
    error_code = mv_source_fill_by_buffer(imagedata.g_source, dataBuffer, (unsigned int)bufferSize,
                                          (unsigned int)width, (unsigned int)height, MEDIA_VISION_COLORSPACE_RGB888);
    if (error_code != MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    error_code = image_util_destroy_image(decodedImage);
    if (error_code != IMAGE_UTIL_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    decodedImage = NULL;
    error_code = mv_image_recognize(imagedata.g_source, &imagedata.g_image_object, 1,
                                    imagedata.g_engine_config, _on_image_recognized_cb, NULL);
    if (error_code != MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
  6. The mv_image_recognize() function invokes the _on_image_recognized_cb() callback.

    The following callback example prints the recognized image object label with its location.

    static void
    _on_image_recognized_cb(mv_source_h source, mv_engine_config_h engine_config,
                            const mv_image_object_h *image_objects, mv_quadrangle_s **locations,
                            unsigned int number_of_objects, void *user_data)
        int object_num = 0;
        for (object_num = 0; object_num < number_of_object; ++object_num) {
            if (locations[object_num]) {
                int recognized_label = 0;
                mv_image_object_get_label(image_objects[object_num], &recognized_label);
                dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "image label [%d] on location: (%d,%d) -> (%d,%d) -> (%d,%d) -> (%d,%d)\n",
                           recognized_label, locations[object_num]->points[0].x, locations[object_num]->points[0].y,
                           locations[object_num]->points[1].x, locations[object_num]->points[1].y,
                           locations[object_num]->points[2].x, locations[object_num]->points[2].y,
                           locations[object_num]->points[3].x, locations[object_num]->points[3].y);
  7. After the image recognition is complete, destroy the source, engine configuration, and image object handles using the mv_destroy_source(), mv_destroy_engine_config(), and mv_image_object_destroy() functions:

    error_code = mv_destroy_source(imagedata.g_source);
    if (error_code != MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    error_code = mv_destroy_engine_config(imagedata.g_engine_config);
    if (error_code != MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    error_code = mv_image_object_destroy(imagedata.g_image_object);
    if (error_code != MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);

Tracking Images

To track images:

  1. Initialize the camera and required handles:

    1. Initialize the camera, set the preview callback, and start the preview.

      The preview callback is used to get the preview image in which the image object is tracked. For more information on starting the camera, see Configuring the Camera and its Callbacks in the Camera guide.

      /* Create the camera handle */
      int error_code = 0;
      error_code = camera_create(CAMERA_DEVICE_CAMERA0, &imagedata.g_camera);
      if (error_code != CAMERA_ERROR_NONE)
          dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
      /* Set the camera display */
      error_code = camera_set_display(imagedata.g_camera, CAMERA_DISPLAY_TYPE_OVERLAY, GET_DISPLAY(;
      if (error_code != CAMERA_ERROR_NONE)
          dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
      /* Get the camera preview resolution */
      error_code = camera_get_preview_resolution(imagedata.g_camera, &imagedata.preview_width,
      if (error_code != CAMERA_ERROR_NONE)
          dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
      /* Set the camera preview callback */
      error_code = camera_set_media_packet_preview_cb(imagedata.g_camera, _camera_media_packet_preview_cb, NULL);
      if (error_code != CAMERA_ERROR_NONE)
          dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
      /* Start the camera preview */
      error_code = camera_start_preview(imagedata.g_camera);
      if (error_code != CAMERA_ERROR_NONE)
          dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    2. Create the source and engine configuration handles:

      error_code = mv_create_source(&imagedata.g_source);
      if (error_code != MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE)
          dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
      error_code = mv_create_engine_config(&imagedata.g_engine_config);
      if (error_code != MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE)
          dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code= %d", error_code);
    3. To track an image, create a g_image_object media vision image object handle and set a label.

      In the following example, the image to be tracked is sample.jpg and the image object label is set to ‘1’.

      error_code = mv_image_object_create(&imagedata.g_image_object);
      if (error_code != MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE)
          dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
      error_code = mv_image_object_set_label(&imagedata.g_image_object, 1);
      if (error_code != MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE)
          dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    4. Use the mv_image_object_fill() function to extract the sample.jpg features and keep them in the g_image_object image object handle.

      In the following example, the NULL parameter is given since the object to be tracked is the whole of the input image file. Give a correct ROI value, if the image object to be tracked is only a part of the input image file.

      error_code = mv_image_object_fill(imagedata.g_image_object, imagedata.g_engine_config,
                                        imagedata.g_source, NULL);
      if (error_code != MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE)
          dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    5. Create a g_image_track_model media vision image tracking model handle and set the target image object to be tracked:

      error_code = mv_image_tracking_model_create(&imagedata.g_image_track_model);
      if (error_code != MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE)
          dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
      error_code = mv_image_tracking_model_set_target(imagedata.g_image_object,
      if (error_code != MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE)
          dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    6. Define the camera preview callback.

      The callback allows you to receive preview images as media packet handles. In the callback, to track the image object, first fill the g_source handle with the media packet using the mv_source_fill_by_media_packet() function.

      static void
      _camera_media_packet_preview_cb(media_packet_h pkt, void *user_data)
          if (pkt == NULL)
          error_code = mv_source_fill_by_media_packet(imagedata.g_source, pkt);
          if (error_code != MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE)
              dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error code);
          if (pkt) {
              error_code = media_packet_destroy(pkt);
              pkt = NULL;
  2. Manage image tracking:

    1. Use the mv_image_track() function to track the target image object in the preview images:

      error_code = mv_image_track(imagedata.g_source, imagedata.g_image_track_model,
                                  imagedata.g_engine_config, _on_image_tracked_cb, NULL);
      if (error_code != MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE)
          dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code= %d", error_code);
    2. The mv_image_track() function invokes the _on_image_tracked_cb() callback.

      The following callback example prints the location of the target image object.

      static void
      _on_image_tracked_cb(mv_source_h source, mv_image_object_h image_object,
                           mv_engine_config_h engine_config, mv_quadrangle_s *location,
                           void *user_data)
          if (location) {
              dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "location: (%d,%d) -> (%d,%d) -> (%d,%d) -> (%d,%d)\n",
                         location->points[0].x, location->points[0].y,
                         location->points[1].x, location->points[1].y,
                         location->points[2].x, location->points[2].y,
                         location->points[3].x, location->points[3].y);
  3. After the image tracking is complete, stop the camera preview, unset the preview callback, and destroy the camera handle:

    error_code = camera_stop_preview(imagedata.g_camera);
    if (error_code != CAMERA_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    error_code = camera_unset_media_packet_preview_cb(imagedata.g_camera);
    if (error_code != CAMERA_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    error_code = camera_destroy(imagedata.g_camera);
    if (error_code != CAMERA_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);

    For more information, see Releasing Resources in the Camera guide.

  4. Destroy the source, engine configuration, image object, and image tracking model handles using the mv_destroy_source(), mv_destroy_engine_config(), mv_image_object_destroy(), and mv_image_tracking_model_destroy() functions:

    error_code = mv_destroy_source(imagedata.g_source);
    if (error_code != MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    error_code = mv_destroy_engine_config(imagedata.g_engine_config);
    if (error_code != MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    error_code = mv_image_object_destroy(imagedata.g_image_object);
    if (error_code != MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
    error_code = mv_image_tracking_model_destroy(imagedata.g_image_track_model);
    if (error_code != MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE)
        dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "error code = %d", error_code);
  • Dependencies
    • Tizen 3.0 and Higher for Mobile
    • Tizen 3.0 and Higher for Wearable