Converting Projects for CLI

You can build a project, originally created with Tizen Studio, using the Command Line Interface (CLI). For more information on CLI, see Command Line Interface Commands.

Building a Tizen Studio Project on the CLI

To build a Tizen Studio project on the CLI, you must convert the project to a CLI project:

  1. In Tizen Studio, open the project you want to convert.

  2. Right-click the project and select Export to CLI Project.

    An info dialog appears, and the project_def.prop and build_def.prop files and the Build directory are created.

Tizen Studio and CLI differ in how they describe the project properties and build configuration. The CLI uses the project_def.prop file for the project properties and the build_def.prop file for the build configurations. During export, the project_def.prop, build_def.prop, and the makefiles are added to the converted CLI project automatically.

Figure: Project conversion

Project conversion

About the project_def.prop File

The project_def.prop file describes the project properties, such as project type and list of source files. When you edit the properties in the project_def.prop file to manipulate the build or packaging process, use the following characters:

  • “/” is a path separator character (in Windows®, Ubuntu, and macOS).
  • “\” is a multi-line character, which is used at the end of each line.
  • "\ " (backslash + space) is a space character, used in a path name that contains a space.
  • “#” is a comment character.

Table: Project properties

Property Value
APPNAME Application name, which must be given in lowercase letters.
For example: APPNAME = test
type Application type, which can be app, sharedLib, or staticLib.
For example: type = app
This is a readonly property; do not edit it.
profile Profile with a version.
For example: profile = mobile-2.3
USER_SRCS List of .c and .cpp source files in the current project.
The list can be used with wildcard characters: *.
If there are more than 2 files, a white-space character separator is used.
For example: USER_SRCS = src/*.c
USER_DEFS List of user-defined C files added to the compilation process.
The list must be used without the -D characters for the C compiler.
For example: USER_DEFS = ABC DEF
USER_UNDEFS List of user-defined C files excluded from the compilation process.
The list must be used without the -U characters for the C compiler.
USER_CPP_DEFS List of user-defined C++ files added to the compilation process.
The list must be used without the -D characters for the C++ compiler.
USER_CPP_UNDEFS List of user-defined C++ files excluded from the compilation process.
The list must be used without the -U characters for the C++ compiler.
USER_LIBS List of library paths added to the linking process.
The list must be used without the -l characters.
USER_OBJS List of the .o file paths added to the linking process.
An absolute path can be available.
USER_INC_DIRS List of reference paths for C and C++ compiling.
The list must be used without the -I characters.
For example: USER_INC_DIRS = inc
An absolute path can be available.
USER_INC_FILES List of .h file paths for C.
The list must be used without the -include characters. An absolute path can be available.
USER_CPP_INC_FILES List of .h file paths for C++.
The list must be used without the -include characters. An absolute path can be available.
USER_LIB_DIRS List of reference paths for the library linking.
The list must be used without the -L characters. An absolute path can be available.
USER_EDCS List of .edc file paths.
The list can be used with wildcard characters, such as *.
If there are more than 2 files, a white-space character separator is used.
For example: USER_EDCS = res/edje/*.edc
USER_EDCS_IMAGE_DIRS List of EDC reference paths for compiling, such as the -id option of Tizen Studio.
An absolute path can be available.
USER_EDCS_SOUND_DIRS List of EDC reference paths for compiling, such as the -sd option of Tizen Studio.
An absolute path can be available.
USER_EDCS_FONT_DIRS List of EDC reference paths for compiling, such as the -fd option of Tizen Studio.
An absolute path can be available.
USER_POS List of .po file paths.
The list can be used with wildcard characters, such as *.
If there are more than 2 files, a white-space character separator is used.
For example: USER_POS = res/po/*.po

About the build_def.prop File

The build_def.prop file describes some build configurations. You can run pre-build and post-build commands by describing the following properties.

Table: Build properties

Property Description
PREBUILD_COMMAND Shell command executed before the project build.
POSTBUILD_COMMAND Shell command executed after the project build.

In addition, you can use some environment variables to describe the pre- and post-build commands.

Table: Environment variables

Variable Description
PROJ_PATH Path of the project root directory
BUILD_CONFIG Build configuration: Debug or Release
BUILD_ARCH Architecture type: x86 or arm

For example:

# Adding pre/post build command to build_def.prop
PREBUILD_DESC = Creating the output directory
POSTBUILD_DESC = Clean up the temporary resources
  • Dependencies
    • Tizen Studio 1.0 and Higher