
The naviframe container manages many views by stacking them and displaying the topmost one. For more information, see the Naviframe API (in mobile and wearable applications).

Basic Usage

To build a layout with a naviframe:

  1. Add a naviframe with the elm_naviframe_add() function.

  2. Add an item (a view) and push it to the stack using the elm_naviframe_item_push() function. The function takes 6 parameters and returns a handler of the item.

    *elm_naviframe_item_push(Evas_Object *obj, const char *title, Evas_Object *prev_btn,
                             Evas_Object *next_btn, Evas_Object *content, const char *item_style);
    • In Tizen, the next_btn (fourth parameter) is not shown, so use NULL. The prev_btn (third parameter) is supported, but auto pushing is also supported since Tizen 2.4. As a result, use NULL for prev_btn too, and set the auto-pushed flag (about the prev_btn) to true (like below).

         Make prev_btn automatically,
         if multiple items are pushed (default: EINA_FALSE)
      elm_naviframe_prev_btn_auto_pushed_set(nf, EINA_TRUE);
    • The last parameter is the style of the naviframe item. In Tizen mobile, various item styles are provided:

      • If an item style supports text parts, fill the text parts with the elm_object_item_part_text_set() function:

        elm_object_item_part_text_set(nf_it, "subtitle", "subtitle");
      • If an item style supports swallow parts, fill the swallow parts with the elm_object_item_part_content_set() function:

        elm_object_item_part_content_set(nf_it, "title_left_btn", btn);
    • The default text part is the title, and the default swallow part is the main content area. You can fill these parts with the elm_naviframe_item_push() function as well.

  3. Repeat step 2 for each view you have. You can pop and delete the topmost view during the process using the elm_naviframe_item_pop() function.

The following example shows a simple use case of the naviframe component in a mobile application.

Example: Naviframe use case


Evas_Object *nf;
Evas_Object *ly;
Evas_Object *tb;
Elm_Object_Item *nf_it;

/* Variables for naviframe item push */
const char *title_text = "Naviframe";
/* Recommended NULL, replace with elm_naviframe_prev_btn_auto_pushed_set() */
Evas_Object *prev_btn = NULL;
/* Recommended NULL */
Evas_Object *next_btn = NULL;
Evas_Object *empty_content = NULL;
const char *item_style_default = NULL;
const char *item_style_tabbar = "tabbar";

/* Starting right after the conformant the basic EFL UI layout code */
/* (win - conformant) */

nf = elm_naviframe_add(ad->conform);
elm_naviframe_prev_btn_auto_pushed_set(nf, EINA_TRUE); /* since Tizen 2.4 */
elm_object_content_set(ad->conform, nf);

/* Add a layout */
ly = elm_layout_add(nf);
elm_layout_theme_set(ly, "layout", "nocontents", "default");
elm_object_part_text_set(ly, "elm.text", "Naviframe Content Area");

/* Add a toolbar */
tb = elm_toolbar_add(nf);
elm_toolbar_shrink_mode_set(tb, ELM_TOOLBAR_SHRINK_EXPAND);
elm_toolbar_transverse_expanded_set(tb, EINA_TRUE);
elm_toolbar_item_append(tb, NULL, "Tab1", NULL, NULL);
elm_toolbar_item_append(tb, NULL, "Tab2", NULL, NULL);

/* Push a naviframe item (push 2 items in total to show the back button) */
elm_naviframe_item_push(nf, title_text, prev_btn, next_btn,
                        empty_content, item_style_default);

/* Push a naviframe item, set the style as "tabbar" and pass the layout as content */
nf_it = elm_naviframe_item_push(nf, title_text, prev_btn, next_btn, ly, item_style_tabbar);

/* Set the toolbar into the "tabbar" part of the naviframe item */
elm_object_item_part_content_set(nf_it, "tabbar", tb);

Item Styles

The following table lists the item styles available for Tizen mobile applications.

Table: Naviframe item styles

Style Sample Text part Swallow part Notes
default default default
default_part_explain1. Text part: default
2. Text part: subtitle
3. Swallow part: default
4. Swallow part: title_left_btn
5. Swallow part: title_right_btn
tabbar tabbar default
The tabbar_with_title style toolbar can be set into the tabbar part.tabbar_part_explain1. Text part: default
2. Text part: subtitle
3. Swallow part: default
4. Swallow part: title_left_btn
5. Swallow part: title_right_btn
6. Swallow part: tabbar
tabbar/notitle tabbar/notitle - default
The toolbar can be set into the tabbar part.tabbar_notitle_part_explain1. Swallow part: default
2. Swallow part: tabbar
tabbar/icon tabbar/icon default
The tabbar_with_title style toolbar with icons can be set into the tabbar part.tabbar_icon_part_explain1. Text part: default
2. Text part: subtitle
3. Swallow part: default
4. Swallow part: title_left_btn
5. Swallow part: title_right_btn
6. Swallow part: tabbar
tabbar/icon/notitle tabbar/icon/notitle - default
The toolbar with icons can be set into the tabbar part.tabbar_icon_notitle_part_explain1. Swallow part: default
2. Swallow part: tabbar


You can register callback functions connected to the following signals for a naviframe object.

Table: Naviframe callback signals

Signal Description event_info
transition,finished The transition has finished changing the view. NULL
title,transition,finished The title area transition has finished changing the state of the title. NULL
title,clicked The title area is clicked. NULL

The signal list in the API reference can be more extensive, but only the above signals are actually supported in Tizen.

Except as noted, this content is licensed under LGPLv2.1+.

  • Dependencies
    • Tizen 2.4 and Higher for Mobile
    • Tizen 2.3.1 and Higher for Wearable