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(M) Application Store UI

This sample application demonstrates how to create a complex view.

(M) BasicCalculator

This sample application demonstrates how to create a calculator with basic mathematical operations using the Xamarin.Forms library.

(M) Calculator

This sample application demonstrates the regular calculator and the scientific calculator.
This sample follows the Portable Class Libraries (PCL) application model. It uses some of the Xamarin.Forms features such as XAML files for GUI, custom renderers for the image buttons, and subsystem ports using the dependency service.

In addition, there is similar web sample application.

(M) Clock [In progress]

This sample application demonstrates how to use the clock.

(M) Email UI

This sample application demonstrates how to configure the screen using a variety of objects.
(This sample only demonstrates how to create your UI application only, not the functionality of your application.)

(M) Gallery UI

This sample application demonstrates how to configure the screen using a variety of objects.
(This sample only demonstrates how to create your UI application only, not the functionality of your application.)

(M) Puzzle

This sample application demonstrates the basic UI sample application.

(M) Settings UI

This sample application demonstrates how to configure the screen using a variety of objects.
(This sample only demonstrates how to create your UI application only, not the functionality of your application.)


This sample application demonstrates how to configure the screen using a variety of objects.
It also shows how to compose the view using a scroller, a toolbar, and a drawer.
(This sample only demonstrates how to create your UI application only, not the functionality of your application.)

You can scroll this table.

(W) Calculator

This sample application demonstrates the regular calculator. This is using some Xamarin.Forms features such as XAML files for GUI and Custom Renderers for the image buttons.

In addition, there are similar native and web sample applications.

(W) ImageReader

This sample application demonstrates how to use an image in the Tizen .Net application. This application is based on the Xamarin sample application and is modified according to the Tizen Wearable UI using Tizen.Wearable.CircularUI.

For more information, see Xamarin.Forms.Images.

Network connection is required for DownloadImage.

To use network connection in an application,
you must have the following privileges:

  • http://tizen.org/privilege/internet
  • http://tizen.org/privilege/network.get

(W) RotaryTimer

This sample application demonstrates how to use Rotary Bezel.

In addition, there are similar native and web sample applications.

(W) SkiaSharp2DSample

This sample application demonstrates how to use SkiaSharp API in Tizen Xamarin.Forms applications.

  • Drawing Basics (DrawCircle)
  • SkiaSharp Path (DrawPath)
  • SkiaSharp Transforms (Translate, Scale, RotateDegrees)
This application uses SkiaSharp API.

(W) Tetris [In progress]

This sample application demonstrates how to create a Tetris game.

(W) XStopWatch

This sample application demonstrates how to use a stopwatch and how to create circular UI using Tizen.Wearable.CircularUI.

In addition, there is similar native sample application.

(W) XUIComponents

This sample application demonstrates how to use various kinds of Tizen Wearable UI controls using the Xamarin.Forms and Tizen.Wearable.CircularUI.

You can scroll this table.

(T) BasicCalculator

This sample application demonstrates how to create a calculator with basic mathematical operations using the Xamarin.Forms library.

(T) Music Player UI

This sample application demonstrates how to use ListViews and a TabbedPage to create intuitive and complex layouts on a TV.

(T) Stopwatch

This sample application demonstrates how to create an application that measures the amount of time taken for a task. This application is created using the Xamarin.Forms.

(T) Ball3D (OpenTK)

This sample application demonstrates how to draw a spherical 3D model, add texture to the model, and realize rotation of the model.

(T) CubeTexture (OpenTK)

This sample application demonstrates how to draw a 3D model (cube), realize rotation of the model, and add texture to the model.

It also demonstrates how the application implements two cubes independently drawn using two programs.

(T) CubeWithSkiaSharp (OpenTK)

This sample application demonstrates how to draw a text with SkiaSharp on the target memory, to generates 2D texture on the target memory block, and to shows 2D texture in the OpenTK app (drawing text on a rotating cube).

(T) Graffiti (OpenTK)

This sample application demonstrates how to respond to click events or button events and how to draw a dot or line at the corresponding position on the screen.

(T) Panorama360 (OpenTK)

This sample application demonstrates how to achieve 360-degree panorama effect.

(T) ParticleDynamic (OpenTK)

This sample application demonstrates how to implement a dynamic particle scenario.

(T) ScratchPaper (OpenTK)

This sample application demonstrates how to respond to click events or button events and how to draw corresponding textures at the corresponding position on the screen.

(T) Star (OpenTK)

This sample application demonstrates how to implement shaders loading, program creation, linking, vertex data loading, texture data loading, and other preliminary operations of drawing. It also demonstrates how to draw a multilateral graph (five-pointed star) with the DrawElements API.

(T) Triangle (OpenTK)

This sample application demonstrates how to implement shaders loading, program creation, linking, vertex data loading, texture data loading, and other preliminary operations of drawing. It also demonstrates how to implement a basic graph drawing (drawing triangles) with the DrawArrays API.

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